Update 3 for LIRA-SAPR 2024 R2

Last updated: October 7, 2024
  • Fixed bug: in adding hinges on the ends of structural elements.

  • When determining the storey skews, the calculation of the total seismic transverse force at the level of the storey under consideration (Pxy) is corrected.

  • Fixed bug: blocks of loads were lost when problems of previous versions were opened.

  • In the information window Parameters of section with cracks, the labels and the strain values on the diagrams and in the results table are matched.

  • For the dynamic load Three-component accelerogram, restored option to take account of the accumulated modal masses by three directions.

  • For steel bars, the algorithm for recognising the shape of the force diagram (pure bending) is refined.

  • For the problems of the system Integration of problems on DCL(C), the account of earthquake combinations in analysis of steel elements is corrected.

  • When calculating deflection diagrams in the FE solver, the coefficient to stiffness at the assemblage stages is considered correctly.

  • In analysis for types of pilot reinforcement (PR), the reserve factor for circular columns for which no reinforcement is required is clarified.

  • Removed restriction on the number of assemblage stages when the design model is imported from *.S2L file.

  • When analysis results are exported to a *.dxf file, restored option to transfer the colour palettes for mosaic plots of analysis results.

  • In the tables of forces for bars, the values at the ends of structural elements are corrected. The changes relate the case when local axes of elements included in the StE have different directions.

  • Updated dynamics module for earthquake analysis according to SNIP RT 22-07-2018 (building code of the Republic of Tajikistan).

  • Fixed: generation of text table of analysis results Principal and equivalent stresses by DCL.

  • For dynamic loads of Accelerogram and Response spectrum types, corrected option to save the list of parameters for the problems of previous versions.

  • Fixed encoding of KM tables on drawing sheets in AutoCAD versions 2021-2024.

  • For analysis results of metal beams and columns, restored option to generate the text tables Final Check and Final Selection.

  • For the Load cases input table, added check for correctness of user-defined formulas to summarize the load cases.

  • When calculating the soil resistance R, the soil properties for the ultimate limit state are clarified.

  • Fixed bug: possible difference between the analysis results for metal structures (percentage of section utilization) in analysis of the whole model and in local analysis of individual steel elements.

  • In the integrated problem obtained after the calculation by forces in the Problem Integration system, restored option to save the extended DCL table that includes loads from all the problems that should be merged.

  • In analysis of composite (steel & RC) columns, corrected diagnostics for the case when strength is provided by steel core and additional reinforcement is not required.

  • For the work in Direct3D hardware accelerated mode, an additional check to prevent possible failure of the graphics window when its size is reduced.

  • Updated dynamics module for earthquake analysis according to SN KR 20-02:2024 (Kyrgyzstan).

  • In the Report Book, now it is not possible to assign a documentation template to a folder that is located inside the template.

  • In the Copy elements dialog box, restored option to Pack coincident nodes.

  • Restored Undo/Redo options when the recalculation of subgrade moduli C1/C2 by soil model is cancelled .

  • Fixed bug in calculation of load-bearing capacity of a pile with account of earthquake load when the Reduce angle for Fd parameter is applied.

  • In the buckling analysis of a column by EN 1993-1-1:2005/AC:2009, the values of interaction coefficients in the case of small conditional column flexibility are clarified.

  • The influence of additional properties on the critical bending moment is clarified for the lateral-torsional buckling of a steel element.

  • Fixed bug in documenting structural blocks in the Report Book when the standard templates of trusses, frames, and slabs are applied.
  • For import of the IFC models:
    • enhanced option to recognize which floor belongs to which object;
    • enhanced algorithm for recognizing and converting objects into elements that are used in LIRA-CAD module, namely: columns, beams, walls, slabs.
  • For import from Autodesk Revit 2024:
    • Account of new options to create loads uniformly distributed over the area and transfer them from Revit 2024 to LIRA-CAD module 2024;
    • Fixed bug: incorrect slab geometry after importing Revit model with *.LiraKM format.
  • The Import Floor Plans dialog box:
    • by default, the section for columns made of reinforced concrete material is now shown as reinforced concrete section (previously metal section was shown);
    • enhanced algorithm for selecting the type of created object by layer name from *.dwg models;
    • enhanced generation of stairs and openings in slabs.
  • Fixed bug: in exporting model from LIRA-CAD module to *.SAF format.
  • Physical model
    • fixed bug: the load properties were copied incorrectly when the Obtain parameters tool is applied;
    • the user-defined colour of the loads is retained when the load is transferred to another load case;
    • enhanced generation of analytical model for single-flight staircases on the stair carriages;
    • enhanced generation of triangulation points in the support zone of the column located near the outer edge of the slab and near the holes created with the Shaft tool;
    • fixed: in some cases it was not possible to create a punching shear contour next to holes;
    • enhanced generation of holes in slabs that intersect with the shaft;
    • enhanced generation of openings in walls from ventilation ducts;
    • enhanced option to transfer openings between buildings;
    • fixed: opening was generated with dimensions different from user-defined ones;
    • improved conversion of objects Other to objects Partition;
    • fixed: when the objects with the specified Relocation from bottom level value are copied, these objects were created in new location but with wrong vertical relocation;
    • fixed: in the Ramp Cleanup tool, enhanced algorithm for trimming to ensure that the ramp and curved wall behave together;
    • fixed: presentation of the extra auxiliary points for elements with rotation angle of the cross-section;
    • improved Model Check tool: check for intersection of wall volumes is more correct;
    • optimized: reloading of the Project Structure in cases when the snow load is selected in the analytical view and you zoom, pan or rotate the model;
    • improved Convert Objects node: options to transform objects (Beam type into Ventilation duct type) more correctly;
    • improved node Symmetry of objects with respect to the plane / line: the symmetry plane can be used as a Hatching object.
  • Meshed model
    • new account of the storey level when generating the meshed model for the retaining wall (previously it was generated in the zero level of the project);
    • optimized algorithm for triangulation of plate elements;
    • fixed bug: rotation of cross-section in bars both in the meshed model and in VISOR module;
    • fixed bug: it was not possible to save user-defined design materials for concrete and reinforcing steel;
    • fixed bug: in transferring loads from LIRA-CAD module to VISOR module of the LIRA-FEM program.