Update 2 for LIRA-FEM 2024 R2

Last updated: May 24, 2024
  • Restored option: on the Results ribbon tab, buttons to display the mosaic plot for soil pressure Ry and Rz.
  • Fixed bug: a possible program failure when working with the Stiffness and materials dialog box in case a lot of steel sections (more than a thousand types of stiffnesses) are specified in the project.
  • Modified recognizing the class of steel cross-section of steel bar for EN 1993-1-1:2005/AC:2009, clarified tracing routine in case of earthquake loads.
  • In analysis of steel sections by DBN B.2.6-198:2014, new option to compute a column as a flexural element (depending on the set of design combinations).
  • Fixed bug: a possible program failure when the loads are copied from the current element to the selected element in problems with assemblage.
  • Modified presentation of perfectly rigid bodies (PRB) in assemblage problems. If the current assemblage stage contains elements in which nodes belong to PRBs, then all nodes of such PRBs will be displayed on the model (including nodes of elements that are not assembled).
  • In the input table for DCL, corrected undo/redo options for the specified combination coefficients.
  • In iterative calculation of subgrade modulus C1/C2 by the soil model, the width of settlement zone for bar elements is clarified.
  • Fixed bug in presentation of some dialog boxes in case of non-standard settings for custom scale of interface elements.
  • Restored option to generate the text tables with analysis results for reinforcement in *.txt and *.html formats.
  • For iterative FEs, restored mosaic plots of cross-sectional state by integration steps in problems with time history analysis.
  • In the Information about node window, fixed conversion of measurement units when acceleration for wind pulsation is displayed.
  • For problems with nonlinear stress-strain diagrams with a falling branch, the strength analysis for sections is clarified on the falling part of such diagram.
  • In the Reinforcement pattern dialog box, for the element type Bar, enhanced presentation of the cross-section display and information about the selected reinforcement.
  • Fixed bug: a possible program failure when creating hinges in a structural element that consists of only one FE.
  • Restored connection with the analysis results by DCL in case the DCL table is opened (without editing and saving) if more than one DCL table is defined.
  • Fixed bug in modifying the table of dynamic load cases when more than 50 dynamic load cases are defined in the table.
  • In the integrated problem obtained after analysis in the METEOR (Problem Integration) system by the DCL(c), corrected option to save the information on DCL coefficients for combinations that contain dynamics.
  • In analysis of steel bars by EN 1993-1-1:2005/AC:2009, fixed bug in calculation of interaction coefficients for buckling.
  • Fixed calculation for the rotation angle of a surface load created in VISOR module when such a load is transferred to LIRA-CAD module.
  • Fixed bug: a part of the model located below the Meshed model in the Project Structure window (new buildings created after generation of the meshed model) was not displayed. Also, when opening files from previous versions, this error could cause a situation where some data may be hidden (the reinforcement views in the Views window and the drawing sheets in the Sheets window).
  • Modified settings of the leader for reinforcement zones on the drawing, namely, the spacing of rebars is displayed under the leader line.
  • New option to copy the cages of transverse reinforcement on the view of slab reinforcement.
  • In the view for column reinforcement, for sectional elevation it is now possible to modify the pattern of transverse reinforcement manually (with the Move vertex command). At any time, you can return to the reinforcement pattern suggested by the program
  • Fixed bug: incorrect line Precast units in the schedule for reinforcement in shear wall.
  • Import of IFC models:
    • enhanced algorithm for generating openings in walls;
    • fixed bug: in the algorithm for generating storeys by slabs (all walls were placed at the 0.00 elevation);
    • enhanced algorithm for recognizing and converting objects into beams: sections are assigned correctly to such elements.
  • Export of IFC model, fixed bug: all vertical objects were located on the same storey
  • Enhanced algorithm for importing a model from DWG format (single file import technology), fixed bug in generating storeys that do not contain structural objects.
  • When working with nodes, the following bugs are fixed:
    • storey elevation is relocated when DWG files are imported;
    • when a line of a wall segment was projected onto a surface, the line was generated incorrectly;
    • the generated surface was not properly assigned to the storey;
    • no opening was generated in the floor slab.
  • Fixed bug: incorrect generation of the capitals’ contour taking into account the perimeter of the floor slab.
  • Fixed bug: in generating the foundation slabs and floor slabs using pre-defined closed polylines.
  • Fixed bug: when the model is transferred from LIRA-CAD module to VISOR module, the beam sections were rotated by 90 degrees.
  • Fixed bug: visualization of hinge support in elements.
  • When working with the Block tool, the following options are improved:
    • transferring properties via the Eye-drop properties tool;
    • visualization of objects that are added to the block.
  • Fixed bug: incorrect generation of loads of the same intensity in the Slab interpreted as load and Loads from space tools.