Eurocode 1. Actions on structures

LIRA-FEM* software supports a variety of national building codes, as well as European standards (Eurocodes) and national annexes to Eurocodes for Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Belarus.

* The new name of the 'LIRA-SAPR' software LIRA-FEM: Why?

Eurocode 1. Actions on structures

In LIRA-FEM (LIRA-SAPR), it is possible to automatically define the snow and wind loads according to the Eurocode:

  • SP RK EN 1991-1-3:2004/2011 - Action on building structures. Part 1-3. General actions. Snow loads
  • EN 1991-1-4:2005 - Action on building structures. Part 1-4. General actions. Wind actions
  • SP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2011 - Action on building structures. Part 1-4. General actions. Wind actions

To analyse a structure, loads should be applied to the design model. Either concentrated or distributed loads may be applied to the final elements of the design model. The values of the applied loads are defined by the engineer according to the design specification or certain regulatory documents. In some cases, the values of these loads are not defined directly in the normative documentation but are derived values that depend on many parameters (climatic region, ratio of structure dimensions, height of load application, cargo area, etc.). The LIRA-FEM program offers a number of helpful tools that can be used to specify such loads in accordance with Eurocode 1 and to simplify the analysis process.

1. Wind actions according to EN 1991-1-4:2005, NP 2.2.1 to SP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2011, NP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2011 (NTP RK 01-01-3.1(4.1)-2017)

Wind load parameters

Wind load parameters

In the LIRA-CAD (SAPFIR) module of the LIRA-FEM, it is possible to collect the wind loads according to certain regulatory standards. The load is determined according to the wind region, type of site, and specified coefficients. The non-uniform distribution of load over the height of the structure is taken into account.

There are several ways to apply wind loads:

Wind load at the ends of the floor slabs

Wind load at the ends of the floor slabs

1. At the ends of the floor slabs: linear loads are applied at the ends of the slabs from the load area of the storey.

Wind pressure on the side walls of the building

Wind pressure on the side walls of the building

2. Pressure or suction in space: the load is divided into active and passive pressure zones, applied to the end walls and side walls of the building by zones A, B, and C, and on the roof. The user could define the number of ranges over the height of the building in the wind load attributes, modify the load shape, and choose ranges where constant pressure is applied.

Example. Collecting the wind loads in the SAPFIR module

Example. Collecting the wind loads in the SAPFIR module

3. On bars: The loads are generated for each bar, taking into account the windage of the cross-section and the wind pressure at the start and end of the bar. The slope angle of the bar and the rotation angle of the section are taken into account.

Collecting the wind loads on the duopitch roof

Collecting the wind loads on the duopitch roof

Wind load can also be collected for flat roofs, gable roofs and shed roofs in accordance with SP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2017.

2. Snow mound according to NP 2.2.1 to SP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2017, NP to SP RK EN 1991-1-3:2005/2017

Example. How to define the snow mound

Example. How to define the snow mound

The size of the snow mound along the parapet on flat roofs is determined similarly to the wind load. The building code, snow area, parapet height, and load distribution coefficients should be selected. Then, specify the contour of the snow mound on the model.

3. Collecting the loads on bars

Collecting the loads on bars

Collecting the loads on bars

To collect loads on bars means to collect loads distributed across the area, from the surface or slab and redistribute it to beam system of arbitrary shape. Loads are collected based on FEA, taking account of the specified stiffness values. As a result, non-uniformly distributed linear loads on bars are generated.

List of Eurocode items implemented in LIRA-FEM (LIRA-CAD module)

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