Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results

Tools for evaluating properties and analysis results

Last updated: March 26, 2024
  • For problems with time history analysis, there is a new option to display mosaic plots of accelerations and velocities for all nodes of the model in the global or local coordinate system. It is also possible to view animation of acceleration and velocity changes in time.

Mosaic plots of acceleration and velocity for all nodes of the model for problems with time history analysis

Mosaic plots of acceleration and velocity for all nodes of the model for problems with time history analysis
  • For problems with time history analysis, the diagram of response spectrum is generated in the directions X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ on the basis of calculated accelerations for the certain node of the model.

Diagrams of change in displacement, acceleration as a function of time. Diagram of nodal response spectrum

Diagrams of change in displacement, acceleration as a function of time. Diagram of nodal response spectrum
  • For a node with a specified accelerogram, there is a new option to generate acceleration and response spectrum graphs as the sum of the specified graph and the graph obtained from the analysis results.

  • New option to select the presentation of mosaic plots for initial, final and relative values of nonlinear stiffnesses of plates and bars calculated as a result of the "NL Engineering 1" (iterative method for characteristic load case) and physically nonlinear analysis that simulates erection process ("Assemblage", "NL Engineering 2" (stepwise method for characteristic load case), "Progressive Collapse"). Mosaic plots of calculated final stiffnesses are added for 1-node and 2-node finite elements that simulate elastic springs with account of ultimate force (FE 251, 252, 255, 256, 261, 262, 265, 266) and nonlinear elastic springs (FE 295, 296).

Initial, final and relative values of the bending stiffness of plates along the unified local X1-axes

Initial, final and relative values of the bending stiffness of plates along the unified local X1-axes
  • For physically nonlinear problems with iterative solids, there are options to view, evaluate and prepare documentation for the calculated parameters of the stress-strain state. In the "Section (state)" window, the following analysis results for the certain iterative solid are presented:

    • mosaic plot of normal stress in the main material /reinforcement of the solid;
    • mosaic plot of nominal strain in the main material /reinforcement of the solid;
    • mosaic plot of tangential stress τxy/ τxz/ τyz in the main material of the solid;
    • mosaic plot of nominal strain γxy/ γxz/ γyz in the main material of the solid.

Evaluation of the stress state of the main material and reinforcement in a physically nonlinear iterative solid

Evaluation of the stress state of the main material and reinforcement in a physically nonlinear iterative solid
  • New modes for mosaic plots are implemented to evaluate the soil pressure:

    • Mosaic plot of soil pressure Rz (per r.m.) (N/m);
    • Mosaic plot of soil pressure Ry (per r.m.) (N/m);
    • Mosaic plot of soil pressure Rz/Bc (N/m^2);
    • Mosaic plot of soil pressure Ry/Hc (N/m^2).


    Bc - width of settlement zone, dimension parallel to the Y1-axis of the bar (m);
    Hc - width of settlement zone, dimension parallel to the Z1-axis of the bar (m)