Meshed Model

Groups of mass redistribution

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:16
  • A new option to define a set of mass redistribution groups in the elements of design model for dynamic analysis (for each spectral dynamic load case and for time history analysis). Mass redistribution is used to shift the centres of mass in plan by a specified value.

Groups of mass redistribution in the elements

Groups of mass redistribution in the elements

Data for earthquake analysis

Last updated: Jan 26, 2024 11:08:22
  • A new option to assign the damping ratio to individual elements of the model for each dynamic load case. These damping ratios are used in earthquake analysis for real one-component accelerogram (27), real three-component accelerogram (29), response-spectrum (41), three-component response-spectrum (64) to account for damping.

  • In earthquake analysis by a real one-component accelerogram (27) and a real three-component accelerogram (29), it is now possible to define the maximum calculated damping ratio.

  • New option to correct the spectrum according to the damping ratio computed in earthquake analysis by the response spectrum (41) and the three-component response spectrum (64). 


When the spectrum is corrected according to the computed damping ratio, the user-defined response spectrum is generated for a damping ratio 0.05 (5%).

  • When the data for earthquake analysis is defined according to AzDTN 2.3-1 2010 with amendments of Jan 01, 2014 (Azerbaijan - module 50), it is now possible to define the coefficient of nonlinear deformation of soil Kq.

New types of perfectly rigid body (PRB)

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:16
  • New types of perfectly rigid bodies (PRBs) are added along the directions for degrees of freedom (DOF) in the system: 

    • All degrees of freedom;
    • X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ;
    • Z, UX, UY; 
    • Y, UX, UZ;
    • X, UY, UZ; 
    • X, Y, UZ; 
    • X, Z, UY; 
    • Y, Z, UX; 
    • X, Y, UX, UY, UZ; 
    • X, Z, UX, UY, UZ; 
    • Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ.


Before the LIRA-SAPR 2024 R1 version of the structural analysis program, the PRB was only of type 1, "All degrees of freedom". This indicated that the slave and master nodes were connected by the same warping values (model type 6), with the exception of the kinematic restraints between X, Y, Z, UX, UY, and UZ.

Types of PRB

Types of PRB

Modifying of DCL forces

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:15
  • A new option to modify DCL forces and stresses for bars and plates according to a set of rules:

    • 0 - all values of the selected forces are replaced with zero values; 
    • ZERO - values of selected forces, the absolute value of which is less than defined parameter e, are replaced with zero values;
    • FACTOR - all force values for the selected elements are multiplied by the specified parameter k;
    • AFORM - the diagram of values for the selected forces is transformed to rectangular at the bottom and trapezoidal at the top;
    • LFORM - the diagram of values for the selected forces is transformed to trapezoidal at the bottom and rectangular at the top;
    • HFORM - the value at the beginning of the selected force diagram is multiplied by the value of the parameter beg, at the end of the diagram - by the value of the parameter end, other values of the diagram - by the values of the parameter mid.

With the help of this set, it is possible to calculate a single DCL table by considering the rules for modifying the forces for the analysis of plastic walls and assigning responsibility coefficients to every element in the model. In terms of the minimum load-bearing capability of certain structures, it is also quite a flexible tool for putting the provisions of various building codes into practice.


The forces are corrected in the design sections of the elements that are used in the design procedure.

Modifying the forces after analysis

Modifying the forces after analysis
Example. How to modify the forces for analysis of plastic wall

Example. How to modify the forces for analysis of plastic wall

Options to generate and modify design model

Last updated: March 26, 2024
  • A new type of title block is available for drawings:

New type of the Title block

New type of the Title block
  • Options to add new rows and columns for the Table tool.

  • In the pile schedule table in the "Group" mode, there is an option to compare and differ piles by length.

Further improvements related to the generation and modification of design model

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:16
  • When offsets for bars are added, it is possible to consider the angle of pure rotation. 

To consider the angle of pure rotation when offsets for bars are added

To consider the angle of pure rotation when offsets for bars are added
  • When the elements are copied or moved by two nodes, either by rotation or symmetrically (mirror copy), there is an option that allows you to rotate the local axes of the bars and assign the calculated angle of pure rotation. The specified sections of bars, loads in the local coordinate system, and offsets in bars are oriented according to the new location of the local axes.
Option to copy with moving by rotating the local axes of bars and without rotating the local axes of bars

Option to copy with moving by rotating the local axes of bars and without rotating the local axes of bars
  • It is possible to copy selected properties for load cases: type of load case, subproblems, type of dynamics, account of static load cases (mass accumulation for dynamic analysis), selective account of masses in elements, groups of mass redistribution in elements, eccentricities of mass application. It is also possible to copy the values of increasing factors fvk and damping ratios ksi for earthquake load cases. 

Copying properties of the load case

Copying properties of the load case
  • For the list of material properties of reinforced concrete structures (type/concrete/reinforcement) and masonry reinforcing structures (masonry/reinforcement/strengthening), there are new options: 1) to find in the list the data assigned to the elements selected on the design model, and 2) to find on the design model the elements with the data highlighted in the list. 

  • A new option "Ignore parameters of filters" that allows you to temporarily disable the reaction to the set filters (selection criteria) in the "Polyfilter" dialog box.

  • Added option to edit the angle of deflection for adjacent bars; for this angle, it is allowed to combine the bars into one structural element (default 2.3°). Now, if the user specifies a larger deflection angle, it will be possible to combine curved elements of beams or columns into a single StE.

Setting the allowed deflection angle of adjacent bars when combining them into structural elements

Setting the allowed deflection angle of adjacent bars when combining them into structural elements
  • Option to customise the hotkeys and add corresponding commands to user-defined toolbars now applies to all flags of drawing (options for setting parameters for presentation of design model and information on it), as well as, mosaic plots of assembled and disassembled elements.

  • Option to select groups of structural elements, unified groups, unified groups of structural elements and structural blocks with the selection window. 

  • For bars, a new option to display section types and geometric properties on the model.

  • A new command that allows you to change the restraints at selected nodes.

  • The number of colours may be defined for the discrete colour palette (the palette is evenly divided within the extreme values) and to the colour palette by values (each division corresponds to a unique value of the mosaic plot of the displayed parameter).

  • The specified graphs of dynamic loads at nodes (seismograms, piecewise linear (polyline) load with uniform step, accelerograms in relative units) may be presented with account of specified coefficient to load/conversion coefficient of relative units to acceleration units.

  • When you define the data to compute the load at the specified nodes of the design model from its remaining part (load on the fragment), there is a new option to exclude nodes that do not belong to the elements of the fragment from the analysis.

  • The super-elements may be automatically snapped to the main model, in case super-elements were moved from a subdirectory to the directory with the main model.

  • When you define the default parameters for the new problems and new design options, it is now possible not to delete incomplete or conflicting data for reinforced concrete and steel analysis before analysis procedure.

How to customise the default parameters when creating new problems and new design options

How to customise the default parameters when creating new problems and new design options
  • Modified and extended with new commands the panels of the ribbon interface, as well as the menus and toolbars of the classic interface.