Introduction to  LIRA-FEM  Capabilities

A collection of step-by-step examples demonstrating key features of LIRA-FEM, including model creation, analysis, and structural design.

This section contains examples that introduce users to the core capabilities of the LIRA-FEM software. Each example is accompanied by step-by-step instructions explaining every aspect of the procedure. It covers model creation, analysis of calculation results, and the design of reinforced concrete (RC) and steel structures. All examples include essential comments that clarify the specifics of the input data and the applied calculation algorithms.

Image Description

Analysis of cylindrical tank

In this lesson, you will learn how to create a design model for a cylindrical tank with a bottom plate, define loads from dead weight and liquid weight, use a local coordinate system for nodes, and...

Evaluate the software

If you have any doubt, download the Demo version and evaluate the program or contact our Support Team for more details.

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