- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
Accounting for orthotropy
New check and limitation on the specified parameters for orthotropy stiffness. The stiffness should be positive:
for plate FEs ν12 ≥ 0, ν21 ≥ 0, ν12*ν21 < 1;
for solids ν12 ≥ 0, ν21 ≥ 0, ν13 ≥ 0, ν31 ≥ 0, ν23 ≥ 0, ν32 ≥ 0,
ν12*ν21 + ν23*(ν12*ν31 + ν32) + ν13*(ν21*ν32 + ν31) < 1
Conditions that the matrix of physical constants for orthotropy is positively definite:
for plate FEs E1*E2 > (0.5*(E1*ν12+E2*ν21))^2;
for solids
E1*E2*(1-ν23*ν32)*(1-ν13*ν31) > (0.5*(E1*(ν12+ν13*ν32)+E2*(ν21+ν31*ν23)))^2
E1*E3*(1-ν23*ν32)*(1-ν12*ν32) > (0.5*(E1*(ν13+ν12*ν23)+E3*(ν31+ν21*ν32)))^2
E2*E3*(1-ν13*ν31)*(1-ν12*ν32) > (0.5*(E2*(ν23+ν13*ν21)+E3*(ν32+ν12*ν31)))^2