Options to generate drawings

Last updated: March 24, 2024
  • New option to define the nonuniform load in arbitrary directions on a group of nodes/bars/plates; this option will be useful in specifying load from snow mound, nonuniform load on walls from soil pressure, etc.

How to define the trapezoidal load along the vector on a group of plates

How to define the trapezoidal load along the vector on a group of plates
  • New option to move selected nodes to a specified node, to a specified line or to the axis of a chain of bars. This tool will be useful, for example, when correcting the triangulation of a network with plane FEs. It is also useful when models are imported with some deviation of bars from vertical or horizontal.

How to move the selected nodes to the specified straight line

How to move the selected nodes to the specified straight line
  • New option: offsets for selected bars will be generated in the selected nodes.

  • New options to visualize centres of forces according to calculated coordinates and load vectors according to calculated total loads, loads on fragment, inertial loads and weights of masses.

Visualization of force centres and load vectors

Visualization of force centres and load vectors
  • New mode in which only model elements with assigned stiffness types / materials / types of pilot reinforcement (PR) highlighted in the corresponding lists will be displayed / fragmented. The fragmentation command may be applied to the whole model and to the current model fragment.

Presentation / fragmentation of elements with parameters highlighted in the list
  • For all types of loads (except for loads in time history analysis), it is possible to edit loads in groups. The user could modify the group of loads highlighted in the list. Only load parameters (values, snaps, etc.) may be modified. Load type, coordinate system, direction of load are not modified.

  • New option to edit in groups the nonlinear stiffnesses for standard types of sections, plates, solids and stiffness of joint; option to edit in groups the linear stiffnesses and linear stiffnesses with modified values of stiffness properties (editable stiffnesses).


    If several stiffnesses of the same type are highlighted in the list, you can edit them as a group. In this case, the input fields of the dialog box will contain only values that are the same for all stiffnesses in the group. When values of parameter (visible or hidden) are modified, they will be assigned to each of the stiffnesses in the group. When you modify the linear, editable, nonlinear stiffnesses (in any combination) in groups, it is not possible to modify parameters of editable and nonlinear stiffnesses.

  • In the "Convert results to loads" dialog box, new option "Separate loads on fragment by load cases". When this option is selected, the calculated loads on the fragment (foundation) for each load case are converted into nodal loads and applied to the nodes in the initial load cases. In this case, new load cases are not created.

  • It is allowed to create punching shear contours when the lower node of column (punching node) is below the slab and when the upper node of column (punching node) is above the slab.