- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
BIM Technology
IFC improvements
A major improvement that offers more precise and adaptable parameter settings when importing IFC files is included in the latest release. As a result, users now have the ability to establish more detailed relationships between parameters of an IFC object and parameters of objects in the LIRA-CAD module. Each particular kind of object can have this customization applied; it helps with more precise and customized data import.
The following key changes and improvements should be noted:
Parameters of IFC objects: Now, when importing an IFC file, users can customize parameters of the IFC objects so that they correspond to parameters of objects in the LIRA-CAD module. This makes it possible for the two systems to match data more precisely and facilitates a quicker import procedure.
Matching for materials and cross-sections: A new option to match materials and cross-sections in elements is added for more in-depth modelling and evaluation. When importing data from IFC, this helps the user determine the element properties more precisely.
Assign properties to structural elements: Now you can assign properties to structural elements. Then, such elements are imported to LIRA-CAD either with all properties or with selected ones. This makes it possible to fill the model with the necessary information in LIRA-CAD module.
Filters for objects: New functionality enables the user to filter objects based on the parameters used in IFC objects. This makes it easier to find objects that have a certain set of parameters.
Export of elements with built-up sections: This feature expands the possibilities for platform and system integration by enabling the export of elements with built-up sections to IFC.
Check the model after import: When the building information model is imported and the frame structure is created, a check for possible errors is made for the entire model. The inaccuracies are subsequently corrected in an automated procedure.
These updates make working with IFC files much more accurate and flexible. They also make it easier to integrate IFC with the LIRA-CAD module, which in turn helps to design building structures more precisely and efficiently.
DWG export/import improvements
The tool for import of DWG file is greatly modified in the latest version of LIRA-CAD module, providing a number of new and enhanced features. With the help of this innovative tool, the user can generate new objects unique to LIRA-CAD and more precisely modify settings during the import procedure.
Important aspects in the new version:
Import as a block of underlays: Several floor plans can now be included in a single DWG drawing. In order to accomplish this, specify an elevation or list of elevations for each plan and a base point; the plans will be aligned along the height relative to this point. When the data is imported, several floors are generated, and the plans are placed on top of each other.
Create new object types: In this version of the program new object types are added, such as main and additional reinforcement in slabs, opening in load, opening in space, thickening in slab and foundation slab, line segment, arc, polyline, and spline. This makes it easy to transform the location of reinforcement in slabs, get drawings in the LIRA-CAD module, and get the reserve factor of a pilot reinforcement (PR).
Use hatching as a basis to generate the building objects: You can now import hatchings from DWG files, it enables you to generate more complex structural objects, loads, spaces, and other elements of the framework.
Import 3D polylines: Import of 3D polylines is supported; it enables the user to create objects of complex configuration in the model space.
Enhanced work with floors: It is now possible to work with each floor independently and define parameters (thickness, section, materials, etc.) for objects on each floor so as to improve flexibility and accuracy of modelling.
Save settings to templates: New option to save parameters of objects to templates and save the template to a separate file. This option makes it simpler to share a customised preset data with coworkers, reuse settings, and standardise projects.
Model validation: After the import process and when the framework of the structure is generated, the model is validated for possible errors and inaccuracies that may occur during the generation of the building information model.
The LIRA-CAD model is now much more flexible, accurate, and productive thanks to these upgrades, which also greatly enhance the modelling and import procedures. This leads to better and more effective design of engineering structures.
Generator improvements
A new technology for dynamic link with DWG files is introduced. All of the model and storey data may be specified in a single file, which makes it more easier to coordinate the project and make modifications, and it also reduces the possibility of errors when working with several files.
To create both main and additional reinforcement zones in floor slabs and foundation slabs, new tools have been developed. So, it will be simpler to move a design option from a 2D drawing to a 3D model of the project.
Improved nodes for IFC import are a significant factor that helps make structural items specified in IFC files easier to understand, even when their geometry is distorted.
For the nodes, it is possible to define the linear and surface loads in the model. The intensity of these loads vary. Because of this, you can more precisely simulate design models and more accurately describe the actual behaviour of the building.
New parameters are introduced for the surface load; triangulation of slabs and walls depends on these parameters.
Using pre-defined shapes, such as polylines or underlays, is not the only way to create openings. The perimeters of the current structural elements, such as the beams, slabs, and columns, may also serve as a basis. Using the dimensions and shapes of the existing objects, this approach generates openings more quickly and accurately. This method eliminates the unnecessary step of drawing individual contours for every opening, considerably accelerates the modelling process, and improves design correctness and efficiency.
Autodesk Revit Plug-in improvements
The new version of LIRA-SAPR 2024 software provides extended functionality for two-way integration with Autodesk Revit. For engineers and architects, a lot of things have been significantly improved.
Tekla Structures Plug-in improvements
This made it possible for engineers to analyse and design metal and reinforced concrete structures more quickly and effectively by integrating data and models between Tekla Structures 2023 and the LIRA-FEM program.
Rhino (Grasshopper) Plug-in improvements
To work in the Rhino 8 (Grasshopper) environment, the LIRA-CAD 2024 plug-in was modified. It allows geometry to be transferred from Grasshopper to the LIRA-CAD module natively. A two-way integration between Rhino 8 (Grasshopper) and the LIRA-CAD module is developed in this version of the program.
Model update improvements
The "feedback" options between the project's design model (VISOR) and analytical model (LIRA-CAD) have been improved. The LIRA-CAD module can now receive updates to cross-sections of elements that were modified in the VISOR module in addition to the results of strength analysis and analysis of reinforcement
If the stress-strain state of the structure is evaluated and it is necessary to relocate columns or modify the cross-sections of certain elements, then such modifications may be transferred from the VISOR module to the LIRA-CAD module with a single click. So the changes will be automatically applied to the LIRA-CAD physical model, which reduces the errors in case the model is updated manually and provides additional time for decision-making and modelling alternatives.
Improvements in API and input tables
Enhanced automation tools for model generation and access to analysis results.
New input tables to define and modify coordinate axes, height elevations, structural blocks, materials for reinforced concrete, composite (steel and reinforced concrete), masonry reinforcing, and steel and aluminium structures are added. New parameters are added to input tables for perfectly rigid bodies, offsets for bars, forces for bars, and subgrade moduli C1 and C2 for plates and bars.