- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
Components of BIM technology
Added option: to match coordinates of object snap by X, Y, Z and rotation angle of the structures relative to true north.
Fixed bug: related to wall cleanup after IFC import.
Fixed bug: when importing IFC files, option to recognise objects of IfcStair type and convert them into stairs objects.
Fixed bug: after importing IFC files, displacement of grid lines relative to the working plane on the storey.
When importing an IFC for elements in which the material name "Steel" is used, the matching with the Steel Structures material is performed.
When importing an IFC, the line "Material not defined" is displayed for elements that do not have a material defined in the IFC file so that a matching to LIRA-CAD material can be done.
Enhanced option: to recognize the openings in slabs when importing IFC files.
Fixed bug: in option to interpret elements when importing IFC files.
Fixed bug: in saving the import settings for the IFC file when Ukrainian, English and Polish languages are selected.
For models from Tekla, as well as LiraKM and IFC files, model objects are matched by the Guid property.
Fixed bug: in generation of inclined slabs when importing the model from LiraKM file.
Improved algorithm for slab recognition when importing DXF/DWG underlays through nodes.
New button in the LIRA-CAD (Generator) window to activate the Update underlay dialog box for simultaneous updating of several import nodes at once.
Restored option: to create an opening in the load for the Load_S node (creating the surface loads on slab)