Improvements to the "Soil" system

Last updated: March 26, 2024
  • New method for calculation of subgrade modulus (Method 6); it is based on experimental data on the velocities of elastic wave propagation in soil layers located below the foundation base. The method is implemented according to NTP RK 08-01.2-2021. For the details, see the Knowledge Base.

How to define parameters and evaluate results for calculation of subgrade moduli by Method 6 (NTP RK 08-01.2-2021)

How to define parameters and evaluate results for calculation of subgrade moduli by Method 6 (NTP RK 08-01.2-2021)
  • New calculation of the bearing capacity of piles with account of earthquake loads according to Section 11* of SP RK 5.01-103-2013 (rev. 2021).

Parameters for account of earthquake load in analysis of bearing capacity of pile (SP RK 5.01-103-2013)

Parameters for account of earthquake load in analysis of bearing capacity of pile (SP RK 5.01-103-2013)
  • Added input data and algorithm for analysis of piles "Electric power line supports".

  • Enhanced calculation of bored and drilled piles with bells in sandy soils:

    • If a pile with a bell cuts through a sandy soil layer, then a region of the side surface of the pile with zero soil resistance may appear above the bell. In the previous version, it was assumed that this area always appears when the pile cuts through the sandy soil. In the new version, this region appears only when the sandy soil is located above the pile bell within the height of an imaginary cone made by a line that touches the surface of the pile bell at an angle of φI / 2 to the pile axis. (φI is the angle of internal friction of the soil.)
    • When the height of this cone is calculated according to SP RK 5.01-103-2013 for the "spherical" shape of the pile bell, if dh < (db-D)/2 is specified, then now dh=(db-D)/2 will be accepted in the calculation.
  • Optimised function for splitting the imported loads into load subgroups (required for correct determination of the design resistance of the soil R for individual foundations, see for details).

  • For specific soils (expansive/swelling soils), the shrinkage zone Hsh (defined in the load parameters) is now always measured from the relief surface (more precisely, from the starting point of the diagram for the soil dead weight, i.e. if the "Account of soil weight above elevation of load application" check box is selected, then Hsh will be measured from the relief surface). Thus, if the shrinkage zone Hsh =5m and the foundation depth is 2m, then the shrinkage depth from drying of the expansive/swelling soil will be only 3m and only from the total stresses under the foundation base. And if the specified Hsh is less than the foundation depth, the settlement from the deformation at drying out of the swelling soil will be equal to zero. A detailed description of this calculation is available in the Knowledge Base.

  • In all tabs of specific soils in the "Soil Properties" table, it is possible to arrange the P values (pressure) and nominal strain in ascending order. To avoid confusion in the calculation, you should always try to set this data in ascending order.

  • If the swell shrinkage parameters (pressure-shrinkage) were specified with a single row (i.e., without the row 0=0), then linear interpolation is used to determine the pressure-shrinkage parameters from zero up to the specified values. If the active pressure exceeds the user-specified pressure, the last (user-defined) value is then considered a constant. Previously, for all shrinkage values from zero (including zero stresses), the single defined row shrinkage-pressure was assumed to be constant.

  • When there is an overlap of loads with the "Results" attribute:

    • in the "Results at Point" dialog box, the results for the top load will be displayed.
    • in case there are piles, the elevation of the pile head is considered as the elevation of the load.

  • "Results at point" dialog box. When generating diagrams and dimensions, the contrast colour is determined automatically depending on the background colour defined by the user in the input data.

Results at point

Results at point
  • A "Geometric properties" buttons are added to the "Soil" ribbon tab on the "Tools" panel. You can use these buttons to measure distances, angles and areas in the SOIL system (the last option on the submenu, "For selected elements" enables you to calculate the areas of selected loads).