- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
LIRA-FEM 2024 R1 Update 1
Refined calculation of the stress-strain state in iterative nonlinear solids with the specified concrete and reinforcing materials.
Fixed bug: possible failure of the program when the boreholes were added.
Fixed bug: possible failure of the program when a design model that contains PRB was exported to a *.sli file.
Modified settings: measurement units for mosaic plots of pile pressure on soil.
Modified mosaic plots: the output data for individual check of steel beams with a channel cross-section.
Modified visualization: rotation of metal cross-sections.
Restored speed of pile calculation by the model of equivalent pile foundation.
Modified encoding for some characters in the temperature distribution table generated in *.csv format.
Fixed bug: the warning messages were duplicated when the standard stiffness types were modified in group.
The "METEOR" system (Problem Integration): modified values of combination coefficients for the "Inactive" load type.
Restored option to open the nonlinear stress-strain diagrams for materials from the *.nll file.
For super-element problems, modified analysis and output of reinforcement for RC bars.
Modified selection of steel box cross-sections; clarified check for local buckling.
Fixed bug: may occur in check of deflections for steel beams calculated according to SP RK EN 1993-1-1:2005/2011.
In the analysis results of DCL(c), clarified DCL numbers displayed in standard tables.
Fixed bug: the behaviour of the "Copy Loads" dialog box when the Enter key is pressed.
Improvements in IFC import
Fixed bug: beam geometry was transmitted incorrectly.
Import of inclined slabs is enhanced.
For columns/beams with a steel cross-section, the "Steel Column/Beam" object is created and the "Steel Structures" material is automatically assigned.
Fixed bug: zero-length lines appeared in a project when the axes were imported.
Fixed bug: in changing the size of openings; it occurred when the model was saved for IfcDoor and IfcWindow object types.
Improved option to create the storeys by grid lines and/or slabs if storeys are not defined in the IFC file.
The work with the "Import IFC - Settings" dialog box is improved:
Fixed bug: the dialog box was closed when you switched to the "Materials" tab.
For objects that do not have an assigned material, on the "Materials" tab, the "not defined" line is now displayed and a default material may be assigned to such objects.
Added parameters for the "Geometric location of the site": X, Y, Z coordinates (m) and rotation angle (°).
Import KM: Fixed bug in creating an inclined slab in the physical model.
Import DWG: For objects generated along a closed contour, there is a new option to close the contour segment if the contour was broken in the original model.
Export IFC: Added option to export columns and capitals.
Updated plugin for Rhino 7 and Rhino 8.
Fixed bug: when the surface load is generated in the Node, the openings located inside the load were lost.
Enhanced tool for converting "Other" objects into a "Column" structural object.
Restored option to assign design parameters to steel elements when preparing a model.
Enhanced algorithm for uniting slabs with different thicknesses. When the command is activated, a new slab with thickenings is created.
New option to view links between loads and other objects.
Modified algorithm for generating a perfectly rigid body (PRB) between the column and wall objects.
Fixed bug: when an analytical contour above a wall was modified, the contour became an opening.
Fixed bug: in the "Parameters of Analytical Model" dialog box for stairs, restored option to assign a support to an asymmetrical part of a staircase if the "Symmetry of boundary conditions" option was enabled.
Fixed bug: when an opening was added to a slab, additional triangulation lines were not transmitted to the design model.
The "Eye-Drop Properties" tool is improved.
Fixed bug: properties assigned to piles were lost when a project file was saved or opened.
Fixed bug: incorrect functionality of the "Undo" command after the "Fill pattern for opening" command was activated.
Enhanced option to create a contour by segments (mode).
Fixed bug: (when copying a wall with assigned bar analogues) the stiffnesses of the bar analogues were duplicated in the VISOR graphical environment.
Fixed bug: in copying triangulation lines and points on the slab.
Fixed bug: when trusses were copied, the design parameters assigned to elements disappeared.
Fixed bug: the load on slabs was applied by a space that does not intersect them.
Fixed bug: in the properties of partitions, the assigned load cases were not saved when the meshed model was generated.
When bar analogues are created for walls with openings, the local Z1-axis is now oriented in the plane of the wall.
Fixed bug: tolerance parameters were duplicated in properties of the project.