- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
Components of BIM technology
Added option: to match coordinates of object snap by X, Y, Z and rotation angle of the structures relative to true north.
Fixed bug: related to wall cleanup after IFC import.
Fixed bug: when importing IFC files, option to recognise objects of IfcStair type and convert them into stairs objects.
Fixed bug: after importing IFC files, displacement of grid lines relative to the working plane on the storey.
When importing an IFC for elements in which the material name "Steel" is used, the matching with the Steel Structures material is performed.
When importing an IFC, the line "Material not defined" is displayed for elements that do not have a material defined in the IFC file so that a matching to LIRA-CAD material can be done.
Enhanced option: to recognize the openings in slabs when importing IFC files.
Fixed bug: in option to interpret elements when importing IFC files.
Fixed bug: in saving the import settings for the IFC file when Ukrainian, English and Polish languages are selected.
For models from Tekla, as well as LiraKM and IFC files, model objects are matched by the Guid property.
Fixed bug: in generation of inclined slabs when importing the model from LiraKM file.
Improved algorithm for slab recognition when importing DXF/DWG underlays through nodes.
New button in the LIRA-CAD (Generator) window to activate the Update underlay dialog box for simultaneous updating of several import nodes at once.
Restored option: to create an opening in the load for the Load_S node (creating the surface loads on slab)
Options to generate and modify the model
In the "Truss parameters" dialog box, there is a new way of dividing the bottom and top chord of the truss taking into account the location of the web. There is also a new parameter: "STC function". This parameter allows you to display the functional purpose of the truss element when the truss is exploded. It will also be displayed in the steel table.
In the "Retaining wall" element, a new type of alignment for the analytical model (Left) is added. Also the "Arbitrary snap" option is added to the "Level snap" parameter.
Fixed bug: the stairs did not reach the wall horizontally.
Fixed bug: in selecting "Other" elements when using the "Select Up" command.
Improved "Cancel" tool: fixed bug when properties are assigned to objects.
The "Design options" dialog box is enhanced. If several design options with completely identical input data are specified in the dialog box, the program will check and display a warning about it.
Enhanced algorithm for assigning more than one type of pilot reinforcement (PR) to columns.
Modified and improved algorithms for finding intersections of objects:
Corrected function: determining the interposition for a rib of a beam side surface and a rectangle of column surface. In some cases, unnecessary intersections were created.
In the functions of intersection between real volumes, the search parameter assigned to elements is used. Until now, in some cases it was taken from the settings for the meshed model and the setting assigned to elements was ignored.
Fixed for plates. The "Real volumes" worked only if they were assigned to both elements, otherwise the simplified method "By axial lines and volumes" was applied. Now if a "Real volumes" intersection option is defined for either of the two elements, this option will be applied.
Corrected algorithm for intersection of surfaces. Fixed bug: creation of unnecessary PRBs. So, in some cases it was not possible to transfer the model to LIRA-FEM.
Fixed bug: visual isolation of Shafts in the analytical presentation of the model. When activating the "Current storey" command, the shafts were displayed on all storeys.
New option to define the input data for the dynamics module (32) of SNRA 20.04-2020, Republic of Armenia.
Optimised process of load application to the object: fixed bug when the concentrated load applied to the column was not applied to the object in the meshed model.
L and R search parameters are added for wall, column, beam and slab objects with the "Load" interpretation.
Enhanced mode for visualisation of the current storey for space loads in the physical and analytical presentation of the model.
Fixed bug: incorrect designation for direction of the "Soil pressure" in the architectural and meshed models.
Clarified option to transfer the uniformly distributed loads on bars when the "By whole finite element" option is selected.
Added option: to define multiple special loads for elements rather than one as in previous releases of the program.
Enhanced algorithm for distribution of dead weight of elements to different load cases. Unlike previous versions, when the load from dead weight could only be placed into a duplicate dead weight load case, it is now possible to place the load from dead weight into any load case.
In the "Create new meshed model" dialog box, there is a new command that allows you to customize parameters of a new meshed model. The previously specified data may be saved.
The transfer of the meshed model from LIRA-CAD module to VISOR module is accelerated. The speed of saving option varies and depends on the content of the model. On average, the meshed model is transferred to VISOR module 3-5 times faster than in previous versions of LIRA-CAD module.
Options to generate drawings
New option to define the nonuniform load in arbitrary directions on a group of nodes/bars/plates; this option will be useful in specifying load from snow mound, nonuniform load on walls from soil pressure, etc.
New option to move selected nodes to a specified node, to a specified line or to the axis of a chain of bars. This tool will be useful, for example, when correcting the triangulation of a network with plane FEs. It is also useful when models are imported with some deviation of bars from vertical or horizontal.
New option: offsets for selected bars will be generated in the selected nodes.
New options to visualize centres of forces according to calculated coordinates and load vectors according to calculated total loads, loads on fragment, inertial loads and weights of masses.
New mode in which only model elements with assigned stiffness types / materials / types of pilot reinforcement (PR) highlighted in the corresponding lists will be displayed / fragmented. The fragmentation command may be applied to the whole model and to the current model fragment.
For all types of loads (except for loads in time history analysis), it is possible to edit loads in groups. The user could modify the group of loads highlighted in the list. Only load parameters (values, snaps, etc.) may be modified. Load type, coordinate system, direction of load are not modified.
New option to edit in groups the nonlinear stiffnesses for standard types of sections, plates, solids and stiffness of joint; option to edit in groups the linear stiffnesses and linear stiffnesses with modified values of stiffness properties (editable stiffnesses).
If several stiffnesses of the same type are highlighted in the list, you can edit them as a group. In this case, the input fields of the dialog box will contain only values that are the same for all stiffnesses in the group. When values of parameter (visible or hidden) are modified, they will be assigned to each of the stiffnesses in the group. When you modify the linear, editable, nonlinear stiffnesses (in any combination) in groups, it is not possible to modify parameters of editable and nonlinear stiffnesses.
In the "Convert results to loads" dialog box, new option "Separate loads on fragment by load cases". When this option is selected, the calculated loads on the fragment (foundation) for each load case are converted into nodal loads and applied to the nodes in the initial load cases. In this case, new load cases are not created.
It is allowed to create punching shear contours when the lower node of column (punching node) is below the slab and when the upper node of column (punching node) is above the slab.
Options to generate and modify design model
Tools for evaluating properties and analysis results
For problems with time history analysis, there is a new option to display mosaic plots of accelerations and velocities for all nodes of the model in the global or local coordinate system. It is also possible to view animation of acceleration and velocity changes in time.
For problems with time history analysis, the diagram of response spectrum is generated in the directions X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ on the basis of calculated accelerations for the certain node of the model.
For a node with a specified accelerogram, there is a new option to generate acceleration and response spectrum graphs as the sum of the specified graph and the graph obtained from the analysis results.
New option to select the presentation of mosaic plots for initial, final and relative values of nonlinear stiffnesses of plates and bars calculated as a result of the "NL Engineering 1" (iterative method for characteristic load case) and physically nonlinear analysis that simulates erection process ("Assemblage", "NL Engineering 2" (stepwise method for characteristic load case), "Progressive Collapse"). Mosaic plots of calculated final stiffnesses are added for 1-node and 2-node finite elements that simulate elastic springs with account of ultimate force (FE 251, 252, 255, 256, 261, 262, 265, 266) and nonlinear elastic springs (FE 295, 296).
For physically nonlinear problems with iterative solids, there are options to view, evaluate and prepare documentation for the calculated parameters of the stress-strain state. In the "Section (state)" window, the following analysis results for the certain iterative solid are presented:
- mosaic plot of normal stress in the main material /reinforcement of the solid;
- mosaic plot of nominal strain in the main material /reinforcement of the solid;
- mosaic plot of tangential stress τxy/ τxz/ τyz in the main material of the solid;
- mosaic plot of nominal strain γxy/ γxz/ γyz in the main material of the solid.
New modes for mosaic plots are implemented to evaluate the soil pressure:
- Mosaic plot of soil pressure Rz (per r.m.) (N/m);
- Mosaic plot of soil pressure Ry (per r.m.) (N/m);
- Mosaic plot of soil pressure Rz/Bc (N/m^2);
- Mosaic plot of soil pressure Ry/Hc (N/m^2).
Bc - width of settlement zone, dimension parallel to the Y1-axis of the bar (m);
Hc - width of settlement zone, dimension parallel to the Z1-axis of the bar (m)
Analysis options
Dynamics module (32) was updated in accordance with the requirements of "SNRA 20.04-2020. Building code, the Republic of Armenia. Design of structures for earthquake resistance. General rules".
For iterative solids, information about the stress-strain state of the cross-section is added to evaluate the state of the main material and reinforcement.
For nonlinear elastic springs (FE 295, 296), the final stiffnesses are calculated.
Improvements to the "Soil" system
New method for calculation of subgrade modulus (Method 6); it is based on experimental data on the velocities of elastic wave propagation in soil layers located below the foundation base. The method is implemented according to NTP RK 08-01.2-2021. For the details, see the Knowledge Base.
New calculation of the bearing capacity of piles with account of earthquake loads according to Section 11* of SP RK 5.01-103-2013 (rev. 2021).
Added input data and algorithm for analysis of piles "Electric power line supports".
Enhanced calculation of bored and drilled piles with bells in sandy soils:
- If a pile with a bell cuts through a sandy soil layer, then a region of the side surface of the pile with zero soil resistance may appear above the bell. In the previous version, it was assumed that this area always appears when the pile cuts through the sandy soil. In the new version, this region appears only when the sandy soil is located above the pile bell within the height of an imaginary cone made by a line that touches the surface of the pile bell at an angle of φI / 2 to the pile axis. (φI is the angle of internal friction of the soil.)
- When the height of this cone is calculated according to SP RK 5.01-103-2013 for the "spherical" shape of the pile bell, if dh < (db-D)/2 is specified, then now dh=(db-D)/2 will be accepted in the calculation.
Optimised function for splitting the imported loads into load subgroups (required for correct determination of the design resistance of the soil R for individual foundations, see for details).
For specific soils (expansive/swelling soils), the shrinkage zone Hsh (defined in the load parameters) is now always measured from the relief surface (more precisely, from the starting point of the diagram for the soil dead weight, i.e. if the "Account of soil weight above elevation of load application" check box is selected, then Hsh will be measured from the relief surface). Thus, if the shrinkage zone Hsh =5m and the foundation depth is 2m, then the shrinkage depth from drying of the expansive/swelling soil will be only 3m and only from the total stresses under the foundation base. And if the specified Hsh is less than the foundation depth, the settlement from the deformation at drying out of the swelling soil will be equal to zero. A detailed description of this calculation is available in the Knowledge Base.
In all tabs of specific soils in the "Soil Properties" table, it is possible to arrange the P values (pressure) and nominal strain in ascending order. To avoid confusion in the calculation, you should always try to set this data in ascending order.
If the swell shrinkage parameters (pressure-shrinkage) were specified with a single row (i.e., without the row 0=0), then linear interpolation is used to determine the pressure-shrinkage parameters from zero up to the specified values. If the active pressure exceeds the user-specified pressure, the last (user-defined) value is then considered a constant. Previously, for all shrinkage values from zero (including zero stresses), the single defined row shrinkage-pressure was assumed to be constant.
When there is an overlap of loads with the "Results" attribute:
- in the "Results at Point" dialog box, the results for the top load will be displayed.
- in case there are piles, the elevation of the pile head is considered as the elevation of the load.
"Results at point" dialog box. When generating diagrams and dimensions, the contrast colour is determined automatically depending on the background colour defined by the user in the input data.
A "Geometric properties" buttons are added to the "Soil" ribbon tab on the "Tools" panel. You can use these buttons to measure distances, angles and areas in the SOIL system (the last option on the submenu, "For selected elements" enables you to calculate the areas of selected loads).
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures
Enhanced algorithm for analysis of reinforcement with off-centre tension at small eccentricities (including by strength).
Analysis of reinforcement is optimized with account of fire resistance (now it is possible to avoid the significant increase in reinforcement in individual elements where the compressive or least tensile reinforcement was increased in cases of extremely small compression zones of concrete).
For the SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011, the condition "not less than 1.5 wall thickness" is added to the parameters for determining the min dimension of the end zone Lc of a plastic wall.
For plates, in the analysis for width of crack propagation by Karpenko method, the value Ψs=1 may be fixed now.
Steel structures
When opening problems saved in the version 2022, the option "Use the following over-strength value in analysis: minimal from all elements of FE model with the 'dissipative zone' parameter specified" is automatically activated.
Cross-section Design Toolkit
Optimised algorithm for calculating geometric properties with cross-sectional dimensions of tens of metres, for example, when calculating the stiffness centres of foundations.
Enhanced smoothing function for results obtained on a sparce triangulation mesh.
A new option to select colour settings for interactive screenshots that are added to the Report Book. Either current colour settings or the default White colour standard may be applied.
Moreover, it is now possible to customize the option "Return to view / Update with current colour settings or with colour settings saved in the screenshot".
This option is helpful, for example, when you prepare screenshots for printing if they were taken with a background other than white or the colour standard Black. To do this, before you save the
file, in the document window, apply the colour, format for numbers and font settings and then update with current settings.Note.
An interactive screen copy of the design model window, or, in short, a window screen shot, is an image of the design model with associated data, namely, the settings of the design model image and the data for updating this image. Unlike a regular image, a window screen shot may be updated if the design model or its analysis results change.
New option to organise the data in two columns in the "Metal elements (selection)" table. Now it is possible to sort (initially) the data in one column (in ascending/descending order), and then additional sorting by one of the columns - "groups of properties for subheading /element/ Unification group of element, structural element / selected section" (from A to Z/in ascending/descending order). In this case, the order of rows defined initially is saved.
The "Structural element" column is added to the tables DCF and DCL characteristic (design, design long-term, normative, normative long-term). When appropriate check box is selected, the names of structural elements are displayed in the filter settings, so you could easly organise the data by this parameter.
Regional settings
New option to automatically generate the icons for *.lir files (as well as *.spf, *.kcc files). Instead of seeing the typical application icon when you preview files in Explorer in medium, large, or extra-large icon modes, you will see a screenshot of the program window right before the file was saved. With the help of this feature, files can be distinguished more visually and uniquely, which makes it simpler to identify them and navigate their contents.
When the input data is defined, you can now use a decimal point and a decimal comma as separators. The update will make it easier to use the program in many locations that accept decimal fractions in different formats.
Moreover, there is an option to automatically replace the Cyrillic characters "e" and "E" with Latin ones; this avoids errors in the exponential form of numbers.
New option to select the background colour of the working window of the program (White or Black). In this case the colour settings of objects, symbols and notes corresponding to the selected background are automatically replaced.
For the Black background, the ranges of the default colour palette for mosaic plots are selected so that the most extreme result (max for forces, reinforcement, or min for reserve factors) is displayed in a light colour that stands out against a dark background.
New settings for measurement units of velocities and accelerations.
Other improvements
Fixed bug in analysis of the iterative bar, namely, in the calculation of reactions Qy and Qz. There was incorrect calculation for the moment of inertia of the figure relative to an arbitrary point.
For the iterative plate, the calculation of reactions by Qx and Qu is modified. The tangential strain XZ (YZ) along the section were redistributed in such a way that the sign of the integral reactions Qx (Qu) may not coincide with the sign of the initial tangential strain XZ (YZ).
In cases of tension and moment (at small eccentricities), the location of the neutral line and slope angle are clarified.
The state of equilibrium for the situation of pure bending is clarified. Sometimes, there were cases when a section fails before the ultimate force is reached.
Fixed bug in generating the DCF table for a 3D thin-walled bar with warping of the section (FE 7).
In analysis on fire resistance for plates (slabs, walls), fixed bug where the reinforcement was increased in case of one-sided heating.
For expansive soils, clarified Hsh (expanding zone) when the option "Account of soil weight above elevation of load application" is selected.
Fixed vector presentation of text when several screenshots are saved as a group.
Modified algorithm for generating the punching shear contours.
Fixed bug in defining the snap for rebars when the "From materials" option is selected in the settings for PR types.
Fixed bug in identifying the PRB when the "All degrees of freedom (DOF)" option is selected.
Clarified buckling analysis for the universal bar in the mode for the whole model.
Fixed bug in the scale of text labels on the screenshots (also known as "posters") of the design model if the size of these screenshots was defined in the special dialog box.