New release (R4) of LIRA-SAPR 2017 is available now. Within BIM-technology, in addition to previously realized two-way integration with Tekla Structures 21.0, 21.1, 2016, 2017, the program now supports Tekla version 2017i. Moreover, DSTU-H B V.2.6-185:2012, concrete volume, auto-scaling, super-elements, FE 55, Report Book, analysis of joints of steel structures, parameters of cracks, etc.
- Added: two-way integration between LIRA-SAPR 2017 and Tekla Structures 2017i.
- Added: analysis of concrete sections with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars according to DSTU-H B V.2.6-185:2012. Analysis of reinforcement is carried out according to DBN V.2.6-98:2009.
- Added: check of results obtained in analysis of the problem in other versions of LIRA-FEM that have compatible format of the output data.
- Clarified: computation of concrete volume for symmetric and asymmetric reinforcement and in elements with no reinforcement.
- Corrected: auto-scaling when you add/delete elements of the model.
- Enhanced: tables of the Report Book for fragments of the model.
- Modified: mosaic plot of forces on faces of solids.
- Modified: when you change colour and font size for the text, modifications will be made in all open windows of the program.
- Corrected: order of finite elements in structural elements of bars.
- Corrected: for super-element problems, output data for reinforcement in bars.
- Restored: angle of pure rotation (in local coordinate system of the element) is considered correctly for FE 55 that simulates elastic spring between nodes.
- Clarified: account of unification in plates.
- Clarified: stiffness of the ring section for physically nonlinear analysis.
- Corrected: forces are transferred correctly from the main model to the local mode of analysis of pinned beam-column connection.
- Corrected: presentation of output data for crack propagation in FE 410.
- Corrected: graphical editing of grid lines where there are no intervals along certain direction. Now, even if the table of interval is empty, you can graphically ‘stretch’ the parametric grid lines to the required size by means of a check point with an automatic increase in number of intervals.
- Enhanced: interactive editing for notation of elevations with the check points – it is possible to graphically edit direction of arrow and leader line.
- Modified: auto arranging for notation of elevations on all storeys is available only for ‘Elevation’ or ‘Section’ views; it is not available for plans.
- Corrected: option to cancel interactive editing for cutting plane in sections.
- Corrected: presentation of loads on flight of stairs with filter by load cases.
- Corrected: plane of load application from prism, cone, sphere and rotation surface.
- Enhanced: command ‘Separate dimension chain’ (into separate dimensions).
- Added: for linear dimension and dimension chain, account of positioning method – Fixed level of work plane.
- Corrected: import of text file.
- Corrected: collection of masses for the earthquake load case.
- Corrected: mirror image of rebars on reinforcement patterns of stiffening diaphragms.
- Restored: auto update of rebar chairs in the specification of reinforcement when their length was modified in parameters of reinforcement model.
- Corrected: generation of punching shear contours.
- Corrected: presentationon (on drawing) of the contour line of hatching (for the hatching with infill).
- Corrected: modification of lines and contours on drawings.
- Added: when files are imported from Revit and Tekla Structures in LiraKM format, overall dimensions of RC sections are rounded off with precision up to 1 mm.
- Restored: ‘Analyse’ command in the ‘Filtrate elements’ dialog box. This command is used to display all values available in the model for a certain parameter.
Updated procedures for DCF calculation, generating & saving data about RC materials, merging of models, presentation of shear reinforcement, import from .sli file, generationg of DCL tables, presentation of design models, generation of .asp file, ‘Large panel buildings’ and Design of RC structures modules
The following errors and bugs were corrected
- Incorrect presentation of design models in the main window of the program on computers with more than 32 Gb RAM.
- Algorithm for generation of design combinations of forces (DCF) for the serviceability limit states is modified.
- Error in reading from file the information about reinforced concrete materials defined according to SP 63.13330.2012 when names of materials have great length because of large number of space characters.
- Prolonged period of time response for the program when the models are merged in case the merged elements of the model have a large number of defined structural blocks/elements.
- Error with colour palette presented by formula in case the colour palette has only one range of values.
- Values of shear reinforcement on mosaic plots of reinforcement.
- Extended list of cross-sections of RC elements for which analysis of reinforcement may be carried out: ‘C-shaped section’ and ‘Crane beam’ sections are added.
- Errors in documenting tables of stiffness properties:
- clarified value for the weight per running metre for bars;
- modified order in which parameters are presented for one of nonlinear stress-strain diagrams for materials (type 14 – piecewise linear function).
- Error in the dialog box for defining DCL (design combinations of loads), sometimes this error occurred when existing DCL table was edited.
- Clarified data about reinforcement pattern in the section of bar when the reinforcement data is exported to Design of RC structures.
- For building code SP.16.13330.2011, error when stability analysis of eccentrically compressed bars is changed for stability analysis of flexural bars according to sect. 9.2.2.
- Occasional errors when several DCL tables are generated within the same problem and when they are copied through the Clipboard.
- Clarified import of local coordinate systems from the *.sli file, possible effect of rounding errors is eliminated.
- Added option to generate the *.csv file for the nodal response spectrum.
- Enhanced algorithm for generation of load (defined in slab properties) for slabs supported by columns with capitals.
- Error occurred when the boundary conditions were defined for the stairs and analytical model of the stairs is reached along the horizontal.
- Selection option ‘Apply load factors’ is automatically duplicated in the ‘Load cases’ dialog box and ‘Project properties’ dialog box.
- Added option: grid lines may be displayed on facade and sectional view in certain projection.
- Corrected reading of previous models (from SAPFIR 2012).
- For the ‘large panel buildings’ system, manual editing of stiffness for the platform joint is corrected (defining σi).
- Added option: automatic re-calculation of thickness for the FE of platform joint for cases when 2 rows of platform elements are defined for the same platform joint.
- Error in presentation of reinforcement in the 3D view and on the plan of a wall that is located to the right of the axis and face of such wall is directed to the left.
- Restored option: the following data may be saved to the *.asp file and then opened in Design of RC structures module:
- class of concrete and reinforcement for which analysis of reinforcement in VISOR-SAPR module was carried out;
- location of gravity centres for rebars in beams.
- Modified visualization for areas of reinforcement and marks of RC elements in the 3D view for walls that are located one above the other within the limits of the same storey.
On November 21, 2017 the third release (R3) of LIRA-SAPR 2017 is presented. Modifications to new modules of LIRA-SAPR 2017, detected and removed errors and bugs, updated Help system in the program.
List of modifications
- Building code for reinforced concrete structures TKP EN 192-1-1-2009 (Belarus) is supported; this building code is adapted from Eurocode 2.
- Modified option: analysis of reinforcement in masonry structures, logically enhanced procedure of defining materials for masonry structures.
- Added option: import of design models from Revit Structure 2018.
- Added option: compatibility between KM-SAPR module and AutoCAD 2018.
- Enhanced options: to copy materials between design options and to assign materials to elements of design model, additional check for correctness in copy procedure.
- Clarified: analysis of principal and equivalent stresses for the standard section type ‘Channel’.
- Added option: to check whether updates for LIRA-FEM program are available. Appropriate command is added to the HELP menu. Unlike releases, the updates contain only corrected modules and do not require reinstallation of the program.
- Added option: new examples in Tutorial. The examples have step-by-step instructions explaining every aspect of the procedure in LIRA-FEM program. They also make you familiar with the growing capacities of program interface:
- analysis of 3D framework of the RC structure and import of selected reinforcement for further nonlinear analysis;
- analysis of two-span beam with NonLinear Engineering Design system.
Detected and removed errors
- Added option: additional check for correct unification groups of structural elements during geometric modifications in design model; this check prevents possible disagreement in previously created unification groups.
- Corrected error (in previous release): new elements of Report Book were lost when the problem was closed.
- Corrected error: core distance Y2 of arbitrary section when LiraKM files are imported.
- Corrected error: occured when you start analysis of the problem in case the model contains structural elements but unification of structural elements is not defined.
- Modified option: account of design requirements for flexural elements in the module of reinforcement according to SP 63.13330.2012.
- Modified option: warning about increased reinforcement ( N > N critical ) is displayed in the module of reinforcement according to SP 63.13330.2012.
- Corrected error (DCF): in case of dynamic module 24 when mutual exclusion between variants is defined. Variant – real and imaginary component of harmonic load.
- Modified option: accompanying for instant and earthquake loads when generating DCF.
- Corrected error: in generation of DCF groups.
- Modified option: for physically nonlinear problems, enhanced algorithm for arrangement of regular point reinforcement for the ring section.
- Corrected error: when you click the range of errors on the colour palette, the program selected not only error but certain correct elements as well.
- Corrected error: occured when you start analysis of super-element problem that contains elements for which real stiffnesses are not necessary (FE53, FE54, FE57).
- Restored option: displacement values at nodes for dynamic load cases ‘Harmonic vibrations’ (dynamic modules 24 and 28) in the ‘Information about node’ dialog box.
- Clarified figures on mosaic plots with values of relative displacements by mode shapes.
- Clarified calculation for cone of friction (the friction that is not considered along the side surface of the pile).
The third release of LIRA-SAPR 2017 contains updated Help system.
- Added: account of load-bearing layer in multi-layer walls in analysis of masonry structures.
- Enhanced import of floor plans (*.dxf):
- window and door openings are automatically filled;
- openings may be defined in walls;
- option to generate piles, columns, walls, partitions, windows, doors and openings (in walls) according to dimensions and thickness of objects determined automatically based on *.dxf contours;
- restored option to save parameters assigned to layer. It is possible to download the saved parameters to the project and apply them once again.
- Enhanced option to import main and additional reinforcement to Tekla Structures.
- Enhanced algorithm for automatic collection of wind loads: when generating wind load, the load is applied to the whole structure rather than to visible storeys.
- Added: new building code for design of reinforced concrete structures TKP EN 192-11-1-2009 (Belarus) in properties of the project.
- Enhanced algorithm for generating punching shear contours for columns-pylons near the openings.
- Added option: to edit (in groups) properties for analytical models of stairs.
- Dimension to the gravity centre of reinforcement defined in design parameters for an element is now interrelated with concrete cover of reinforcement that is displayed in properties of slab. These parameters are used for punching shear analysis in VISOR-SAPR and now they are interrelated.
- Option to define rounding modulus for linear dimension and the chain of dimensions.
- In Design of RC structures module for column reinforcement, you could define the step between stirrups in the third (upper) zone.
- Option to visualize zone of reinforcement in the diaphragm as pair of rebars.
- Enhanced algorithm for arrangement of rebars’ tags when generating the view of column reinforcement.
- Rounding modulus for dimensions of stirrups and studs in specifications and lists of components.
Detected and removed errors
- Corrected error: in presentation of load from space when the storeys are copied.
- Corrected error: location of specification of reinforcement on the sheet of drawing.
- Corrected error: design options when you select several building codes for reinforced concrete and masonry structures.
- Corrected error: in selecting windows and doors with the filter by parameters.
- Corrected error: in saving the cross-section of piles for VISOR-SAPR.
Update for LIRA-SAPR 2017 R2 is available
- Report book: corrected error that occurred when you add/insert element to the Report Book. If the chapter in the Report Book was different from the root one, then the added element was lost. The error occurred only when you open the *.lir file next time. The error is present only in LIRA-SAPR 2017 R2.
- Modified option: change of languages in graph of kinetic energy for problems analysed in Dynamic-plus system.
- Corrected error in reading stiffness while importing LiraKM file.
- Corrected error: when you start analysis of the problem if the model contains structural elements but unification of these elements is not defined. Analysis did not start.
- Modified option: account of design requirements for flexural elements in module of reinforcement according to SP 63.13330.2012.
New release LIRA-SAPR 2017 R2 is presented on July, 17.
Modifications available in new release of the program
- New finite elements are added: 2D triangular FE of soil body (FE 82), 2D quadrilateral FE of soil body (FE 84), 2-node that simulates undoundary soil body located outside design model (FE 67).
- Added option: graph of kinetic energy is added to the output data in time history analysis.
- Added option: when you create unification groups of structural elements it is possible to select the type of unification.
- Added option: for RC and steel materials, more options to copy and assign materials between design options in the ‘Copy properties of design option’ dialog box.
- Added option: output data after analysis of masonry structures now contains mosaic plot with errors in analysis at certain piers.
- Enhanced option: standard tables with output data from analysis of masonry structures.
- Added option: analysis of pile stiffness now supports modification No.1 to SP 24.13330.2011 ‘Pile foundations’ implemented on June 04, 2017.
- Added option: link between LIRA-SAPR 2017 and Tekla Structures 2017.
- Enhanced options to generate and edit multimaterial cross-sections in the ‘Cross-section Design Toolkit’ module.
Identified errors and bugs are corrected
- Corrected error occurred when you start analysis for problems where additional system ASSEMBLAGE is used and assemblage tables are available.
- Corrected error in documentation system; occurred when tables of output data were generated after analysis of steel structures.
- Corrected error occurred when you preview or edit the DCL table in case the total number of rows in the DCL table was greater than 1000.
- Corrected error in reading from LIR-file of previous version the data about unified structural elemements that contain references to deleted but not packed finite elements.
- Corrected error in documentation system; occurred when tables of unified DCF were generated if unification was defined in more than one design option (tables of unified DCF were not generated for design options with numbers greater than 1).
- Minor bugs are corrected.
- For the system ‘Panel buildings’, added option: to apply modifications in properties of mark of joint (made in the Library of joints) to all samples of this mark located in the model. Modifications are applied to joints created in automatic arrangement.
- Enhanced option: import of design model from Tekla Structures.
- Reinforcement selected in LIRA-FEM and designed in Design of RC structures is now imported to structural elements of Tekla Structures.
- Added option: in analytical model of stairs it is possible to select the load case for the load on staircases and strings.
- Added option to copy buildings within the same project and from one project to another.
- Modified calculation of stiffness in contact joint when you click Recalculate.
- Added option: approximation step in analytical model for curvilinear walls and beams.
- Added option: interpretation ‘Load’ to the object of type space, column, 3D body.
- Enhanced option to copy openings in slabs to other stories.
- Restored option to modify the triangulation step for bars.
- Restored option to save (to file) the building code for loads and design options defined for the project.
- Enhanced option to create dimensions parallel to the X-axis for the views of diaphram.
- Corrected options to edit surface load, to sum load on slab with the dead weight, to apply loads from partitions to the level of its storey.
- Corrected bug: lost of materials assigned to objects when the model file is saved.
- For reinforcement in columns, corrected bug when the same mark was assigned to stirrups of different length.
- Minor bugs are corrected.
New program version is available - LIRA-SAPR 2017.
New system: Large Panel Buildings
Analysis model of the large panel building is generated. Analysis is carried out, then you could obtain parameters of the stress strain state for elements of the large panel building. Constantly enlarged and editable library of joint types is provided. This library determined adaptability of the system to new types of large panel buildings.

Library of joints in preprocessor SAPFIR

Arrangement of restraints by embedded items in preprocessor SAPFIR
The library contains different variants of the following types of joints: platform joint, contact joint, vertical joints, vertical joints of wall panels with or without embedded items, etc. According to selected type, the user could compose certain samples of joints and place them to the building model.

Division and assignment of panels joints
Linear and nonlinear analyses area available for large panel buildings. The FE library contains new elements of panel joints. Nonlinear analysis enables you to carry out analysis by step-type method (simulation of loading process) and iteration method based on NonLinear Engineering Design concept (NL Engineering). With this concept it is possible to carry out analysis in traditional method (analysis on several load cases, composing DCF and DCL, analysis of elements of reinforcement, structural elements of joints and embedded items) with indirect consideration of nonlinear behaviour of structure. After analysis you will obtain all parameters of the stress-strain state of elements of the large panel building including diagrams of contact stresses in joints of the building.
More details on this possibility can be found in the article (in Russian): «Modeling and calculation of large-panel buildings in the LIRA-SAPR 2017»
New system: Masonry Structures
Analysis of reinforced masonry structures in LIRA-SAPR 2017 supports the following building codes: SP 15.13330.2012, SNIP II-22-81 and DBN B.2.6-162.

New ribbon tab: Masonry
The model is generated in preprocessors SAPFIR or LIRA-SAPR. The user assigns horizontal levels in structural model (at the elevation of min section of pier, at elevation where floor slabs are supported, etc.), the strength of masonry is checked at these levels. When forces are computed by the solver, combined 3D behaviour of load-bearing brick and reinforced concrete elements of the building is considered. Required number of mesh reinforcement as well as rebars of vertical reinforcement are determined. It is possible to analyse several variants for different division of wall segments in different design options defined by the user.

Screens with input data and output data in Masonry Structures system
Materials are prepared and defined for design model in a similar way to the input data for analysis of steel and RC structures. Materials for analysis of masonry structures contain three components: properties of masonry, properties of reinforcement, parameters of exterior strengthening of piers.

Dialog box to define materials for analysis of masonry structures
Loads on brick piers are generated according to results of static and dynamic analyses. Loads for piers are presented both for separate load cases and for their combinations. Loads on piers may be presented as mosaic plots or as vectors applied at gravity centres for every pier.
Output data for mesh reinforcement contains mosaic plot for number of masonry courses in which reinforcement should be placed, mosaic plot for required diameters of meshes and appropriate percentage of reinforcement in masonry.
If vertical rebars or combination from mesh reinforcement and rebars were assigned in analysis, then output data will contain mosaic plots for required number of rebars and their diameters as well as appropriate percentage of reinforcement.
For every level it is possible to obtain the sketch of working drawing with number of masonry courses in which it is necessary to place reinforcement meshes.

Automatic generation of groups of brick piers
In the same project it is possible to define different types of masonry structures, different types of stone, slag stone, shell limestone, tuff, etc.
New system: Composite (Steel & RC) Structures
Analysis of composite steel and RC structures is carried out according to Chapter 7 SP 266.1325800.2016- analysis of RC structures with stiff reinforcement and analysis of pipe concrete structures.
Analysis and design (as sketches) of elements (beams, columns) in composite steel and RC structures is available. Sections for stiff reinforcement are defined. Defined sections are checked and, if required, flexible reinforcement is determined. A wide set of types of stiff reinforcement is provided.

Types of sections and method for defining stiff reinforcement in section
Advanced algorithm for selection and check of somposite steel and RC section is provided. The section includes elements of three different materials: concrete (B30, B40, etc.); stiff reinforcement (VSt3kp, etc.); flexible reinforcement (A400, A500, etc.).
The deformation theory of reinforced concrete is realized. Composite steel and Rc section may be analysed on all types of forces: Mx, My, Mkp, N, Qx, Qy.
Output data for composite steel and RC structures is presented in graphic and tabular form in a similar way to analysis of RC structures.

Output data for presentation of determined reinforcement in composite steel and RC structures
Elements of composite steel and RC structures may be exported to local mode of analysis for more detailed analysis and additional examination.

Local mode of analysis for composire steel and RC structures
New system: Cross-section Design Toolkit
The following stiffness properties are computed: flexural, torsional, shear, warping, for mono- and multi-material arbitrary sections. Sections may be solid, thin-walled and combined. It is possible to include strip elements and rolled profiles. When you define forces that act on the section, the program computes stresses at any point of cross-section – axial, shear, equivalent by different criteria of rupture. User-friendly interface on the basis of SAPFIR tools.
Unified graphical user interface
Local axes of plates are automatically unified when you create and edit plane fragments of the model.
More methods to define and edit surface loads. Contour vertices may be defined by coordinates, with vector and by increment of coordinates from the current vertex.
When loading history is generated, for nonlinear problems it is possible to use defined combinations of DCL as well as load cases.
Output data for problems with time history analysis may be presented graphically for the whole model at the user-defined time points. Characteristic time points may be selected and saved (in an easy-to-use form) to the list that you will edit later. It is possible to animate the model deformation and manage the animation process.
Preview output data of Dynamics-plus system
Skews of check points (located at different levels) are computed according to analysis results of separate load cases, design combinations of loads (DCL) or nonlinear loading history.
Skews of storeys - analysis results
New option to generate (for fragment of the model) the shortlist with materials available in the fragment.
When you copy parameters of design option, list of parameters to be copied and settings are extended.
When the models are merged, the main model and the model that should be attached are automatically intersected, common data for design process is generated.
Added functionality in flags of drawing in order to manage information that will be displayed on the screen. New filters for search and selection of objects on design model and further fragmentation of design model.
New tool to display the input data and output data: it is possible to display contour plots, mosaic plots and diagrams only for selected elements and nodes without model fragmentation.
Presentation of output data in new mode
Nodal response spectrums for dynamic loads on accelerograms are realized; these spectrums enable the user to obrain dynamic parameters for any zone of the structure.
Output data for Response Spectrum at the specified node of the model
Time history analysis is carried out according to Newmark method. Within this analysis, damping properties of structure are considered – two-node element of visco damper; damping properties of materials (soil, etc.)
Within time history analysis, boundary elements are realized; they simulate behaviour of rejected part of soil in static and dynamic loads. For dynamic loads, such elements are transparent for the waves. Realized boundary elements are debugged and will be included into subsequent releases of the program.
Pushover analysis: it is possible to consider (by approximate method) physically nonlinear properties of material in dynamic loads.
Within step-type solver, analysis with account of nonlinear thermal creep is provided.
In step-type solver it is possible to compose the loading history not only from load cases but from DCL as well, and combined history that contains both load cases and DCL.
For physically nonlinear analysis, the stress-strain diagram with falling branch is realized (Eurocode 2).
Nonlinear stress-strain diagram for concrete with falling branch
Finite elements that simulate platform joints in large panel buildings for linear analysis (FE 58, FE 59) and for nonlinear analysis (FE 258, FE 259).
Modified analysis of mode shapes of natural vibrations. Modified buckling analysis.
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures
Analysis of torsion reinforcement for composite sections is available for building code SP 63.13330.2012. Composite sections are divided into rectangular components. Appropriate torsion reinforcement is displayed for every rectangular component.
Analysis of torsion reinforcement for composite sections
Effective height of wall is considered in analysis of reinforcement according to Karpenko theory. Four concrete covers may be considered in analysis of reinforcement in plate elements by Karpenko theory.
Materials for analysis of RC structures
Punching shear analysis for floor slabs according to CH PK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011 and DBN B.2.6-98:2009.
Schematic design is provided for beams and columns according to SP 63.13330.2012.
When you design beams and columns it is possible to arrange reinforcement, vary diameters of reinforcement bars, obtain diagram of materials, obtain information about reinforcement in selected section of beam (column).
You could also obtain sketches of working drawings for reinforcement in beams and columns. The sketches include sectional elevations, cross-sections of beam (column), specification of reinforcement and bill of materials.
Analysis of steel structures
In addition to 74 existing joints of steel structures, 7 new types of joints with rigid column bases are added with different arrangement of anchor bolts and traverses.
To evaluate in detail the output data for new joints, the tracing routine is provided.

Analysis of joint (local mode), tracing routine
In local mode of STC-SAPR, data about governing forces that were used for selection/check of steel section is added for the building code SP 16.13330.2011. This option significantly helps you to simplify evaluation of the output data.

STC-SAPR. Output data
Report Book (Documentation system)
To check and prepare documentation with stiffness parameters applied in design model, tables of input data may be updated now.

Input data tables

Input data documents for physically nonlinear analysis
Set of updatable tables for output data of masonry structures is enhanced (loads on piers by load cases/DCL/DCF, output data for additional reinforcement with reinforcement meshes and rebars).

New set of tables with output data for analysis of masonry structures
Moving loads according to SP 35.13330.2011
Moving load at elements of the bridge span is simulated according to SP 35.13330.2011. To do this, preprocessor SAPFIR provides you with special tools that enable you to select load from the library, adjust parameters, graphically define and edit trajectories, stand points and generate DCL. The library of loads is refilled with interactive tools.

Moving loads according to SP 35.13330.2011
Evaluate the software
If you have any doubt, download the Demo version and evaluate the program or contact our Support Team for more details.