- Components of BIM technology
- Generating and modifying the model
- Generating and modifying the design model
- Analysis options
- Tools for evaluation of object properties and analysis results
- Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Analysis & design of steel structures
- Soil
- Cross-Section Design Toolkit
- Drawing improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Localization and regional settings
- Other improvements
- New module for earthquake load - (63) TBEC-2018 (Turkey).
- A load from a forced displacement may be defined. The following data should be defined: the load, its displacement (m) along a certain direction, its rotation angle (rad) about a certain axis, or its warping (rad/m). When the load from the forced displacement is located in the model, it is automatically linked to the object that it is applied to. To check the object that the load is linked to or remove such a link, use the "Manage links of object" dialog box. To "fix" (link) the load to a selected object, use the "Attach object" command. When the meshed model is generated, a node is generated at the location of the load from the forced displacement, and such load is transferred to the VISOR module as a forced displacement at the node. To define the load along the line, use the "Forced displacement along line" command. In the meshed model, such a "linear" load will be split into several nodal loads of the forced displacement with the triangulation step of the object that it is linked to, or discretization step (if such a step was defined in the load properties).
- New tool to define uniform and non-uniform thermal loads on bars and plates.
- For dynamic analysis, new option to define the mass weight at a node and mass weight along a line.
- Enhanced functionality for the tool that collects loads. New option that takes into account continuity of the proxy object when distributing bar loads through it.
- For objects of the "Snow mound" type, new option to divide the snow model into segments and connect the separate segments together.
For more convenient work with linear and surface uniformly distributed loads, a new approach to their application in the finite element model is provided. New option "By whole finite element" for uniformly distributed loads: the load may be transferred not as individual concentrated load but as uniformly distributed over the whole surface of each finite element. To use this option, the load should be linked to a certain structural element. This option is available for the surface load and the linear load. There are two ways to transform the load that is applied to each finite element:
- the load contour defines the triangulation zone. In this case, the load is presented as a uniformly distributed load within this zone;
- the triangulation does not depend on the load contour. In this variant, the load is transformed into a uniformly distributed load on the plates in which centres of gravity are located within the load area.
For walls that are interpreted as loads, there are two methods to transform this load:
- 1 (standard method): to calculate the weight of the wall with account of openings and create a uniformly distributed linear load that is placed along the line along which the partition is generated;
- 2 (new method): to divide the wall into segments with variable load within the openings. Then each segment will obtain a different, uniformly distributed linear load corresponding to that segment.
The "Space" tool is significantly enhanced:
- If it is necessary to consider the floor for the room that is described as a load and a multi-layer floor covering material is used, the intensity of this load will be automatically calculated, taking into account the thickness and unit weight of each floor covering layer;
- If a room occupies several floors and is interpreted as a load in a property, the intensity of the load will be applied to each slab that it passes through, taking into account its volume.
- The validation of the model is enhanced. Upon generating a mesh model, the software will check the loads to identify the finite elements that it can be applied to. A warning message appears if no finite elements are detected and some load is lost. Therefore, in order to prevent lost loads during the model's transfer to the VISOR structural analysis module, it is possible to adjust the load locations during the generation of the meshed model. The project properties now include a customisable parameter that allows you to ignore a small percentage of the lost load and not display a warning when validating the model.