Structural analysis software
LIRA-FEM (LIRA-SAPR) is comprehensive software package that benefits from BIM technology. The software is intended for analysis and design of building and mechanical engineering structures of different purposes.
Static (forces and displacements) and dynamic analyses
Selection and check for sections of steel and/or reinforced concrete (RC) structures
Preliminary drawings of steel structures as well as separate RC elements
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Software for numerical analysis of structures' strength and stability and computer-aided design process
Support of BIM-technology
LIRA-FEM is comprehensive software package that benefits from BIM technology. The software is intended for analysis and design of building structures. BIM-technology is supported due to the interface with other architectural, analysis & design, graphical and documentary systems (LIRA-CAD, Revit Structure, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Advance Steel, Tekla, BoCAD, Allplan, STARK ES, Gmsh, MS Word, MS Excel, GLAZER, etc.) through DXF, MDB, STP, SLI, MSH, STL, OBJ, IFC, etc. files.Intuitive Graphic Environment
Option to visualize (3D view) the design model at all stages of analysis and evaluation. Enhanced diagnostic functions. Analysis results may be presented in various formats: graphical (contour plots, diagrams, deformed shapes, mode shape animations) and tabular (displacements, stresses, forces, DCF, DCL, results for analysis of RC and steel elements). It helps the user to evaluate the model quickly. Design options mode: in one problem you could vary element sections, materials, building codes.Advanced GUI – SAPFIR-Structures
Model of the structure is generated with controlled procedure of transforming 3D and 2D architectural models generated in different graphic environments, such as LIRA-CAD, Allplan, Revit, AutoCAD, etc.Powerful Multifunctional Solver
Solver that realizes advanced algorithms of setting up and solving the set of equations with the order up to several millions of unknowns. The solver functions in 64-bit and 32-bit modes using the multicore processor technology.Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis of structure (earthquake, wind with pulsation, vibration, impulse, impact, response-spectrum, earthquake by accelerograms). For analysis on earthquake loads, the program supports building codes of Ukraine, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, France, Algeria, etc.Strength Analysis
By sections’ forces obtained in analysis, it is possible to determine principal and equivalent stresses and check them by different criteria of rupture: max principal stress criterion, max principal deformation criterion, max shear stress criterion, energy criterion Huber-Hencky-Mises, Mohr criterion, Drucker-Prager, Pisarenko-Lebedev, Coulomb-Mohr, Botkin, Geniev criterion.FE Library
Extensive library of finite elements that enables the user to generate computer models of almost any structures: 2D and 3D frames, wall-beams, slabs, shells, solids as well as combined systems – slabs and shells supported with ribs, slabs on soil foundation, framed structures, ‘above-ground structure – foundation – soil’ system, etc.Special FE
Large data set with specific finite elements that enable the user to generate adequate computer models for complex and peculiar structures. For example, FE that simulates compliance of nodes; FE that simulates the soil out of the structure limits; turnbuckle that simulates the tensioning process for guy meshes, membranes, anchors of sheet piling. This element enables the user to trace the tension and its slackening up to the moment when the structure reaches specified tension or gains equilibrium shape.Analysis & Design of RC and Steel Structures
Analysis and design for sections of reinforced concrete and steel elements according to building codes that are in force now. The program generates working drawings of steel and reinforced concrete structures (for reference, in Russian - drawings KM and KZH).Simulation with Super-elements
Visualization is provided at all stages of analysis. It helps to reduce time for analysis of the problem and reduce influence of the condition of the oversize matrix.Physical Nonlinearity
Modules of physical nonlinearity. Different nonlinear dependencies σ-ε enable computer simulation of loading process for the mono- and bimaterial structures. It is also possible to trace the crack propagation, creep strain and yield up to destruction of the building.Geometrical Nonlinearity
Modules of geometrical nonlinearity; these modules enable you to analyse the structures that are initially geometrically stable (slabs and beams, trusses, etc.) and structures that are initially geometrically unstable. For analysis of the former ones, it is necessary to determine equilibrium shape for the specified load type (guys, guy trusses, tents, membranes, etc.).Documentary System
Reports may contain text, tabular and pgraphical data. With the interactive screen copies, you could fix the fragment of design model and return to it later, automatically update elements of the Report Book when the model was modified (renumbering, re-triangulation, etc.)
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All program modules contain extensive Help system. Tutorial with a set of examples is also presented. Download Demo