Analysis & design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
In this mode the user could determine areas of reinforcement for columns, beams, slabs, diaphragms and shells according to ultimate and serviceability limit states. Building codes of different countries are supported. Drawing of beams and columns are presented after analysis and *.dxf files of drawings may be generated.
Arbitrary parameters of concrete and reinforcement may be applied, it is particularly vital in analyses of renovation of buildings. General cases of analysis of reinforcement are realized: arbitrary section in oblique eccentric compression (tension) with option to select corner rebars. In this mode it is possible to unite several elements (of the same type) into the structural element and arrange reinforcement along the length of the whole element. Drawing of beams and columns are presented after analysis and *.dxf files of drawings may be generated.

The following building codes are supported:
SNIP 2.03.01-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures";
TSN – 100;
DSTU 3760-98 Rolled rebars for RC structures;
SNIP 52-01-2003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures";
SP 63.13330.2012 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions";
EuroCode 2 (in full).
Plate elements
Reinforcement in plate elements (wall-beams, slabs, shells) is analysed according to Wood theory for Eurocode 2 and according to N.I. Karpenko method for other building codes.
Bar elements
To determine reinforcement in bar elements, general iteration optimizing methods are realized. They allow the user to analyse sections of arbitrary shape (rectangular, cross, T-sections, I-sections, box, angle, circle, ring sections) using similar methods. The sections may have arbitrary location of reinforcement determined for different types of stress state (simple bending, oblique bending, bending with torsion, plane eccentric compression-tension, simultaneous action of all six types of forces – Mx, My, N, Qx, Qy, Mx).
Basic factors of certain building codes are considered in analysis of reinforcement.
In iteration algorithms, the following optimization principles are included: reinforcement is increased mainly in the most stressed parts of the section, mutual influence of reinforcement determined by DCF or DCL is also taken into account. These algorithms meet the requirements for flexibility, because the user will be able to assign the mode for analysis of reinforcement:
to select type of reinforcement pattern in the section (symmetrical relative to one or two principal axes of the section, uniform location of reinforcement along the specified edges, arbitrary location of reinforcement);
to assign mode 'corner rebars' where the general algorithm increases area of reinforcement primarily in corner parts. In some cases this approach allows you to reduce amount of reinforcement by 20-30% in comparison with other types of reinforcement pattern in the section;
to assign ultimate diameters of reinforcement bars (rebars) for analysis of reinforcement according to serviceability limit state because smaller diameters improve resistance of RC element to crack formation and in this case area of necessary reinforcement could be noticeably less;
to manage parameters of iteration process, reduce the analysis precision a little (in this case accuracy may be 3-5%) but significantly increase operating speed of algorithm and vice.