LIRA-SAPR 2021 R2 Update 2 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 13 January,
- Added option to define the capital and column base generated only in the 1st direction.
- Fixed bug in moving the middle point of the stair.
- Restored option to save the openings when partition is converted to the wall.
- New option to transfer design parameters for piles to VISOR-SAPR module.
- Fixed bug when the set of layers assigned for a 3D view is cancelled in case you switch between the 'Create' and 'Reinforcement' tabs.
- Restored option to edit the contour of inclined slab with the check points.
- Added option: in the same slab to use triangulation points created with the "AddLnSlab" node and cutting lines.
- Fixed bug: elevation for triangulation lines and points generated with the node 'AddLnSlab'.
- Restored option to create openings in the foundation slab (for import of floor plans).
- When importing 3D DXF file through Generator, when the drawing is presented to scale, new option to scale along the Z axis is added.
- In the 'Soil model' dialog box, on the 'Position' tab, restored option to obtain parameters when you click 'from SOIL' button.
- Fixed bug: when analysis results for piers are presented on the model graphically, the value labels displayed on mosaic plots are shifted.
- Corrected option to consider displacement of the rigidity centre in physically nonlinear plate FE in the case the unified axes do not coincide with the local axes of element.
- When calculating the stiffness of piles (FE 57) as an equivalent foundation according to 'method 1', the influence of additional settlement Sp was clarified (additional settlement from punching shear of piles at the base of equivalent foundation). In case the pile foundation is simulated as the load in the SOIL system, then when calculating C1 and C2 according to method 1, both settlements Sp and Sc (compression of the pile shaft) are taken into account.
- Optimized generation of punching shear contours for piles created in VISOR-SAPR module.
- Restored option ot generate the table with output data 'Load on brick pier' and 'Piers by load cases'.
- Fixed bug: in 'METEOR' system, generation of integrated problem in case problems are merged only based on the DCF results ('DCF +' mode). When the total DCF table for the integrated problem is generated, there is no autocorrect from 'progressive collapse' load case to the 'specific' load case.
- Fixed a bug: in DCL for SP PK EN 1990: 2002 + A1: 2005/2011 when combinations are generated according to formulas 6.10, 6.10a and 6.10b. Now the user could define the reduction factor. It is recommended to re-define the combinations of the main type I that were defined earlier).
- For the integrated problem in 'METEOR' system ('DCF+' mode), new option to carry out local analysis for steel elements.
- Fixed bug: for materials in which the unloading curve is close to zero in the nonlinear diagram.
- In the 'SOIL' system, when calculating the stiffness of the FE 57 according to the equivalent foundation model, the default radius of the equivalent foundation is changed from '2D' to '1.5D'.
- In analysis of reinforcement for the RC elements according to SP 63.13330.2012/2018, clarified algorithm for account of combinations when the group of forces E1 (progressive collapse) is available.
- When computing design strength of brickwork, clarified value for coefficient from sect.6.14 (g) for SP 15.13330.2020.
- For the 'Stiffened cement heavy' mortar, the requirements for reducing the design strength stipulated in 'note 2' to table 6.1 SP 15.13330.2020 are taken into account.
- For types of pilot reinforcement (PR) for plates plates, if zero reinforcement is specified for some layers, then min percentage of reinforcement specified in the design parameters is assigned for such layers (for the check by Karpenko's theory).
- For the 'Assemblage stages' input table, the sequence of assemblage stages after Undo/Redo options is fixed; the updated 'Assemblage stages' table is synchronized with the open 'Edit load cases' and 'Model nonlinear load cases' dialog boxes.
- In analysis of fire resistance for RC structures, the reduction factor (used to determine the tensile strain of concrete) is clarified.
- Corrected discrepancy between the area of reinforcement for RC and composite bars of circular cross-section in VISOR-SAPR and in the local mode of reinforcement LARM-SAPR.
- For SP 63.13330.2012/2018, corrected discrepancy in the output data for bars of rectangular cross-section with account of fire resistance (the output data obtained in VISOR-SAPR module and in the local mode of reinforcement LARM-SAPR).
- For SP 63.13330.2012/2018, corrected discrepancy in the output data for bars of circular cross-section by ultimate limit states (ULS) and by serviceability limit states (SLS) with and without account of fire resistance.
- For SP 63.13330.2012/2018, corrected discrepancy in the output data for tensile elements in analysis of transverse reinforcement.
- For SP 63.13330.2012/2018, corrected discrepancy in the output data for plates by ultimate limit states (ULS) and by serviceability limit states (SLS) with and without account of fire resistance.
- In analysis of reinforcement by SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011, new option to consider (in materials) the additional group of coefficients defined for different types of DCL.
- For RC materials defined according to SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011, exteme values of coefficients k1, k2, k3, k4 are stipulated.
- Fixed bug: in selection of the section for rectangular steel pipes, the program fails to select the shape for rectangular pipe though there are suitable shapes in the steel table.
- In analysis of steel structures according to SP 16.13330.2017 for specific combinations, deflections of the max utilization ratio of the steel member are selected.
- In stability analysis of steel sections, the possible overestimation in utilization ratio of the section is fixed.
- Fixed bug: when analyses of the previously calculated problems are started once again, the LIRA-FEM Analysis Client / Server may be blocked (deadlock).
- Enhanced robustness of the the LIRA-FEM Analysis Client / Server in case the queue contains a lot of problems with the status 'Preparing for analysis' and 'Waiting for ZIP file with input data'.
- Fixed bug: when you open the problem (for example, transferred from another computer, including in a ZIP file), the STC design materials assigned for cross-sections in the user-defined steel tables are lost.
Last updated: 13 January,