LIRA-SAPR 2021 R2 Update 3.1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 23 January,
- Restored option: objects included into block of SAPFIR physical model may be transferred to design model.
- Corrected: property 'Design parameters – Applied steel' for the steel beams is not duplicated in the 'Filter by parameters' dialog box.
- Enhanced option for slab parameter 'Sum up with dead weight'; it will enable the user to sum up the dead load on the slab with the dead weight of the slab.
- Restored: option to cancel the manual cleanup of walls and columns for the slab.
- Corrected: user-defined node Pyton is not duplicated when it is saved to the toolbar.
Design of RC structures
- In the reinforcement model of the diaphragm, new option to place an additional step of rebars at the edge of the reinforcement zone if the zero distance is defined for rebars on the opposite side of reinforcement zone.
Building codes for Republic of Kazakhstan
- Added: option to define increasing factors Fvk (sect. 7.6.5, 7.6.6 SP RK 2.03-30-2017 and sect. 6.4.1, 6.4.2 NTP RK 08-01.2-2021) for all earthquake dynamic modules (except non-earthquake modules 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 and experimental modules 38,37,46).
Important: revision of forces with the factor Fvk does not affect the equilibrium at nodes during calculation of load on fragment.
- Dynamic module (61) SP RK EN 1998-1:2004/2012, NTP RK 08-01.1-2021 (Kazakhstan): coefficients of responsibility along the vertical/horizontal are added.
Input data for the earthquake analysis according to SP RK EN 1998-1:2004/2012, NTP RK 08-01.1-2021
- Dynamic module (60) 'Earthquake analysis by SP RK 2.03-30-2017 (Kazakhstan) and SN KR 20-02:2018, (Kyrgyzstan)', coefficients of responsibility along the vertical/horizontal are equal to 1.0 by default.
- New option to create combinations of loads according to modifications mentioned in sect. NP to SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011.
Important: when this option is used, the program generates combinations of dead load cases by formula (6.10a) and combinations of loads for transitive design cases by formula (6.10b).
Modifications in sect. NP to SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011
- Clarified warning messages in analysis of reinforcement according to SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011.
- Clarified stability analysis for the pipe by SP RK EN 1993-1-1:2005/2011.
- Modified: presentation of the output data along the length of structural element in the local mode of steel analysis by SP RK EN 1993-1-1:2005/2011.
- Corrected: calculation of forces in element of the model when components of harmonic load is considered for SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011.
- Corrected: option to save the data in the DCL table in case the type of combination is changed (with no modification to combination coefficients).
LIRA-FEM Analysis Client/Server
- New 'Results' button to open the folder where the file with modified input data (obtained together with the output data) is located.
Intuitive graphic environment
- When bar analogues (BA) are generated with auto-recognition of the cross-section shape, the program will not generate BA in case the cross-section was not assigned to initial FE (appropriate check is added). If bar analogue is generated without recognition of section, it will be generated by configuration of initial elements even if stiffness is not assigned to such elements.
- In problems with solid elements, possible program crash (in generating contour plots with analysis results at the specified section of design model) is eliminated.
- Restored: option to analyse steel structures for models (where the file name exceeds 30 characters) imported from SAPFIR module and analysed in VISOR-SAPR module.
- For projects created with input tables, corrected option to save to *.lir file the steel stiffness values defined in the 'Stiffnesses' input table. Error occurred when the specified stiffness values were activated with Undo/Redo commands.
- Restored: option to generate tables in the Report Book with description of RC materials in case there is no continuous numbering of parameters in the list (that is, there are gaps or numbers of parameters are not in order).
- Enhanced generation of tables (
) with output data for analysis of reinforcement. - Fixed: possible program crash when the contour is generated with the 'Triangulation' dialog box in case there are coincident nodes in the contour.
- Fixed: possible program crash when the model is merged from the submodels.
- Options to unselect nodes/elements and to cancel the chain of dimensions are separated in the 'Geometric properties' tool. The first Esc will unselect nodes/elements while the second Esc will cancel the chain of dimensions.
- Added: option to analyse steel structures according to results of DCF for problems with the history of nonlinear load cases.
- Fixed: possible error to input incorrect value when you define ranges for a certain colour palette.
- For steel stiffness with variable section, added option to display information about assigned materials on mosaic plot of materials for steel structures.
- For steel cross-sections defined with standard types of stiffness (with no reference to steel tables), correct value of the unit weight is added.
- When the dead weight is generated for the steel elements, unit weight q defined on the 'Stiffness' tab in the 'Steel cross-section' dialog box is used rather than the value from steel table.
- When steel structures are analysed by histories of nonlinear load cases, in the 'Analysis parameters (Metal, RC)' (on the 'Load factors' tab) the user will see default names for load cases - 'History of nonlinear load cases 1', 'History of nonlinear load cases 2', etc. instead of the empty names of load cases.
- Enhanced presentation for the steel section of type 'I-section of three sheets' (with no reference to steel table) when stiffnesses are displayed in the mode 'Presentation with account of assigned sections' in VISOR-SAPR module and in Cross-section Design Toolkit module.
- Fixed: possible program crash when the 'Geometric properties' tool is used when the specified chains of dimensions are cancelled.
- For problems with super-elements, enhanced tool 'Information about element' when the data about initial and selected profile is presented in the mode of steel structures.
- Fixed: option to paste the array of numbers into DCL table through the Clipboard in case when combination coefficients have values <0.
- In problems of SOIL system, enhanced generation of the colour palette for mosaic plot of loads.
- When mean modulus of elasticity (Emean) for soil is computed by 'Method 2', settlements Sc (compression of pile shaft) and Sp (punching shear with pile toe of equivalent foundation base) are considered similar to calculation by 'Method 1'.
- In the SOIL system, during analysis by the model of equivalent foundation, default distance to the edge of equivalent foundation is modified from '2D' to '1.5D'.
- Fixed: possible program crash when you switch to the soil model window after the 'Remove soil model' command in the 'Soil model' dialog box.
- When calculating hd (effective depth up to which soil resistance along the side surface is not considered) in pile stiffnesses by DCL, the earthquake is considered in case the 'Earthquake' load case type is available in combinations (not by dynamic load case). This change makes it possible to cover cases where the earthquake load is defined as a static load case, e.g. nodal inertial forces.
- By default, the coordinate system window is hidden to save the workspace.
Steel structures
- Restored: option to launch the steel analysis in case parameter of steel material 'Steel table' is defined as 'In the same file as shapes'.
- Enhanced algorithm for numerical selection of the built-up steel I-section.
- For steel elements of type 'universal bar', defined parameters (ultimate deflection, slenderness ratio, effective length) may be displayed as mosaic plots.
- In analysis of steel structures for specific combinations, the program selects deflections where max utilization ratio of the steel section.
- In stability analysis of steel sections, possible too high values of utilization ratio of the section are fixed.
- Fixed: option to save the file with output data for analysis of the truss joint from pipes of rectangular section.
- Added: option to analyse steel structures by results of DCF for problems with history of nonlinear load cases.
RC structures
- In parameters of RC materials for plates, analysis 'by Wood theory' is defined by default. For Eurocode and similar building codes, analysis of reinforcement is always carried out 'by Wood theory'.
- In analysis of reinforcement in plates by Karpenko method, arrangement of reinforcement is clarified in certain cases.
- When you define types of pilot reinforcement (PR) for plates, longitudinal reinforcement is clarified on schematic presentation in case of large areas of total reinforcement.
- When you define RC materials for DBN B.2.6-98:2009, list of classes for composite reinforcement is updated according to the specified parameters of such reinforcement.
Steel rolled shapes
- New option to add steel tables for pipes and plates from the 'Steel cross-section' dialog box in case the 'Hidden' option is defined for the file of steel table (that is, steel tables of previous versions).
Fire resistance
- When the output data for analysis on fire resistance is visualized in 'Fire resistance of element' window, reference of temperature values to appropriate rebars is clarified.
- In analysis of steel structures with account of fire resistance, position of local axes Y1/Z1 are clarified as well as limit values for slenderness ratio.
- Added: option to identify when it is not possible to determine the depth of heating in concrete during analysis on fire resistance.
Last updated: 23 January,