Program for nonlinear analysis

LIRA-FEM* is mentioned for nonlinear analysis of structures. The software package implements an advanced nonlinear solver.

* The new name of the 'LIRA-SAPR' software LIRA-FEM: Why?

Nonlinear analysis of structures

Nonlinear analysis
Nonlinear analysis

The LIRA-FEM (LIRA-SAPR) software provides a nonlinear solver to analysis of nonlinear problems.

The nonlinear solver is mentioned to solve physically and geometrically nonlinear problems, as well as problems with structural nonlinearity and prestressing.

Nonlinearity in LIRA-FEM program

Nonlinearity in LIRA-FEM program

In LIRA-FEM program, it is possible to take into account the following types of nonlinear behaviour of structures:

Alexey Melnikov. Initial imperfections and geometrically nonlinear analysis of steel structures in LIRA-FEM program (link in Russian)
Andrey Stepanov. Stiffness calculated in the "NL Engineering" system (link in Russian)

Evaluate the software

If you have any doubt, download the Demo version and evaluate the program or contact our Support Team for more details.

Demo version or Request online presentation