LIRA-SAPR 2018 R1 Update 1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 17 July,
- Corrected: auto-scaling when you add/delete elements of the model.
- Corrected: colour palette of reinforcement in auto-scaling mode.
- Corrected: analysis of reinforcement for large problems.
- Corrected: computing of reserve factor to check the pilot reinforcement by Wood theory.
- Clarified: analysis with account of creep of materials in thermal loads.
- Corrected: forces are transferred correctly from the main model to the local mode of analysis of pinned beam-column connection.
- Corrected: selection of steel sections according to SP 16.13330.2017 in analysis by reduced geometric properties.
- Corrected: options to define and edit types of pilot reinforcement (PR).
- Enhanced: algorithm for import of selected reinforcement to Autodesk Revit.
- Added: for the integrated problem, after analysis in METEOR system, it is possible to preview envelope diagrams and mosaic plots of bimoments.
- Added: new type of forced (bimoment) in DCF tables.
- Corrected: presentation of output data for crack propagation in FE 410.
- Added: animation of vibrations by analysis results of Time history analysis in new graphics based on DirectX.
- Corrected: visualization based on DirectX in case the model is merged from sub-models.
- Corrected: list of problems for analysis in METEOR system.
Enhanced work with Report Book:
- added: documentation of output data with account of warping in section in tabular format;
- corrected: work with Report Book in new graphics based on DirectX.
- For the GDI graphics, it is possible to present values for the visible face of solids with greater area.
- Added: for solids, option to present values on mosaic plots in contrast colour.
- Corrected: selection of vertical/horizontal bars with the help of construction lines.
- Added: option to save files to previous versions of the program (SAPFIR-3D 2016, SAPFIR-3D 2017) with the ‘Save as’ command.
- Modified: auto arranging for notation of elevations on all storeys is available only for ‘Elevation’ or ‘Section’ views; it is not available for plans.
- Enhanced: graphical editing for notation of elevations with the check points.
- Added: option to save the setting files of parametric filter to the folder Initial\Filters, filters are available in other work sessions, projects and may be copied to other computers.
- Corrected: presentation of loads on flight of stairs with filter by load cases.
- Corrected: option to cancel interactive editing for cutting plane in sections.
- Corrected: automatic editing of lines and contours on drawings.
- Corrected: generation of meshed model of the slab with two parametric loads (dead + live) by ‘Meshed model’ button in the ‘Project structure’ window.
- Enhanced plugin for Grasshopper + Rhinoceros
- Added: new parameters for SAPFIR components in the Grasshopper environment. Option to assign cross-section generated in Rhino to components of columns and beams. When you select SAPFIR components in the Grasshopper environment, parameters of these objects are presented in SAPFIR.
- Added: when generating physical model, option to define settings for intersections individually for every object.
- Added (SAPFIR-Generator): for the node of generating an opening, option to select storeys to which this opening will be copied.
Last updated: 17 July,