Progressive collapse
New version LIRA-SAPR 2020 contains the following items: new modules "Progressive collapse" and "Bar analogues", API, options to define and edit loads on the FEM with SAPFIR tools, the 6th DOF for shells, mass condensation, iterative FE of joint, enhanced tools for triangulation, etc.
New specialized system that complies with current recommendations for simulation of behaviour of building structures in case of emergency actions that cause local destruction of certain load-bearing elements.
Analysis may be carried out by:
- quasi-static method in linear and nonlinear settings. The ASSEMBLAGE system is used. Reactions from deleted element are applied to the model with the opposite sign and with account of dynamic factors.
- dynamic method of direct integration for equations of motion in time in linear and nonlinear settings. Analysis may be carried out with account of the loading/erection history. The final stage of erection is the automatic generation and application of the impulse load at certain period of time. This method also enables you to consider the damping effects.
One of results of the analysis is the forces computed in all elements of the model. They may be used to carry out structural analyses. For linear design models, in addition to the option to check the bearing capacity of sections, it is also possible to carry out analysis of reinforcement and analysis of steel sections.
Thus, after numerical simulation, the user will obtain a qualitative evaluation of the structural stability to progressive collapse. The user will be able to compare various collapse scenarios in order to identify the weak points.