Intuitive Graphic Environment
New version LIRA-SAPR 2020 contains the following items: new modules "Progressive collapse" and "Bar analogues", API, options to define and edit loads on the FEM with SAPFIR tools, the 6th DOF for shells, mass condensation, iterative FE of joint, enhanced tools for triangulation, etc.
- Much enhanced options to define and edit loads based on interaction VISOR – SAPFIR – VISOR. Due to such interaction, there is new option to transfer part of the model or the whole model to create new or edit available loads with SAPFIR tools. New tool may be also used to collect wind loads, snow loads, soil pressure onto any design model generated in VISOR-SAPR module or imported from any allowed format. Now all surface loads applied to bars and plates save information about the contour vertices (projection line). Geometry and location of the contour may be modified at any moment when you work with design model. Presentation of load contour helps the user to evaluate the loads (defined for the model) as mosaic plots and significantly improves quality for documentation of the analysis input data.
- To evaluate analysis results, mosaic and contour plots of full translational displacements (displacement vector) are added.
- Unification angle for axes to generate the stresses and axes for orthotropic plates now is presented as prperty. That is, when you modify the mesh of plate FEs or the plate geometry, unification angle retains its location.
- The input data of the DCF/DCL tables for building codes (SNIP 2.01.07-85*, SP 20.13330.2016, DBN B.1.2-2:2006) is expanded with safety factors for buildings and structures.
- New version supports interactive analysis protocol. In case of any warnings, errors, residual errors during analysis procedure, the information from analysis protocol is automatically placed to the service window 'Errors and warnings'. So, there is an option to select nodes and elements without PolyFilter. For example, it is possible to quickly select nodes with considerable residual error or select destructed elements of the model, etc. by highlighting one or several rows in appropriate window.
- New option to copy and paste selected fragment from one model into another and do not specify reference nodes for merge procedure. When this command is applied, the models are merged in gnlobal coordinate system. This option is helpful when several engineers work with the same project. It is also possible to paste the certain fragment and automatically search for intersections.
- Hinges in bars may be assigned based on selected nodes. Hinges may be also assigned at the end of structural elements. To check the design model and prepare documentation, there is 'mosaic plot for parameters of hinges' where you could see all assigned combinations in colour.
- New option to save all defined dimension chains when you use the 'Geometric properties' dialog box. Dimension lines do not disappear when the model is redrawn. It is possible to cancel the last dimension line or cancel all defined dimensions. New option to present values of dimension lines with account of projection view.
- For 2D problem that contains physically nonlinear soil FE (281-284), it is possible to compute stability factors for every FE. They are computed according to principal stresses and strength parameters defined in stiffness for geological element (GE).
- New option to define names for histories of nonlinear load case. When intermediate results of nonlinear analysis are displayed, on the screen you will see the value for summary coefficient to load.
- For standard types of sections for bars, new option to define the Poisson's ratio. In previous versions, the value equal to 0.25 was used in analysis on shear for these types of sections.
- New option to save the edit parameters in the dialog box. Appropriate oprion is added in the 'Parameters to edit and visualize' dialog box, 'General' tab.
- New option to work simultaneously in the 'Create dynamic load cases from the static ones' and 'Edit load cases' dialog boxes. In the first dialog box there is an option to organize the table rows by certain criteria.
- No limitations on prerequisites to generate the input data for problems with 'Time history analysis'. In previous versions, it was necessary to folloe the strict rule to generate load cases in design model (the first load case – pre-history, the second one – load case with masses, the third one – dnamic loads and the fourth optional load case – damping forces). Now the user could indicate the numbers of these load cases.
- Mosaic plots with wiehgts of masses are provided for dynamic problems. These mosaic plots may be used to evaluate analysis results and to prepare documentation.
- Number of the group of coupled DOF contains information about number of nodes included into this group.
- Mosaic plot with 'number of design sections' is available for bars.
- Enhanced options in the 'Diagram along section' dialog box:
- presentation of max values, values in every FE;
- rotation in the 'Diagram along section' dialog box with the right mouse button.
- Option to hide or show the grid lines during fragmentation of the model.
- To check the input data in fire resistance analysis for RC structures, section edges subjected to heating will be coloured red. In the 3D view mode (3D-graphics) with account of assigned sections it s also possible to check fire conditions for plate elements.
- New way to visualize the model - generation of 'Contour lines of plates and edges of solids'. This command may be used together with presentation of edges for slabs and solids and without sych presentation. It may be also used with previous commands for visyalization ('Without invisible lines', 'Shading', 'Stiffness in colour', etc.) and with mosaic/contour plots. You can also define the 'Smoothing angle for surface' (in degrees) to determine contour lines and modify thickness of contour lines for plates and edges of solids.
When the 'Contour lines of plates and edges of solids' command is active, the contour of elements that overlap (belong to the same plane) or intersect is also visualized. - Decimal symbol is automatically corrected (from comma to point) when you define input data in the table part of dialog boxes: 'DCL', 'DCF', 'Regular fragments and grids', '3D frames', 'Nonlinear stress-strain diagrams', 'Colour grade visualization', 'Summarize loads', 'NL Engineering'; SOIL system ('Grids', 'Boreholes', 'Table of boreholes', 'Soil properties'), etc. In the above-mentioned dialog boxes, you could work with formula in selected cell. To define the formula for certain cell, make the cell active and input the equal sign. When you define the formula, press ENTER. The result of calculation will be displayed in the cell.
- In the 'Transform mesh of plate FE' dialog box (on the 'Edit transformation' tab), you can use as vertices not only nodes that belong to FEs or 'dangling' nodes but the grid nodes as well.
- New option to delete the load from selected elements and nodes in all load cases of design model.
- Mosaic plots of nonlinear stiffness for FE 255 - 2-node FE of elastic springs with account of ultimate forces (Rx, Ry, Rz, Ruõ, Ruy, Ruz).
- Mosaic plot for the area of punching shear reinforcement per running metre of perimeter. This plot clearly illustrates the intensity of reinforcement.
- For new modules 'Bar analogues' and 'Progressive collapse', new user-friendly graphic interface to define the input data, evaluate analysis results and prepare documentation.
- Information about nodes and elements of design model is updated, there are new information tabs that describe the input/output data for new types of analyses.
- In the 'Pack model' dialog box, new parameter 'ignore nodes of bar analogues'. It helps the user to avoid 'throwing together' the nodes of target elements in bar analogues and nodes of other elements in the model.
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