Update 1 for LIRA-SAPR 2021 R2
Update 1 for LIRA-SAPR 2021 R2 is released. The following items are updated: NonLinear Engineering Design (NL Engineering), Analysis Client/Server, unification of forces, 1-node FE, the 6th DOF, import *.sli, import *.dxf, import *.ifc, pulgin for Grasshopper, invertion of walls
November 5, 2021
- Corrected bug: inversion of walls that contain openings if the analytical model of the wall was aligned manually.
- Added option not to transfer dynamic load cases to VISOR-SAPR module, just clear appropriate check boxes in the 'Edit load cases' dialog box.
- Corrected bug in the 'Cut off with box' command.
- Enhanced option to copy (by storeys) the openings with enclosed contours (when one opening is located inside the other) in floor slabs.
- Corrected value of load in the meshed model for the wall with interpretation 'Load' if the opening with defined unit weight is defined for the wall.
- Enhanced import of DXF drawings in case the drawing contains blocks (overlapping text is corrected, enhanced conversion of NURBS curves into Bezier curves).
- When the model generated by DXF underlay is updated, for beams the current section is retained.
- Import of IFC file:
corrected error in import of columns for which Boolean operations were performed;
added import of premises for the updatable node in the Generator system.
- Pulgin for Grasshopper is available in English and Ukrainian, restored compatibility with previous versions of the program.
- In problems with DCL according to SP RK EN 1990:2002+A1:2005/2011 (Republic of Kazakhstan), for forces by DCL, corrected difference in values presented on diagrams and in the information about element.
- In the 'Colour grade visualuzation' dialog box, on the 'Colours' tab, restored presentation of colours for the specified ranges.
- Tables of unified forces may be generated even if not all elements of the unification groups are selected.
- Added option: export of the output data from analysis of reinforcement for physically nonlinear bars and plates into Design of RC structures module.
- Accuracy in solving quadrangular and triangular FE of shell with the 6th DOF at the node is corrected depending on the FE shape.
- Restored analysis of problems with 'NL Engineering 1' according to SP 63.13330.2012/2018.
- Restored analysis of reinforcement according to SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011.
- For steel sections 'the 3rd class' (that behaves in elastic stage) clarified analysis on fire resistance in case of torsion moment.
- Corrected presentation of the height elevation for load when the load from the foundation pit is converted to the imported load.
- Clarified check for application of loads with attribute "σzy".
- For problems of SOIL system, with the option 'Calculate on enlarged grid', the added option to check points located outside the load.
- In the SOIL system, new option to show/hide symbolic presentation of piles and their numbers. To find out appropriate commands, on the VIEW menu, point to 'Show objects'.
- For calculation of subgrade moduli, the building code SP RK 5.01-102-2013 is supported.
- LIRA-FEM 'Analysis Client/Server' is speeded up in case of large number of problems that are waiting in the queue for analysis.