LIRA-SAPR 2017 R3 Update 1
Updated procedures for DCF calculation, generating & saving data about RC materials, merging of models, presentation of shear reinforcement, import from .sli file, generationg of DCL tables, presentation of design models, generation of .asp file, 'Large panel buildings' and Design of RC structures modules.
December 25, 2017
Updated procedures for DCF calculation, generating & saving data about RC materials, merging of models, presentation of shear reinforcement, import from .sli file, generationg of DCL tables, presentation of design models, generation of .asp file, 'Large panel buildings' and Design of RC structures modules.
The following errors and bugs were corrected
- Incorrect presentation of design models in the main window of the program on computers with more than 32 Gb RAM.
- Algorithm for generation of design combinations of forces (DCF) for the serviceability limit states is modified.
- Error in reading from file the information about reinforced concrete materials defined according to SP 63.13330.2012 when names of materials have great length because of large number of space characters.
- Prolonged period of time response for the program when the models are merged in case the merged elements of the model have a large number of defined structural blocks/elements.
- Error with colour palette presented by formula in case the colour palette has only one range of values.
- Values of shear reinforcement on mosaic plots of reinforcement.
- Extended list of cross-sections of RC elements for which analysis of reinforcement may be carried out: ‘C-shaped section’ and ‘Crane beam’ sections are added.
- Errors in documenting tables of stiffness properties:
- clarified value for the weight per running metre for bars;
- modified order in which parameters are presented for one of nonlinear stress-strain diagrams for materials (type 14 – piecewise linear function).
- Error in the dialog box for defining DCL (design combinations of loads), sometimes this error occurred when existing DCL table was edited.
- Clarified data about reinforcement pattern in the section of bar when the reinforcement data is exported to Design of RC structures.
- For building code SP.16.13330.2011, error when stability analysis of eccentrically compressed bars is changed for stability analysis of flexural bars according to sect. 9.2.2.
- Occasional errors when several DCL tables are generated within the same problem and when they are copied through the Clipboard.
- Clarified import of local coordinate systems from the *.sli file, possible effect of rounding errors is eliminated.
- Added option to generate the *.csv file for the nodal response spectrum.
- Enhanced algorithm for generation of load (defined in slab properties) for slabs supported by columns with capitals.
- Error occurred when the boundary conditions were defined for the stairs and analytical model of the stairs is reached along the horizontal.
- Selection option ‘Apply load factors’ is automatically duplicated in the ‘Load cases’ dialog box and ‘Project properties’ dialog box.
- Added option: grid lines may be displayed on facade and sectional view in certain projection.
- Corrected reading of previous models (from SAPFIR 2012).
- For the ‘large panel buildings’ system, manual editing of stiffness for the platform joint is corrected (defining σi).
- Added option: automatic re-calculation of thickness for the FE of platform joint for cases when 2 rows of platform elements are defined for the same platform joint.
- Error in presentation of reinforcement in the 3D view and on the plan of a wall that is located to the right of the axis and face of such wall is directed to the left.
- Restored option: the following data may be saved to the *.asp file and then opened in Design of RC structures module:
- class of concrete and reinforcement for which analysis of reinforcement in VISOR-SAPR module was carried out;
- location of gravity centres for rebars in beams.
- Modified visualization for areas of reinforcement and marks of RC elements in the 3D view for walls that are located one above the other within the limits of the same storey.