LIRA-SAPR 2022 R1 Update 1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 13 January,
For floor plans, corrected bugs in case:
- two slab contours (foundation slabs) are generated if one of their edges coincides;
- grid lines are created by layer if the grid line label and grid line itself are on different layers.
- Enhanced export of beams to IFC file.
- Fixed bug in the output for results of reinforcement for the LIRA-FEM and Autodesk Revit integration.
Preprocessor LIRA-CAD
- For the 'Special load' tool, the number of created loads is displayed in the 'Edit load cases' dialog box.
- In the project properties there is new parameter 'Intersection diagnostic error' that is used when the floor slabs are checked for intersections
- It is possible to switch the table's orientation from rows to columns in the steel table.
- Work with large arrays of piles is accelerated (options to copy, select, move objects). Files with large pile arrays are now opened more quickly.
- Improved autodetection of analytical floor levels for cases with many multi-level slabs within one floor.
- Enhanced generation of PRB column-wall for situations where the model contains offsets from column to wall.
- Fixed script error when you open the file (and its folder) from the SAPFIR start page. Improved loading of the start page in cases of poor internet connections.
- Restored option 'Apply to adjacent walls' in properties of the opening.
- Enhanced 'Mirror' command for openings in the slab and wall.
- Corrected error when the Slab with interpretation 'Load' was not included into the meshed model.
- Fixed bug that in certain situations caused the window infill to disappear.
Panel buildings
- For a lintel (simulated with a bar) that is defined in the properties of door and window openings, the bar is divided along FE of horizontal joint (restored option) when the model is transferred from SAPFIR module to VISOR-SAPR module.
- Enhanced auto arrangement of joints with the 'Apply' command in the Joint tool.
Design of RC structures
- Reinforcement colour palette is updated (restored option) when parameters of colour palette (colour, diameter, step) are modified.
- Improved view of wall reinforcement for cases where openings in the wall are indicated from the storey top with a negative relocation.
- Enhanced option to bake nodes.
- Restored node 'Rope'.
- Fixed bug related when you undo a node if the properties of another node were edited just before it.
Compatibility issues are identified for some Radeon graphics card models.
Unified graphic environment, design modules, etc.
- In the analysis of reinforcement according to SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011, the influence of the slenderness ratio on the values of design moments is clarified when the first order effects (geometric imperfections) are considered.
- Accelerated procedures for the selection of steel sections of the 'rectangular tube' type by SP RK EN 1993-1-1:2005/2011.
- For plate elements, the number of characteristic combination is corrected in the data about reserve factor for reinforcement.
- In the DCF table for the punching shear contours, the shift of force values in the columns of the table is corrected.
- Corrected error in generation of mosaic plot for analysis results of reinforcement in bars.
- In the mode of analysis results visualization, the results are presented graphically for dynamic loads for which the dynamic type is defined as 'Modal analysis' (restored option).
- The scale factors to a three-component accelerogram (dynamics module 29) are corrected if they were set to 0.
- For weakly compressible soils, the calculation for the depth of compressible stratum Hs is clarified.
- In the 'Metal section' dialog box, presentation of the specified corrosion data is restored.
- The stiffness properties of an I-beam section defined parametrically (that is, no steel table) are clarified in case of rotation for a section.
- In the 'Information about element' dialog box for FE 53, the 'subgrade moduli' tab is restored.
- The seismogram calculation in nonlinear time history analysis is refined.
- Modified calculation for the rigid joint of metal beams and beam-to-column connections.
- When specifying physically nonlinear stiffness for standard section types, it is possible to define parameters to arrange the horizontal reinforcement (restored option).
- Clarified analysis of transverse reinforcement in RC elements according to TKP EN 1992-1-1-2009.
- Limitations to stability analysis for steel cross-sections of beams, columns and trusses are corrected according to SP RK EN 1993-1-1:2005/2011.
- Clarified conditions for termination of analysis according to a certain criterion for geometrically nonlinear problems.
- Fixed bug in the location of trapezoidal load for the bars with variable cross-section.
- The list of FE types and conditions for assigning C1/C2 and Pz to bars are clarified.
- For SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011, the reinforcement class C is selected by default when RC materials are defined (value of the coefficient k=1.15).
- Fixed bug in analysis of load cases by formula when no component is calculated for a dynamic load available in the formula.
- In the 'Stiffnesses and materials' dialog box, it is possible to define the stiffness for FE 341-344 (restored).
- A possible program crash during analysis of reinforcement in problems with structural elements is eliminated.
- In the calculation of deflections for steel elements carried out by DCF for load histories, the account of forces for group B2 is corrected.
- In the 'Report Book', possible problems when the DCF table is generated in
format are corrected. - Fixed bug in generating mosaic plot for the number of elements adjacent to the nodes.
Last updated: 13 January,