Update LIRA-SAPR 2014 R4
The 4th release of structural analysis software LIRA-SAPR 2014 is presented.
• restored: import from *.dxf and Revit;
• fixed bug: when load contours are united with openings in soil model;
• added: analysis according to serviceability limit states by SP 52-101-2003, SP 63.13330.2012 in plate FE by Wood theory;
• enhanced: analysis according to serviceability limit states by SP 63.13330.2012 for bars;
• enhanced: DCF calculation (mutual exclusion, accompanying, etc.).
• SAPFIR-Structures, modified: algorithm for mesh triangulation (division of PRB contour according to triangulation step);
• SAPFIR-Structures, fixed bug: duplication of bars in VISOR-SAPR if they are intersected with more than one plate at the same time;
• SAPFIR-Structures, modified: option to copy premises with base point;
• SAPFIR-Structures, enhanced: import files of *.liraKM format;
• SAPFIR-Structures, fixed bug: transferring properties for analytical models from Architecture mode to Structures mode;
• SAPFIR-Structures, enhanced: export of *.dxf files;
• A lot of very constructive feedback from our customers about all systems of LIRA-SAPR 2014 are considered.