New version LIRA-SAPR 2012

New options in LIRA-SAPR 2012:<br> - Entirely new Ribbon User Interface.<br> - New design module Design of RC structures (Reinforced Concrete).<br> - Analysis of built-up sections (20 types) according to SP 16.13330.2011.

May 21, 2012
New version LIRA-SAPR 2012 is available from May, 20.

  • Automatically generate perfectly rigid bodies (figure 1, figure 2).
  • Parametrically define capitals with automatic generation of appropriate finite element models (figure 3).
  • Define parts of variable thickness slab with automatic generation of appropriate finite element models (figure 4).
  • Simulate erection of structure in appropriate order (ASSEMBLAGE) (figure 7).
  • User-friendly tools to define arbitrary surfaces (ramp, staircase, inclined element, dome, arched element) (figure 5).
  • Automatically gather static wind according to SNIP ‘Loads and Effects’ (figure 6).
  • Present union/difference/intersection of floor slabs/walls; copy objects by arbitrary trajectory (figure 8).
  • Export design model from SAPFIR-Structures to VISOR-SAPR based on the new file format.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Unified graphical user interface VISOR-SAPR
  • Entirely new Ribbon User Interface that provides users with advanced options for intuitive work with the models and have arbitrary settings that enable the user to modify the working environment. At the same time, the user could work in common interface with menus and toolbars (figure 9, figure 10, figure 11, figure 12).
  • Modified interface design for all graphical elements. New graphical elements may be presented as small or large icons. Concept meaning of main icons is saved.
  • Time necessary for visualization of design models is considerably reduced (particularly for Windows Vista and Windows 7).
  • Quality of model presentation is significantly improved. New type of 3D projection is introduced.
  • Presentation of design model (fragmentation, flags of drawing, etc.) is remained on the screen when you switch to different modes of the program.

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

  • New procedures for DCF calculation with account of differences in requirements for steel and reinforced concrete structures.
  • Enhanced procedure for element unification based on DCF for super-element problems.
  • Analysis on earthquake loads according to building codes of Georgia (PN 01.01.-09).
STC-SAPR module
  • Analysis of built-up sections (20 types) according to SP 16.13330.2011 (figure 16).

Figure 16

New design module Design of RC structures (Reinforced Concrete) (figure 13, figure 14, figure 15)
  • Design of RC structures module enables the user to design and then obtain working drawings for reinforcement, specification of reinforcement, bill of materials and list of components for the floor slab. Design procedure is carried out automatically with interactive graphical methods based on analysis results of reinforcement from LIRA-SAPR 2012. It is possible to visualize direction of rebars and contour/mosaic plots for areas of reinforcement, label main (background) reinforcement and zones for additional reinforcement with its parameters, dimensions and notes, calculate anchorage with account of overlapping.

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

For further releases of LIRA-SAPR 2012

  1. New capabilities for solver in LIRA-SAPR 2012:
    • analysis of reinforced concrete structures with account of crack propagation and nonlinear deformations of compressed concrete will become as user-friendly as generally accepted linear analysis and similar to it;
    • FE library will be expanded;
    • solver may be used for 32-bit as well as for 64-bit operating systems. In the 64-bit OS the solver will use the whole random-access memory (more than 4Gb).
    Wood equations for analysis of reinforcement in plate elements will be available (now Karpenko’s theory is implemented).
  3. Further development of Design of RC structures module will include new design system Punching. Punching shear reinforcement at support zones (above columns, pylons, walls) will be determined for the floor slab according to analysis results. Appropriate drawing will be available.
  4. SAPFIR-Structures module will include many new options, such as, mode for defining boundary conditions, etc.

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