Тест 3.13 Strong bending of the console into a cylindrical shell (new)

Verification of the LIRA-FEM software / Тест 3.13 Strong bending of the console into a cylindrical shell (new) / Analytical solution: L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshits Theory of Elasticity, M.: " Science ", 1987, p. 106. 106.

Тест 3.13 Strong bending of the console into a cylindrical shell (new) <p><b>Analytical solution:</b> L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz <i>Theory of Elasticity</i>, Moscow: Science, 1987, p. 106.</p>

  <table border="0" width="100%">
<tr><td width="1%">
<img src="/lira/verif/img/003/13.gif" title="Click to enlarge"/>
  </td><td valign="top">
L = 10 м;<br>
b = 1 м;<br>
h = 0.01 м.
<p><b>Material characteristics:</b> <i>Е = 1.2 </i>x<i> 10<sup>8</sup> т/м<sup>2</sup>.</i></p>

<p><b>Boundary conditions:</b> Point A is pinched.</p>

<p><b>Stresses:</b> <i>My = 2π tm.</i></p>

<p> </p>

<p>The structure was modeled with rod finite elements for strong bending ( FE 309), breakdown - 100 FE, and finite elements for strong plate bending (FE 341) breakdown - 100 FE along the length, one along the width. Calculation results are the same.</p>

<p><b> </b></p>


<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <tr> <td width="70">
        <p align="center"><b>Point</b></p>
       </td> <td width="120">
        <p align="center"><b><span>The desired value</span></b></p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center"><b><span>Analytical solution</span></b></p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center"><b><span>Calculation results (LIRA)</span></b></p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center"><b>Uncertainty,%</b></p>
       </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td width="70">
        <p align="center">B</p>
       </td> <td width="120">
        <p align="center"><i>w</i><sub>B</sub>, <i>м</i> </p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">0.0</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">-0,001</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">0</p>
       </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td width="70">
        <p align="center">B</p>
       </td> <td width="120">
        <p align="center"><i>u</i><sub>B</sub>, <i>м</i></p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">-10.0</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">-10,01</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">0,1</p>
       </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td width="70">
        <p align="center">C (L/2)</p>
       </td> <td width="120">
        <p align="center"><i>u</i><sub>C</sub>, <i>м</i></p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">-5.0</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">-5,0</p>
       </td> <td>
        <p align="center">0,0</p>
       </td> </tr>

<p> </p>
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