Wind load in SAPFIR

Help with creating wind load in SAPFIR. I suppose imposing it to walls as non uniformly distributed load along global axes x and y.Does SAPFIR impose only uniformly distributed load along Z? Or I should impose load to plates into LIRA SAPR.

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Wind load in SAPFIR
Help with creating wind load in SAPFIR. I suppose imposing it to walls as non uniformly distributed load along global axes x and y.
Does SAPFIR impose only uniformly distributed load along Z? Or I should impose load to plates into LIRA SAPR.
Use the function of automatic gathering the wind load (go to menu Create - Loads – Wind). Wind load is gathered according to selected building code, specified wind region, type of locality and coefficients. One model could contain several wind loads with particular load case. You can see more in following tutorial video.­y_sbor_staticheskogo_vetra.html

MEA wrote:
Does SAPFIR impose only uniformly distributed load along Z?
SAPFIR imposes load in any direction. To impose load along X or Y it is necessary to rotate working plane using hot keys Alt+X, Alt+Y
Edited: Александра - Oct 16, 2014 11:15:43
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