Two-way integration with Autodesk Revit
Within the framework of building information modeling (BIM) concept, two-way integration of Autodesk Revit - LIRA-FEM - Autodesk Revit is implemented.
Nov 03, 2020
Within the framework of building information modeling (BIM) concept, two-way integration of Autodesk Revit - LIRA-FEM - Autodesk Revit is implemented.
Two-way integration includes:
- a set of families and tools for creating an analytical model in Revit, as close as possible to the analytical scheme of LIRA-SAPR;
- transfer of analytical model from Revit to LIRA-FEM for performing strength analysis;
- transfer of selected reinforcement from LIRA-FEM to Revit for design of reinforced concrete bearing slabs, walls, columns and beams;
- a set of tools for graphical visualization and reinforcement control, which is well known for LIRA-FEM users, but functions in Revit environment.
Creation and transfer of analytical model from Revit to LIRA-SAPR
The following data is transferred from the Revit analytical model to LIRA-SAPR:
- coordinates and topology of analytical model elements;
- cross-sections of model elements;
- boundary conditions;
- loads.
Concentrated, uniformly and non-uniformly distributed loads on bars and plates are transferred from Revit. Loads may be oriented in the project coordinate system, in your own working plane, and in the local coordinate system of the element to which the load is applied.
At the moment of transfer, the automatic search for intersections between elements of the Revit analytical model and creation of finite element meshes is performed. In addition to the standard properties of elements of analytical model in Revit, when transferring data to LIRA-SAPR, you can set additional properties for each specific analytic model of the element, as well as for the entire project:
- intersections settings, including the necessity to create PRB on the intersected elements in the zone of intersection;
- finite element mesh creation method and triangulation step;
- boundary conditions.
For exact mutual correspondence of Revit and LIRA-FEM cross sections, a ready-to-use comparison table is used, which can be supplemented by an user for non-standard sections.
When installing LIRA-SAPR, new, specially designed families of beams and columns Revit, corresponding to the most common cross sections of LIRA-FEM are supplied. Among them there are sections of reinforced concrete structures, metal rolled profiles, built-up sections of rolled and sheet profiles, and composite RC and steel sections. Catalogs of standard sizes of the supplied families that contain rolled sections are created on the basis of LIRA-FEM assortment base. The principle of work with the families is the same as the principle of setting cross sections in LIRA-SAPR. Supplied families are adapted to work in different templates, such as a popular template version 2017 from Autodesk Community Russia.
The template containing the necessary settings for a quick start of work when performing the working documentation of the sections of steel structures and RC structures is available for engineers with initial level of Revit competency.
Transfer, analysis and control of reinforcement in a link LIRA-FEM ' Revit
Reinforcement selected in LIRA-FEM is transferred to Revit. Revit facilities are supplemented with tools for displaying reinforcement received from LIRA-SAPR. Theoretical reinforcement from LIRA-FEM is displayed on the bar elements as diagrams and on the plate elements as contour plots and punching shear contours. This type of theoretical reinforcement will be useful for designers as a convenient substrate for placing reinforcement elements.
The reinforcement scale parameters set in LIRA-FEM can be transferred into Revit. Such approach allows to perform unification of reinforcing elements as early as in LIRASAPR, and in Revit to continue the design, working with already prepared data.
To control the reinforcement of plate elements, a special tool has been developed. It allows you to automatically highlight under-reinforced zones in the plate elements with color.