Other improvements

Last updated: March 27, 2024
  • Fixed bug in analysis of the iterative bar, namely, in the calculation of reactions Qy and Qz. There was incorrect calculation for the moment of inertia of the figure relative to an arbitrary point.

  • For the iterative plate, the calculation of reactions by Qx and Qu is modified. The tangential strain XZ (YZ) along the section were redistributed in such a way that the sign of the integral reactions Qx (Qu) may not coincide with the sign of the initial tangential strain XZ (YZ).

  • In cases of tension and moment (at small eccentricities), the location of the neutral line and slope angle are clarified.

  • The state of equilibrium for the situation of pure bending is clarified. Sometimes, there were cases when a section fails before the ultimate force is reached.

  • Fixed bug in generating the DCF table for a 3D thin-walled bar with warping of the section (FE 7).

  • In analysis on fire resistance for plates (slabs, walls), fixed bug where the reinforcement was increased in case of one-sided heating.

  • For expansive soils, clarified Hsh (expanding zone) when the option "Account of soil weight above elevation of load application" is selected.

  • Fixed vector presentation of text when several screenshots are saved as a group.

  • Modified algorithm for generating the punching shear contours.

  • Fixed bug in defining the snap for rebars when the "From materials" option is selected in the settings for PR types.

  • Fixed bug in identifying the PRB when the "All degrees of freedom (DOF)" option is selected.

  • Clarified buckling analysis for the universal bar in the mode for the whole model.

  • Fixed bug in the scale of text labels on the screenshots (also known as "posters") of the design model if the size of these screenshots was defined in the special dialog box.