Model update improvements

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024 16:28:19

The "feedback" options between the project's design model (VISOR) and analytical model (LIRA-CAD) have been improved. The LIRA-CAD module can now receive updates to cross-sections of elements that were modified in the VISOR module in addition to the results of strength analysis and analysis of reinforcement

If the stress-strain state of the structure is evaluated and it is necessary to relocate columns or modify the cross-sections of certain elements, then such modifications may be transferred from the VISOR module to the LIRA-CAD module with a single click. So the changes will be automatically applied to the LIRA-CAD physical model, which reduces the errors in case the model is updated manually and provides additional time for decision-making and modelling alternatives.

Update LIRA-CAD model according to design model in VISOR module