Analysis parameters

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:15:20
  • For the strain in FEs 55, 255, 265 and 295, an alternate sign rule is applied. The new rule states that strain along an axis of the element's local coordinate system has the sign "-" if nodes move in the direction of each other (compression), and the sign "+" if nodes move in the opposite direction (tension). If the projections of the nodes on this axis coincide, the sign of strain will depend on the order of node numbers defined for the element, that is, by the same order as previously defined.


Previously, strains were computed as the difference in displacements of the 2nd and 1st node. That is, the sign of strain depended on the order of node numbers defined for the element.

  • In analysis of plate systems, for individual finite elements of shell, it is possible to define the sixth degree of freedom (rotation UZ relative to the axis orthogonal to the plane).

Account of the sixth DOF for the shell through the plate stiffness dialogue box

Account of the sixth DOF for the shell through the plate stiffness dialogue box