Components of BIM technology

Last updated: March 29, 2024
  • Added option: to match coordinates of object snap by X, Y, Z and rotation angle of the structures relative to true north.

How to match coordinates of objects’ snap

How to match coordinates of objects’ snap
  • Fixed bug: related to wall cleanup after IFC import.

  • Fixed bug: when importing IFC files, option to recognise objects of IfcStair type and convert them into stairs objects.

  • Fixed bug: after importing IFC files, displacement of grid lines relative to the working plane on the storey.

  • When importing an IFC for elements in which the material name "Steel" is used, the matching with the Steel Structures material is performed.

  • When importing an IFC, the line "Material not defined" is displayed for elements that do not have a material defined in the IFC file so that a matching to LIRA-CAD material can be done.

Matching materials when importing IFC

Matching materials when importing IFC
  • Enhanced option: to recognize the openings in slabs when importing IFC files.

  • Fixed bug: in option to interpret elements when importing IFC files.

  • Fixed bug: in saving the import settings for the IFC file when Ukrainian, English and Polish languages are selected.

  • For models from Tekla, as well as LiraKM and IFC files, model objects are matched by the Guid property.

  • Fixed bug: in generation of inclined slabs when importing the model from LiraKM file.

  • Improved algorithm for slab recognition when importing DXF/DWG underlays through nodes.

  • New button in the LIRA-CAD (Generator) window to activate the Update underlay dialog box for simultaneous updating of several import nodes at once.

Updating several underlays in the LIRA-CAD (Generator)

Updating several underlays in the LIRA-CAD (Generator)
  • Restored option: to create an opening in the load for the Load_S node (creating the surface loads on slab)