ESPRI 2020 (Engineering Assistance Package) is a set of reference and calculation programs for the day-to-day needs of civil and structural engineers

ESPRI software package contains programs (modules) that enable you to carry out computer-aided analyses for a wide range of tasks in design, engineering and research fields of construction.

Since all modules of the package are very user-friendly and calculation procedure requires minimum amount of time, ESPRI may be successfully applied for different purposes, such as: generating design model of the structure, evaluation of analysis results, expert appraisal of projects and technical supervision during erection of the structure.

ESPRI may be essential in many situations that require evaluation of real structures behaviour during erection, reconstruction, design procedure and supervision for their maintenance.

ESPRI helps the user in the routine work and provides the user with support to come up with an optimal solution. Modules of ESPRI program are significant supplement to the more powerful software for civil and structural engineering – LIRA-FEM and MONOMAKH-SAPR.

ESPRI software is an enhancement of set of programs presented earlier in CALCULATOR software.

ESPRI contains 85 reference and calculation programs. The programs in the package are organized into modules according to subject in consideration: mathematics; static and dynamic analyses, reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, foundations, etc. The rest of programs are presented separately.

ESPRI package contains different chapters (Mathematics for engineer, Sections, Statics/Dynamics/Stability, Steel structures, Reinforced concrete (RC) structures, Masonry & masonry reinforcing, Foundations and beddings, Loads and actions, Punching shear, Prestressing) and modules (Deflections, Ellipsoid, Sheet piling, Diaphragm, TOSTER, Soil).

Mathematics for engineer

6 modules

Areas and Volumes.
The module contains considerable set of frequently used plane figures and solids, for which with appropriate formulas it is possible to determine areas, volumes and surface areas respectively.

Diagram Multiplication.
The module is intended to multiply diagrams of internal (unit and load) forces of various shape for solving statically indeterminate systems by force method.

Linear Algebra.
The module is intended to solve main problems of linear algebra.

Polynomial Roots.
The module is intended to determine complex root of polynomial that consists of real and imaginary components. Polynomial order is limited up to 36.

Parametric Thin-walled Sections.
The module enables you to calculate geometric properties of the most widely used types of thin-walled sections. In addition to standard geometric properties, the following parameters for thin-walled section are computed: shear centre, torsion centre, shear areas, warping constant, sectorial coordinates.


4 modules

Parametric Sections.
The module enables you to compute geometric properties of the most widely used sections. The section is defined with minimum number of parameters.

Separate Sections as Single Unit.
The module enables you to determine location of shear centre for separate sections that are considered as single unit. In this program it is possible to calculate shear centre for plan of the structure as a single unit. Forces in elements of section from external loads are computed. External loads may be applied at gravity centre, at the calculated shear centre and at point with arbitrary coordinates. External loads may be defined in initila or in principal axes. Distances to the point where load is applied may be also defined either in initial or in principal axes.

Moment of Inertia in Torsion.
The module enables you to calculate moments of inertia in free torsion for the most widely used section types.

Static & dynamic analyses, stability

14 modules

Continuous Beam.
The module enables you to carry out static analysis of multispan continuous beam (up to five spans with two cantilevers).

Influence Lines in Continuous Beam.
The module enables you to generate influence lines for displacements, rotation angles, bending moments and shear forces from moving loads in multispan continuous beam (up to five spans with two cantilevers).

The module enables you to determine nodal displacements and forces in elements of plane trusses of various shapes that are most widely used in practice.

Parametric Plane Frame.
Module for static analysis of plane frames of various shapes that are most widely used in practice.

 Arbitrary Plane Frame.
Module for static analysis of plane frames and trusses of various shapes.

Steel structures

6 modules

Steel Table.
The module provides you with a wide set of reference tables for steel shapes, steels and combinations shape-steel.

Analysis of Steel Elements.
The module enables you to select and check sections (33 types) of steel structures. SNIP II-23-81* Steel structures and Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures are supported.

Principal and Equivalent Stresses in Steel Structures.
The module enables you to calculate principal and equivalent stresses by different criteria of rupture for the specified stress tensor.

Effective Lengths of Steel Structure Elements.
The module enables you to determine (according to SNIP II-23-81*) effective lengths for different elements of steel structures.

Parametric Joints of Steel Structures.
The module enables you to design and check joints of steel structures.

Reinforced concrete (RC) structures

13 modules

Properties of Concrete.
The module provides reference materials about normative and design strength of concrete for ultimate and serviceability limit states according to SNIP 2.03.01-84* Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures.

Tables of Reinforcement.
The module provides reference materials about design area and theoretical mass per running metre of reinforcement depending on number and diameter of rebars according to SNIP 2.03.01-84* Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures.

Anchorage of Reinforcement by DSTU 3760-98.
The module enables you to determine anchorage of rebars according to DSTU 3760-07.

Sections of RC Elements.
The module enables you to analyse reinforced concrete (RC) sections by ultimate (ULS) and serviceability limit states (SLS).

Concrete Sections with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars.
Concrete section may be reinforced with nonmetallic composite reinforcement and with several types of reinforcement, including steel reinforcement. Calculation is made by theory of ultimate states and by deformation model of reinforced concrete according to draft project of SP Structures of Concrete with Composite Nonmetallic Reinforcement.

Concrete Pipe Sections.
The module for strength analysis of pipe sections by deformation model according to SP 63.13330.2012, SP 16.13330.2011 and draft project of SP Structures of Concrete with Composite Nonmetallic Reinforcement.

Masonry and masonry reinforcing

5 modules

Design Compression Strength in Brickwork.
The module presents reference data: values of design compression strength in all kinds of brickwork (table 2 SNIP II-22-81 Masonry and Masonry Reinforcing Structures).

 Brick Pier.
The module enables you to analyse masonry and masonry reinforcing structures according to SNIP II-22-81 Masonry and Masonry Reinforcing Structures. Pier may be defined with rectangular shape or T-shape. Plane eccentric compression of pier may be considered. Calculation is made for tensile and compressive forces. After calculation, if it is necessary to reinforce the pier, the program indicates number of masonry courses in which wire meshes (with defined cell and diameter of rebar) should be placed and/or area of longitudinal reinforcement. Building code SP 15.13330.2012 ‘Masonry and masonry reinforcing’ is also supported.

Brickwork in Local Compression.
The module enables you to analyse strength of masonry and masonry reinforcing structures in local compression according to SNIP II-22-81 Masonry and Masonry Reinforcing Structures. 8 types of support sections may be calculated. Building code SP 15.13330.2012 ‘Masonry and masonry reinforcing’ is also supported.

Brick Pier in Tension.
The module enables you to analyse strength of masonry and masonry reinforcing structures in tension according to SNIP II-22-81 Masonry and Masonry Reinforcing Structures. 8 types of support sections may be calculated. Building code SP 15.13330.2012 ‘Masonry and masonry reinforcing’ is also supported.

Brick Pier by DBN V.2.6-162:2010.
The module enables you to analyse masonry and masonry reinforcing structures according to DBN V.2.6-162:2010.

Timber structures

6 modules

Analysis of solid, glued and composite sections of timber structures according to SP 64.13330.2011.
After analysis you will obtain either abridged or detailed (with formulas) report with utilization percentage for the section by appropriate checks.

Analysis of solid, glued and composite sections of timber structures according to Eurocode 5.
After analysis you will obtain either abridged or detailed (with formulas) report with utilization percentage for the section by appropriate checks.

Foundations and beddings

9 modules

Bearing Capacity of Piles by Field Test Results.
The following building codes are supported:
SP 24.13330.2011, SP 50-102-2003, SNIP 2.02.03-85* and DSTU B V.2.1-27:2010.
The module provides the following options for calculation:
- by test field results of driven piles at probe point;
- by results of static probing for screw piles in compression and pull-out loads.

Moduli of Subgrade Reaction C1, C2.
The module enables you to compute settlement and moduli of subgrade reaction (subgrade moduli) C1 and C2 under the centre of single footing or foundation slab depending on specified soil properties and load.

Loads and actions

8 modules
Load Factors.
The module contains reference tables with load factors for weight of structures and soil as well as weight of equipment according to SNIP 2.01.07-85* Loads and Actions.

Dead Weight of Multi-layer Coating.
The module for computation of normative and design loads from dead weight of the coat consisting of several layers. Resistance to heat transfer in multi-layer coat may be computed, if required.

Snow Loads.
The module for computation of snow loads on buildings and structures.

Resonance Check for Wind Turbulence.
The module enables you to check buildings and structures for resonance wind turbulence according to SP 20.13330.2011 and DBN V.1.2-2:201X. The program determines critical wind speed and intensity of resonance wind turbulence according to specified frequencies of natural vibrations.


Analysis of Inelastic Deflections.
The module enables you to calculate inelastic deflections in multispan continuous beam (up to five spans with two cantilevers) with arbitrary lorng-term and short-term loads applied to the beam. The following building codes are supported: SNIP 2.03.01-84*, SNIP 52-01-2003, Eurocode 2, DSTU 3760-98, TSN 102-00.



Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Elements.
The module enables you to generate surface (incorrect ellipsoid) of ultimate forces for the specified arbitrary RC section with arbitrary located rebars of different diameter. Every point of surface of such ellipsoid corresponds to one of many sets N, Mx, My, that describes ultimate state of section. The user could define point K with certain coordinates Nk, Mxk, Myk and obtain sections (incorrect ellipsoids) that pass through this point.

Sheet Piling

Sheet Piling.
The module is meant to design sheeting for foundation pit. Design model is considered as plane and consists of soil, elements of sheet piling and its anchorage. The user defines dimensions of soil, soil properties, dimensions of foundation pit and levels of trenching, loads on soil surface, dimensions and material properties for sections of sheet piling and anchors, and pretension force in anchorage. Calculation is made sequentially by stages. At the first stage the program calculates complete model (with no anchors) on dead weight and specified load. Then number of stages is determined automatically and depends on specified levels of trenching and levels of anchorage. During the calculation procedure, displacements are accumulated at nodes, stresses – at elements of soil and forces – in sheet piling and anchorage by stages. Output data is presented as contour plots of displacements and stresses in soil, forces in sheet piling and anchors at every stage.


Strength of RC Diaphragm in Earthquake Loads.
The module enables you to estimate shear strength of reinforced concrete (RC) diaphragms in earthquake and cyclic loads. The program realizes method of ultimate equilibrium as well as empirical methods for calculation of ultimate strength of RC diaphragms with cracks:
• method of UBC (Uniform Building Code, USA);
• dependencies of Barda F., Hanson J., Corley G. (American Concrete Institute, Detroit);
• dependencies of Hernandez O.B., Zermeno M.E. (WCCE, Istanbul);
• dependencies of Tassios T., Lefas J., Lulurgas S. (Greece – USSR, joint research);
• dependencies of Hirosawa M (Building Research Institute, Japan);
• dependencies of ATC-3 (Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, Applied Technology Council);
• dependencies of Manual on Design of Residential Buildings to SNIP 2.08.01-85. The program also supports provisions of SNIP 2.03.01-84* Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures and Recommendations of CEB-FIP (Euro-International Concrete Committee - International Federation for Prestressing).
Cyclicity of earthquake load is taken into account by idealized model of hysteresis in RC walls. Strength zone for diaphragm is generated by dependencies N~Q and N~M.

Punching shear

4 modules

Punching Shear for Arbitrary Contour.
The module enables you to carry out punching shear analysis of RC slabs under concentrated load and concentrated moments in two planes. Shape of arbitrary punching shear contour is determined automatically and depends on section type of column. The following column sections are supported: circle, rectangular, T-section, angle and cross. Dimensions of contour are calculated depending on the specified slope angle of faces in punching shear pyramid. By default, this angle is equal to 45 degrees. Closed contour (if there is an opening in slab or the column is located at the edge of slab) is generated by cutting off appropriate part from the contour. Cut-off part is simulated with straight line that passes through point with specified coordinates and with the specified slope angle to horizontal plane.

Punching Shear for Rectangular Contour.
The module enables you to carry out punching shear analysis of RC slabs under concentrated load and concentrated moments in two planes. For rectangular punching shear contour, only several design situations are available:
- column inside the slab (closed contour);
- column at one of the slab edges;
- column at corner of rectangular slab (open contour);
- column inside the slab near the opening (open contour).

For the slab and wall, the following situations are available:
- wall end inside slab (open contour of three parts);
- wall end at slab edge (open contour of two parts);
- slab at corner of wall (open contour of three parts).
Both modules support the following building codes: DSTU 3760-98, SNIP 2.01.03-84*, SNIP 52-01-2003, Eurocode 2.
Output data is presented as area of necessary transverse reinforcement with certain spacing. Intermediate results are also displayed.

new Punching shear analysis by Eurocode
The module enables you to carry out punching shear analysis of rectangular slabs according to EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode 2), DBN V.2.6-98:2009 and DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010 (Ukraine), CH PK EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011 (Kazakhstan). Capitals of columns are taken into account. 8 design situations (schematic presentations) in 4 possible variants are considered.

new Punching shear analysis (Belarus)
The module enables you to carry out punching shear analysis of rectangular slabs according to SNB 5.03.01-02 (Belarus). The presence of column capitals is considered. 8 design situations are considered in 5 possible variants.

Nodal loads, predefined displacements and local loads are allowed. Nodal loads are considered to be applied at torsion centre (rather than gravity centre), coordinates of this centre are the same for all bars included in the node. Output data is presented as nodal displacements (including deplanation) and forces at bars – axial force, bending moments, torsion moment, shear forces and bimoment. Output data may be either presented graphically as deformed shape and force diagrams or displayed in tabular form.


Thin-walled Bar Systems.
The module enables you to carry out static analysis of 3D systems from thin-walled bars in combined bending and torsion. Every node of the frame has 7 degrees of freedom – three linear translations, three rotations and deplanation. 2D bar systems also may be calculated. Geometric properties of section (including warping constant) are calculated automatically in the Parametric Thin-walled Sections module of ESPRI.


2 modules

The module enables you to select and check bearing capacity of RC sections of bars with prestressed reinforcement. In the ‘check’ mode, reserve factor for strength is computed for the section. In the ‘select’ mode, areas of upper and lower reinforceement as well as appropriate ultimate value of prestress are computed.

Analysis of RC Support Sections (Posts).
The module enables you to analyse strength in RC supports of ring sections with prestressed reinforcement. DBN V.2.6-98:2009 and DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010 are supported. Calculation is made by deformation model.


Moduli C1 and C2 according to Soil Model.
The module enables you to calculate subgrade moduli C1 and C2 from 3D soil model. Soil model is generated by specified set of boreholes, their geologic properties and location.

The program generates contour plots of settlements, subgrade moduli and other parameters. Subgrade moduli C1 and C2 are calculated by several methods for Fuss-Winkler and Pasternak soil models. It is possible to consider in which way current structure (structure under consideration) influences the neighbouring structures. Skews of foundations in the existing structures are computed. The following building codes are supported: SP 22.13330.2011, SP 24.13330.2011 and DBN V.2.1-10:2009.

Contours of loads may have arbitrary shape. Loads from designed and/or neighbouring buildings may be applied to natural and/or pile beddings. For group of piles, settlement is calculated as for equivalent footing. Depth of compressible stratum, subgrade moduli C1 and C2 are determined within the specified contours of loads.

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