MONOMAKH-SAPR 2013 R1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 22 November,
- Methods for account of physical (material) nonlinearity of reinforced concrete (RC) structures are presented in a manner like the mode ‘NonLinear Engineering Design’ (NL Engineering) realized in LIRA-SAPR 2012. Analysis of RC structures with account of physical nonlinearity is carried out in BUILDING module. According to analysis results, FE model of the structure with FEA results is imported to design modules of the program.
- One more method (Wood method) for analysis of reinforcement in plate elements of RC structures is presented in SLAB and ELEVATION (Wall) modules.
- Analysis results for FE model of the structure are imported from BUILDING module to SLAB and ELEVATION (Wall) modules (new method for import procedure). In this case, the generated FE mesh, displacements, stresses,
forces, support reactions are imported to design modules. Analysis procedure includes DCF generation and analysis of reinforcement. Design procedure and punching shear analysis are carried out after analysis, as
in previous versions of the program. Thus, there are three variants how to export data about design model from BUILDING module to SLAB and ELEVATION (Wall) modules:
- export contours of slab or wall, loads and supports;
- export contours of slab or wall, loads and displacements of adjacent elements (pattern of displacements);
- export FE model of slab or wall with nodal displacements, forces in elements and reactions in supports.
- In design modules, there are following enhancements for analysis of reinforcement:
- SNIP 52 01 2003. When shear forces act in the eccentrically compressed elements of RC structures, it is possible to consider correction factors according to section 3.52 of the Manual.
- EuroCode 2. Elements of RC structures may be analysed with account of precise dimension of the section and these factors:
γc – partial factors for materials in persistent and transient design situations;
η – factor of reducing concrete strength in complete structure. - EuroCode 2. Elements of RC structures may be analysed with account of predefined limitations on width of crack propagation for long-term and short-term cracks.
- DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010. Elements of RC structures may be analysed with account of the following coefficients:
acc – coefficient taking account of long-term effects on the compressive strength;
act – coefficient taking account of long-term effects on the tensile strength;
γc2 – coefficient taking account of fracture in concrete structures;
γc3 – coefficient for structures reinforced vertically;
γ – the ultimate value of parameter from table 2.12 DBN V.1.1-12:2006 ‘Construction in seismic areas of Ukraine’.
- SLAB module:
- New option to show displacement contour plots relative to the specified level, for example, the specified support of the slab or the node with minimum displacement.
- Option to visualize reactions Rz when you evaluate contour plots of forces in piles, reactions in columns and walls.
- Option to visualize contour plots of displacements from normative load (in earlier versions, displacements contour plots were generated only from design load).
- User-friendly modes for presentation of design model on the screen (flags of drawing will be applied to objects of the model without Redraw command).
- Enhanced punching shear analysis of RC slabs.
- Support for building code SP 63.13330.2012 ‘Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General rules. Updated version of SNIP 52-01-2003’. When the testing procedures are complete, this building code will be included into the next release of MONOMAKH-SAPR 2013 (February-March 2013).
- BUILDING, SLAB, ELEVATION (Wall) modules: in the 64-bit OS, the finite element analysis (FEA) is performed with 64-bit solver. In this case, the whole RAM is used (more than 2 Gb).
- The work with directories in design modules becomes user-friendly. Program settings are saved in the registry.
- BUILDING module. The Reguirements for RC elements command from the OPTIONS menu (parameters of program) is transformed into the Percentage of reinforcement command in the MODEL menu (parameters of the problem).
- BUILDING module. In the mode of FEA results, it is possible to obtain information about any node of the model and select it on the model.
- MONOMAKH-SAPR 2013 is available in Russian / Ukrainian / English.
- All new options are described in context-sensitive help.
Last updated: 22 November,