MONOMAKH-SAPR 2011 R1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
1. DEMO version of the program is now available: if there is no hardware protection key, all modules of MONOMAKH-SAPR will function in Demo mode and not be closed. The following limitations are imposed for the Demo version:
1.1 For BUILDING module:
1.1.1 It is not allowed to save the problem.
1.1.2 It is not allowed to import problems.
1.1.3 For FEA and for export to LIRA-FEM program, triangulation step for all elements is equal to 1.5m.
1.1.4 Max time limit for the work session is 8 hours.
1.2 For SLAB module:
1.2.1 Information about determined reinforcement at top side of the slab is not available.
1.2.2 Option to arrange reinforcement at top side of the slab is not available.
1.2.3 It is not possible to export data to LIRA-FEM program.
1.2.4 It is not allowed to save the problem.
1.3 For ELEVATION module:
1.3.1 Information about reinforcement along the Z-axis is not available.
1.3.2 Pattern of wire mesh reinforcement is not available.
1.4 For COLUMN module:
1.4.1 When the problem is opened or imported, section dimensions are deliberately enlarged.
1.4.2 Section dimensions cannot be modified.
1.5 For BEAM module:
1.5.1 When the problem is opened or imported, section dimensions are deliberately enlarged.
1.5.2 Section dimensions cannot be modified.
1.6 For BRICK module:
1.6.1 Information about reinforcement for groups with even numbers is not available.
1.6.2 Pattern zones for wire mesh are not available.
1.7 For SOIL module:
1.7.1 It is not allowed to save the problem.
1.7.2 Soil model for BUILDING and SLAB modules may be saved only in case the number of layers in every borehole is not greater than 2.
2. Analysis of reinforcement according to Eurocode 2 is now available in SLAB, ELEVATION, COLUMN and BEAM modules.
3. Analysis of reinforcement according to TKP/OR 45-5.03-…200 (Belarus) is now available in SLAB, ELEVATION, COLUMN and BEAM modules.
4. Now in BUILDING, SLAB, ELEVATION, COLUMN and BEAM modules, the way for defining material properties for elements and DCL coefficients depends on the building code that was previously selected by the user.
5. Enhanced procedure of composing force combinations for analysis of reinforcement according to SNIP 2.03.01-84, TSN-100, DSTU 3760-98, SNIP 52-01-2003 in SLAB, ELEVATION, COLUMN and BEAM modules.
6. New analysis of transverse reinforcement is presented in SLAB module. Now it is possible to calculate reinforcement not only per running metre, but per 1m2 as well (and it is more reasonable).
7. In BUILDING module:
7.1 It is possible to export analysis results to DEF+STRIP-PC (version 2010 г.). BUILDING program generates input data file for analysis of isolated and strip footings.
7.2 Earthquake analysis according to EN 1998-1:2004 (Eurocode) is now available.
7.3 Wind analysis according to EN 1991-1-4:2004 (Eurocode) is now available.
7.4 Updated procedure of mass collection for earthquake analysis.
8. Numbers of unified columns (short walls) are imported from BUILDING module to COLUMN module. Now in COLUMN module the user could find out the columns (short walls) where combinations of forces had an influence on analysis of reinforcement for the unified column.