SAPFIR-3D 2022 R2 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 1 March,
Interoperability - components of BIM technology
Improved plug-in Revit - LIRA-SAPR:
- the 'Export' dialog box is now non-modal, so it is possible you to assign properties to Revit analytical models without closing the dialog box;
- restored option to export the Linear load to the element from Revit 2022 to LIRA-FEM program;
- new option to assign 'materials by category' for the English localization of the program.
imports for the 'Import floor plans', 'Import AutoCad drawing', 'Import model to new project' commands and for the 'Import underlay in*.dxf
format' node. - In the 'Import floor plans' dialogue box, the storey height may be saved to the parameter template to be applied later.
Enhanced import of IFC:
- storeys are created by slabs for models that are saved in the IFC as one storey;
- improved recognition of walls with a large number of faces;
- improved recognition of openings;
- new recognition of object colours;
- improved import of beams.
- If the wind load is applied by method '1 - to ends of floor slabs', the pressure/suction option is implemented separately (for all building codes). If the option is defined as 'Yes', then the separate loads are generated for the positive and negative wind pressure.
- SP RK EN 1991-1-4:2005/2011 Wind loads, clause 7.1.2 (Asymmetric wind pressure) is supported. If the wind load is applied by method '1 - to ends of floor slabs' and '2 - positive/negative wind pressure', it is possible to define the parameter 'Asymmetric wind pressure' with pressure coefficients (left/right) for all building codes.
Asymmetric wind pressure
- In the 'Sum up loads' dialog box, there is new option to edit the total load separately for each direction and for each load case. This option is available in the 'Architecture' and the 'Meshed model' modes.
- New modules for earthquake loads according to building codes of Uzbekistan KMK 2.01.03-19 (module 33), Tajikistan MKS CHT 22-07-2007 (module 48) and Georgia PN 01.01.-09 (module 53).
- The following parameters are added for all earthquake modules:
- the required percentage of modal masses;
- option to sum up the displacements with the same frequency;
- option to define the method for summing up the earthquake components;
- account of excluded and non-computed mode shapes.
- In the 'Meshed model' mode, the 'Copy loads to architecture' option is available in the 'Load cases' dialog box, on the 'Edit load cases' tab (see the shortcut menu). It enables the user to copy any loads to architecture, including wind loads and loads obtained after the load collection with proxy objects.
Option 'Copy loads to architecture'
Option to delete the load case together with all loads it contains:
- for wind, earthquake, special load and soil pressure - the relevant items are deleted in the 'Structure' window;
- for the load defined in the properties of slab - the relevant item with the load value becomes clear;
- for objects with interpretation 'Load' (partition, beam, column, slab, etc.) - the object itself is deleted.
- A new triangulation method 'adaptive quadrilateral version 2' is implemented. Based on comparison results, for certain problems, the 'adaptive quadrilateral version 2' method may speed up the process by 2 to 4 times. The greater the ratio of model dimension to triangulation step and the more mandatory points for triangulation, the faster the triangulation will be with the new method relative to the previous method. Also for a number of problems in which the 'Smooth mesh' option enabled, the FE mesh quality is considerably enhanced.
Comparison of triangulation: adaptive quadrilateral with smoothing (left) and adaptive quadrilateral version 2 with smoothing (right)
Large Panel Buildings
- Enhanced division of the FE of joint over openings.
- Enhanced generation of embedded items in the joint over the openings in case the 'Lintel is simulated with bar' option is defined in the properties of the opening.
Design of RC structures (Reinforced Concrete)
- The drawings and detail views for punching shear according to the SP RK EN 1992-1-1:2004/201.
Design of RC structures module. Drawings by the output data from a punching shear analysis according to building code SP RK EN
- A new 'Arrangement of reinforcement' dialog box is mentioned to define the parameters for the arrangement of transverse reinforcing bars in punching shear and then to design with separate rebars or reinforcing cages.
Design of RC structures module: Design of a monolithic floor slab by the output data from a punching shear analysis according to building code SP RK EN
- Added nodes: 'Arc by three points', 'Arc by two points and direction', 'Plane by three points'.
Creating an arc by three points
Last updated: 1 March,