SAPFIR 2019 R1 Update 2 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 23 August,
- Restored option to copy properties for columns and beams (overall dimensions of section, snap of section, displacement for the snap point of the section).
- Enhanced option to copy openings within the same floor slab.
- Enhanced options to copy spaces snapped to the levels.
- Enhanced option to generate meshed model for copies of pile groups (arrays).
- Modified option to generate surfaces by formula.
- Modified priority to select objects when you work with hatchings and piles on the floor plan.
- Design material properties for the user-defined material now may be assigned in the project library and in the general SAOFIR library as well.
- Corrected error arising when you downloaded the saved library of materials and tried to download materials from this library to the current project. Refers to libraries that were saved from the *.spf file generated in version 2018 and open in version 2019.
- Added option to cut off the visible presentation for the single grid lines on reinforcement views.
- Corrected error that caused collapse in all documentation views within the project in case 2 files with the same name were open.
- Added option to turn off visualization of pile groups (arrays) when the layer where they are located is turned off.
- Clarified check for assigning PR types for columns with capital or column base and for walls with lintel above the opening.
- The ‘Equidistant’ command is enhanced for the foundation slab.
- Corrected error arising when you tried to save the *.s2l file with empty load cases if these load cases were included into DCL.
- Enhanced option to save the loads with openings into *.s2l file.
- In the Select reinforcement dialog box, the building code DSTU 3760:2006 is added for rebars.
- SAPFIR-Generator module: for node of beams new input Vector (V) is added; it is possible to define rotation angle for the beam section.
- SAPFIR-Generator module: for node ImportDxf, the choice is added either 2D or 3D dxf. To import 3D dxf, select appropriate parameter.
- For integration with Autodesk Revit, there is a new option to import load cases in the order in which they were created in Revit.
- Restored option to import design material properties assigned in Revit to LIRA-SAPR.
Last updated: 23 August,