SAPFIR 2019 R1 Update 1 Release Notes

Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group

Last updated: 12 June, 2019


  • Added option to direct linear and concentrated loads along the vertical or perpendicular to the plane (in this case - the plane of generation).

  • Modified plugin with Grasshopper: new option (in Grasshopper environment) to generate openings in walls by points, lines and contours (nodes: window and door), and openings in slabs by contours (node: slab).
  • Added option: sign variability is automatically assigned to earthquake loads.
  • Cancelled visualization of soil model on the floor plan.
  • Enhanced algorithm for assigning (automatically) Pz on floor slabs. Pz is assigned to all foundation slabs in the project.
  • Added visualization of soil model on sectional elevations.
  • Corrected: LIRA-FEM program failure when you tried to ‘Generate fragment in SAPFIR’.
  • Corrected: program failure when you opened previous files (version 2016 and earlier) in which there are staircases.

Design of RC structures

  • Removed: incorrect warning about not adequate reinforcement at zones AS1, AS2 (for column design).
  • Enhanced option: import of mosaic plots of reinforcement.
  • Corrected error in design of an instance of unified group of slabs during subsequent work session with the file.


Last updated: 12 June, 2019



Version History
LIRA-FEM software