LIRA-SAPR 2019 R1 Release Notes
Structural engineering software LIRALAND Group
Last updated: 24 May,
- Updatable soil model may be attached to 3D model of the structure. In SAPFIR program it is possible to make mutual arrangement between building model and the soil. Soil model with the snap is automatically transferred to VISOR-SAPR module. The user could temporarily hide certain soil layers, make imaginary 'elevation view' of soil owing to section box extents. Soil model may be updated with account of modifications made in the SOIL system; the specified snap remains the same.
Soil model attached to 3D building structure in SAPFIR
- The user could manage the design parameters of steel structures directly in SAPFIR environment. It is possible to define classes for steel, additional design parameters for columns and beams, selection limitations for sections. With parametric filter, the user could select elements of steel structures by certain parameters. When data is transferred to VISOR-SAPR module, the program automatically generates structural elements and false deflection fixities.
Define design parameters of steel structures in SAPFIR environment
- New tool to define intermediate levels in storeys. It is possible to define the snap for objects (walls, slabs, columns, beams, roofs and rooms) to levels (top of storey, bottom of storey, intermediate). Levels may be displayed at section elevations. When you edit certain level, the program automatically modifies levels of objects that refer to this level.
Define levels
- New commands to define a snap of vertical objects (columns, walls) to the floor slab. When the level of floor slab is modified, the height of vertical objects is modified respectively.
Snap of walls and columns to the slab
- New object 'Inclined slab' is introduced.
- Offsets are available for beams and columns. Offsets may be generated to the level of storey top, storey bottom, intermediate levels. Moreover, it is possible to generate offsets to selected object: for beams – to slabs and conventional planes (hatching), for columns – to walls.
Offsets to slab are generated
- Input data may be defined for wind analysis with pulsation.
- Option to define snaps of loads to selected object. The load is referred to the level where the object is located. When the object level is modified, the load is automatically moved as well.
- New mode for selection of points (vertices) of objects to move them together: check points and axial lines are displayed for several selected objects rather than for one.
- New mode for selection of line segments to move them together or to assign boundary conditions.
- New tool that enables the user to check the integrity of design model visually. On design model you will see contour plots of distances to supports and indication for elements with no support.
Contour plots for distances to supports and indication of elements with no support
Check for model integrity
- During generation of design model the user could automatically assign restraints to vertical elements (columns, walls) if there is no foundation slab.
- Local libraries of materials are supported in projects.
- New option to renumber storeys.
- In object properties there is one more parameter – Storey in order to display the current storey of an object or to move the object from one storey to another.
- New mode for presentation of project structure with tags of structural elements (instead of names).
- The user could assign visibility of objects on every view regardless of other views, it is very helpful for documentation views and drawings.
- It is possible to select the group of drawings, for example, to delete them.
- Correct work of the program is provided with buildings that have different snap.
- Enhanced algorithms applied when the slab contour is modified: cleanup of support elements, generation of punching shear contours, etc.
- New tool 'Manage cleanups' indicates which objects (slabs, walls, beams) crop the selected object. It is also possible to cancel these cleanups.
New tool 'Manage cleanups'
- When the floor slab is transformed into foundation slab, the openings remain the same.
- Joints (vertical) may be saved to SAPFIR library.
- Joints in large panel buildings may be modified when the model is updated or checked.
- Enhanced algorithm to select joints.
- For the Line in the shape of polygon, there is a new parameter – number of vertices.
- Option to cut off with view cube when images are exported to *.jpg, *.png.
- In parameters of SAPFIR objects the user could select layer in the drop-down list of Layers.
- In floor plans it is possible to generate openings in foundation slabs and floor slabs separately.
- New option to edit facets and fillets for contours: to replace the facet with the fillet, to modify radius of fillet, to delete facet or fillet.
Design of RC structures
- Types of pilot reinforcement (PR) are automatically generated and then assigned to elements of design model according to design procedures for slabs, walls, columns, beams in Design of RC structures module. In this module there is a system of user-defined settings that enables the user to define and assign the types of pilot reinforcement (PR). These settings are applied by default.
Types of pilot reinforcement are generated by default
Types of pilot reinforcement are generated according to design procedure in Design of RC structures module
- New option to generate and manage the asymmetric reinforcement in stiffness diaphragm.
- Set of options to define zones of reinforcement in slabs: general reinforcement pattern, working length of rebars with account of anchorage, define zones by diagonal, define zones from centre.
- Option to define different parameters for transverse reinforcement in beam.
- When *.spf file is opened, if the model contains import nodes DXF, then the program checks whether *.dxf files are available at the specified paths. In case such files are not found, the program displays message that *.dxf files are not found and import nodes are frozen. The warning that there is no related *.dxf files is not provided any more.
- New node is introduced: 'Enhanced generation of storeys by specified levels'.
Node 'Enhanced generation of storeys by specified levels'
- The Section and Material nodes are introduced.
Section and Material nodes included as external parameters
- The user could search for node by its name.
Search for node by its name
- New option to show/hide the ribbon in GENERATOR in order to increase the graphic area.
- New options to edit several objects: bake, freeze, unfreeze, hide/show all nodes in the model.
- Commands to update the model (auto and manually) to speed up the Generator system.
- The work in the 'Generator' dialog box is enhanced and optimized.
- Nodes may be presented in colour (data defined/data not defined). Inputs of node may be also displayed in colour: red – required to be filled, orange – one of inputs (depending on type of data) required to be filled, grey – data was already defined inside node, white – no defined data inside node.
- Enhanced node for cutting openings in slabs. It results in less time necessary for work and considerable reduction of file size if this node is used inefficiently.
Plugin for Grasshopper
- For our standard nodes (wall, slab, column, beam, pile, prism, surface, points, lines) it is possible to activate the 'Properties of SAPFIR object' dialog box within the Grasshopper environment.
'Parameters SAPFIR' dialog box activated in Grasshopper
- Input “Param” is added at nodes: “wall”, “slab”, ”column” ,”beam”, “pile”, “prism”, “surface”, “points”, “lines”.
- New nodes are added: “Material” and “Section”. When RC node is selected, the program automatically displays the node inputs where the user could define parameters for the section (dimensions b1, h1, b, h) or select appropriate materia
- Generation of surfaces from Grasshopper is speeded up.
- Surfaces may be generated by massive of closed 2D contours (lines).
Data Import
- New tool that enables the user to automatically replace materials when the model is imported from IFC. It is possible to save corresponding settings and apply them many times in the current and other projects.
Tool to replace materials from IFC with materials from SAPFIR
- Modified geometric location for window infill during import of model from IFC.
- Enhanced import IFC with cutting off the openings.
- Enhanced import IFC from Renga.
- Stairs are imported from IFC into parametric stairs.
- Modified identification of parameter Interpretation of columns and beams where IFC option is specified as Load-bearing structure.
- Import of elements from analytical model IFC.
- Matrix decomposition (factorization) is speeded up. For processors GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz, 4 physical cores, 8 logical cores, RAM 10 Gb, acceleration is from 1.6 to 2.8 times. For processors GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 6 physical cores, 12 logical cores, RAM 16 Gb, acceleration is from 2.5 to 4.2 times. For example, matrix decomposition for mixed (braced and unbraced) frames in high-rise buildings (5,300,000 unknowns) with the second one from the above-mentioned processors takes 16 minutes.
Mixed (braced and unbraced) frames in high-rise buildings (5,300,000 unknowns)
- Finite elements of Mindlin–Reissner theory (thick slab) are enhanced. Test examples show more exact results in comparison with other realizations.
Design models for verification of FE of thick slab
Graph for convergence between output data for FE of thick slab and analytical solution
- In parameters for earthquake analysis, new option to define the total percentage of modal masses that should be accumulated, while in parameters for wind analysis with pulsation – whether it is necessary to achieve the ultimate frequency. Natural vibrations are not computed if the specified number of mode shapes is reached or above-mentioned conditions are satisfied, whichever is earlier. You could define number of mode shapes as the very large number, and then it would be practically ignored as criterion for not computing natural vibrations.
Parameters for earthquake analysis
- Wind analysis with pulsation is available for SP 20.13330.2016 with modifications No.1 (module 21).
- When computing natural vibrations, the program considers eccentricities defined to masses concentrated at nodes of the model. This option is available for all modules of Dynamics.
- Stiffness parameters of design model may be modified according to user-defined coefficients.
- New methods are presented for simulation of steady-state and transient heat transfer. New model type is introduced, special finite elements are available.
New FE types for solving heat transfer problems
Steel Structures
- For I-shaped bar with variable cross-section the program provides check according to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The check enables the user to make sure that steel structures defined in the design model will take the specified load. Output data may be presented in graphical and tabular formats. Variable sections of steel beam may be determined with: variable height of the web, variable widths of flanges and their variations.
New stiffness type in database of steel sections
- Selection and check for sections of solid thin-walled shapes according to SP 260.1325800.2016.
- New option to define the steel grade for the group of elements or to the whole model regardless of the cross-section type.
Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures
- For bar elements, new analysis algorithm 'Ribbed slab' is provided. New user interface is presented to determine max allowed overhangs in flanges; in this case offsets are automatically assigned for bars (ribs). In analysis of reinforcement the program corrects dimensions for the section (overhangs are determined) for every set of forces in slab, these forces are converted to the type of forces acting in bar.
- Advanced tools are provided to define actual reinforcement pattern in complex sections. This option is available for physical & geometric nonlinear analyses, for NL engineering and to check the bearing capacity for bar sections according to valid building codes.
Option to generate and edit types of pilot reinforcement (PR) (complex section)
- New algorithm is provided for strength analysis of RC sections by Wood theory according to SP 63.13330.2012. This algorithm enables the user to speed up analysis time and obtain improved output data as to area of reinforcement in plate elements.
- Module for local analysis of RC structures is modified. New LARM-SAPR module enables the user to generate and preview forces in the manner similar to VISOR-SAPR module. New option is provided to define forces from combinations of type A1 - D1 for strength analysis and combinations of type A 2 - D2 to check width of crack propagation. It is also possible to define composite sections, types of pilot reinforcement (PR), parameters to analyse ribs in plates and parameters for fire resistance.
- Analysis of composite columns according to DBN B.2.6-160:2010 is supported.
- A set of design requirements is considered for ÑÍ ÐÊ EN 1992-1-1:2004/2011 in analysis of reinforcement.
Fire Resistance
New algorithm for analysis of reinforcement to provide required ultimate fire resistance. Nonlinear deformation theory by CTO 36554501-006-2006 is applied in this algorithm. Solution of this problem includes the following aspects:
- computing distribution of temperatures across the section according to the specified time period in fire conditions;
- further modification of physical and mechanical properties of materials according to obtained temperature fields;
- check of bearing capacity of structure elements in normal load and, in case conditions are not adequate, increasing of reinforcement.
It is possible to define parameters for thermal actions and then evaluate distribution of temperatures along the section. At the stage of generation of design model the user could evaluate defined location of rebars in order to avoid their overheating up to critical temperature.
Ultimate fire resistance and fire exposure time
Output data for analysis of reinforcement may be presented as appropriate mosaic plots (for bar and plate elements separately). Appropriate rows are also added in the tables of selected reinforcement.
Changes in temperature within the element section
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Last updated: 24 May,