Filter for object visibility

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:17:02

In LIRA-CAD module version 2024, there is enhanced management of visibility in elements of the building information model by object type.

The Filter for Object Visibility allows you to easily modify the parameters of the view that are relevant to visualization, as well as the composition of visible objects by type.
Object types are presented in a hierarchical tree, taking account of their subtypes.

The dialog box now includes a large set of object types. The dialog box is not modal, resizable and has an auto-refresh option.

This dialog box is dynamically updated and shows a group of elements specific to the current view. As a result, only element types and subtypes that are present in the current view of the model will be displayed in the list. The state of each type (visible or invisible) is indicated with a "light bulb" icon. Use the mouse pointer to activate the "light bulbs"; then the picture in the graphical window will be changed right away: elements of the appropriate type are either shown on the screen or become invisible.

You can now select which objects should be visible as well as display them based on certain criteria for more flexible display configuration. Use the settings for the object filter to select the required criterion; objects that fulfil this criterion will be displayed. For example, if you select the criterion for columns with a cross-section of 400x400 mm, then only columns of this size will be displayed in the model.

In the new version, this dialog box allows you not only to filter objects, but also to select items with the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

Additional options to display the local axes for walls, columns and beams are available in the Meshed Model mode.

Filter for object visibility

Filter for object visibility
Filter for object visibility

Mass redistribution

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:15:20

The mass redistribution procedure is implemented. For time history analysis and each spectrum dynamic load case, a set of mass redistribution groups may be defined. It is possible to comply with the building code's requirements thanks to this technology, which includes taking into account the torsional effects of unknown mass locations and spatial variations in earthquake loads.

Every group has the following parameters:

  • Position of the local coordinate system of the group. There are two options to define the position of this coordinate system: default and specifying the angle of rotation about the global Z-axis.
  • Mass relocation along the local axis R` (Eak_R`).
  • Mass relocation along the local axis T` (Eak_T`).
  • A list of items to create a group.

Groups of mass redistribution in elements

Groups of mass redistribution in elements

The default position of the UCS for the group is determined in the following way:

  • for single-component earthquake loads - the direction of the local X-axis is determined as the projection of the earthquake load on the XOY-plane of the global coordinate system;
  • for three-component earthquake loads with radial components - the direction of the local X-axis coincides with the direction of the radial component of the earthquake load;
  • for other spectral dynamic loads and time history analysis - the local coordinate system of the group coincides with the global coordinate system.

The purpose of mass redistribution is to move the centres of masses by the specified displacements, Eak_R` and Eak_T`.


The group redistributes masses obtained from loads and mass weights applied to the elements and directly to the internal nodes of the group. The internal nodes of the group are the nodes that belong only to the elements of the group. To collect the masses from the FE into the nodes of this element, a diagonal mass matrix is used, no matter what type of matrix has been specified.

Design options

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024 16:36:50

The LIRA-CAD module implements an effective mechanism for managing design options. The new LIRA-CAD functionality allows you to create and modify design options and customise their parameters. Alternative design options allow for quickly obtaining the analysis results for reinforcement and sections according to different building codes. For each selected building code, structural elements automatically receive material properties corresponding to these documents.

Certain types of analysis (by DCF, by DCL, or by forces) may be assigned to every design option. The corresponding building code may be defined for any analysis (reinforced concrete, steel, or masonry reinforcing). Accordingly, the material properties specified for each of the selected building codes will be applied.

In addition, it is possible to create several design options according to one building code, with different types of analysis for sections (by DCF, DCL, or forces). These options may be selected in the dialog box and displayed in the table with design options.

The new approach of working with design options exactly corresponds to the logic of structural analysis software VISOR module. The input data required to carry out the strength analysis may be defined in more detail. 

“Design options” dialog box

"Design options" dialog box

Groups of mass redistribution

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:16
  • A new option to define a set of mass redistribution groups in the elements of design model for dynamic analysis (for each spectral dynamic load case and for time history analysis). Mass redistribution is used to shift the centres of mass in plan by a specified value.

Groups of mass redistribution in the elements

Groups of mass redistribution in the elements

List of reinforcement items

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:16:07

The amount of reinforcing steel is one of the key technical and financial indicators of a building project. At the stage of the architectural model, the consumption of reinforcing steel may be obtained (in detail) in LIRA-CAD module version 2024

The Total list of reinforcement command is available on the View tab, on the Information panel, see the Schedule menu.

When you activate this command, the Total list of reinforcement dialog box is displayed. In tabular form, you will see the consumption of reinforcement presented in detail by rebar diameter and concrete volume.

The geometric properties of the structure (the length, height, thickness, and section dimensions) are taken into account when calculating the actual amount of concrete. It also takes into account situations where element models overlap, for example, beams in a floor slab (the volume of the part of the beam immersed in the slab is automatically subtracted from the volume of the slab). 

The quantity of reinforcement in a structure can be represented by weight or length (in tonnes or in r.m.). 

The most accurate information about the consumption of reinforcement may be obtained based on the following data:

  • strength analysis and selected theoretical reinforcement;
  • reinforcement model created in LIRA-CAD (RC) module:
    • for bars, according to types of reinforcement (TR);
    • according to the type of pilot reinforcement (PR type).

Total list of reinforcement (dialog box)

The "Total list of reinforcement" dialog box

In the "Total list of reinforcement" dialog box, it is possible to filter the items in the list by layers, storeys, objects or highlighted rows.

Total list of reinforcement - Filters

Total list of reinforcement - Filters

Components of BIM technology

Last updated: March 29, 2024
  • Added option: to match coordinates of object snap by X, Y, Z and rotation angle of the structures relative to true north.

How to match coordinates of objects’ snap

How to match coordinates of objects’ snap
  • Fixed bug: related to wall cleanup after IFC import.

  • Fixed bug: when importing IFC files, option to recognise objects of IfcStair type and convert them into stairs objects.

  • Fixed bug: after importing IFC files, displacement of grid lines relative to the working plane on the storey.

  • When importing an IFC for elements in which the material name "Steel" is used, the matching with the Steel Structures material is performed.

  • When importing an IFC, the line "Material not defined" is displayed for elements that do not have a material defined in the IFC file so that a matching to LIRA-CAD material can be done.

Matching materials when importing IFC

Matching materials when importing IFC
  • Enhanced option: to recognize the openings in slabs when importing IFC files.

  • Fixed bug: in option to interpret elements when importing IFC files.

  • Fixed bug: in saving the import settings for the IFC file when Ukrainian, English and Polish languages are selected.

  • For models from Tekla, as well as LiraKM and IFC files, model objects are matched by the Guid property.

  • Fixed bug: in generation of inclined slabs when importing the model from LiraKM file.

  • Improved algorithm for slab recognition when importing DXF/DWG underlays through nodes.

  • New button in the LIRA-CAD (Generator) window to activate the Update underlay dialog box for simultaneous updating of several import nodes at once.

Updating several underlays in the LIRA-CAD (Generator)

Updating several underlays in the LIRA-CAD (Generator)
  • Restored option: to create an opening in the load for the Load_S node (creating the surface loads on slab)

Graphical presentation of cleanup

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:17:02

It is possible to have a graphical representation of the cleanup objects that is color-coded (green for objects with cleanup, red for objects without cleanup). Cleanup in columns for slabs and in beams for walls, columns, and beams are displayed as points. Wall cleanup for slabs is displayed with horizontal lines, and wall cleanup for walls is displayed with vertical lines. The points and lines of cleanup in the meshed model become the points and lines of the combined behaviour of the objects (intersection points and lines). This type of representation makes it possible, even at the stage of the physical model, to identify locations where the combined behaviour of objects cannot be guaranteed. Use the "Filter for object visualization" dialog box to specify the parameters for cleanup points and lines in objects.

Cleanup points and lines

Cleanup points and lines

In accordance with certain criteria, new visualization modes are introduced to the set of functions for colour presentation of objects:

  • to display layer colours; it enables you to display objects in the colours corresponding to their layers. This tool facilitates orientation in the model when the "import floor plans" option is applied;

  • "Editable Analytics" mode. In this mode, objects that were modified manually will be displayed in colour. This visualization mode will help the user understand the modifications made to the analytical model.

These functions significantly simplify work with the model and provide more convenient and efficient interaction with the model.

How to work with object visualization in the LIRA-CAD model

Damping ratio

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:15:20
  • For dynamic modules 41 and 64, calculation of damping ratios by mode shapes (according to damping ratios specified for elements).

Note: In LIRA-SAPR 2022 R2, in analysis on accelerograms of earthquake load with dynamic modules 27 and 29 for design models consisting of elements or fragments with different damping properties, the analysis of equivalent attenuation by the j-th eigenmode of vibrations was implemented by the following formula:


where {φj} is the vector of the j-th mode shape, [K] is the stiffness matrix of the model, ∑[ξK]i is the stiffness matrix (for the i-th element or fragment) multiplied by the damping ratio for this element.

  • New option to use separately the damping ratios for each dynamic load case in the dynamic modules 27/29 and 41/64. For these modules, it is possible to limit the damping ratio: for 27 and 29 - maximum damping ratio, for 41 and 64 - minimum and maximum Nu.

Account of damping in the spectral method

Account of damping in the spectral method


Last updated: Jan 05, 2024 16:36:50
  • New module for earthquake load - (63) TBEC-2018 (Turkey).
  • A load from a forced displacement may be defined. The following data should be defined: the load, its displacement (m) along a certain direction, its rotation angle (rad) about a certain axis, or its warping (rad/m). When the load from the forced displacement is located in the model, it is automatically linked to the object that it is applied to. To check the object that the load is linked to or remove such a link, use the "Manage links of object" dialog box. To "fix" (link) the load to a selected object, use the "Attach object" command. When the meshed model is generated, a node is generated at the location of the load from the forced displacement, and such load is transferred to the VISOR module as a forced displacement at the node. To define the load along the line, use the "Forced displacement along line" command. In the meshed model, such a "linear" load will be split into several nodal loads of the forced displacement with the triangulation step of the object that it is linked to, or discretization step (if such a step was defined in the load properties). 
  • New tool to define uniform and non-uniform thermal loads on bars and plates.

Temperature on bars and plates

Temperature on bars and plates
  • For dynamic analysis, new option to define the mass weight at a node and mass weight along a line.
  • Enhanced functionality for the tool that collects loads. New option that takes into account continuity of the proxy object when distributing bar loads through it.
  • For objects of the "Snow mound" type, new option to divide the snow model into segments and connect the separate segments together.
  • For more convenient work with linear and surface uniformly distributed loads, a new approach to their application in the finite element model is provided. New option "By whole finite element" for uniformly distributed loads: the load may be transferred not as individual concentrated load but as uniformly distributed over the whole surface of each finite element. To use this option, the load should be linked to a certain structural element. This option is available for the surface load and the linear load. There are two ways to transform the load that is applied to each finite element:
      • the load contour defines the triangulation zone. In this case, the load is presented as a uniformly distributed load within this zone;
      • the triangulation does not depend on the load contour. In this variant, the load is transformed into a uniformly distributed load on the plates in which centres of gravity are located within the load area.

Triangulation with regard to load areas

Triangulation with regard to load areas
  • For walls that are interpreted as loads, there are two methods to transform this load:

    • 1 (standard method): to calculate the weight of the wall with account of openings and create a uniformly distributed linear load that is placed along the line along which the partition is generated;
    • 2 (new method): to divide the wall into segments with variable load within the openings. Then each segment will obtain a different, uniformly distributed linear load corresponding to that segment.

Approximation of loads from walls with account of openings

Approximation of loads from walls with account of openings
  • The "Space" tool is significantly enhanced:
    • If it is necessary to consider the floor for the room that is described as a load and a multi-layer floor covering material is used, the intensity of this load will be automatically calculated, taking into account the thickness and unit weight of each floor covering layer;
    • If a room occupies several floors and is interpreted as a load in a property, the intensity of the load will be applied to each slab that it passes through, taking into account its volume.
  • The validation of the model is enhanced. Upon generating a mesh model, the software will check the loads to identify the finite elements that it can be applied to. A warning message appears if no finite elements are detected and some load is lost. Therefore, in order to prevent lost loads during the model's transfer to the VISOR structural analysis module, it is possible to adjust the load locations during the generation of the meshed model.  The project properties now include a customisable parameter that allows you to ignore a small percentage of the lost load and not display a warning when validating the model.

Data for earthquake analysis

Last updated: Jan 26, 2024 11:08:22
  • A new option to assign the damping ratio to individual elements of the model for each dynamic load case. These damping ratios are used in earthquake analysis for real one-component accelerogram (27), real three-component accelerogram (29), response-spectrum (41), three-component response-spectrum (64) to account for damping.

  • In earthquake analysis by a real one-component accelerogram (27) and a real three-component accelerogram (29), it is now possible to define the maximum calculated damping ratio.

  • New option to correct the spectrum according to the damping ratio computed in earthquake analysis by the response spectrum (41) and the three-component response spectrum (64). 


When the spectrum is corrected according to the computed damping ratio, the user-defined response spectrum is generated for a damping ratio 0.05 (5%).

  • When the data for earthquake analysis is defined according to AzDTN 2.3-1 2010 with amendments of Jan 01, 2014 (Azerbaijan - module 50), it is now possible to define the coefficient of nonlinear deformation of soil Kq.

Pile arrangement

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:16:07

In LIRA-CAD module version 2024, it is possible to create the documentation view "Pile arrangement". In this view, all piles in the building are shown with sign notation. Optionally, each pile can be labelled with its pile number and the elevation of the pile head. 

Based on the provided data, a table with "List of piles" can be created for the drawing with "Pile arrangement". This table will contain brief but necessary information about the piles, including the following parameters:

  • Number of piles of standard type;

  • Symbols (sign notation) on the drawing;

  • Length of piles;

  • Elevation of the pile head.

This table will be a useful tool to organize the data regarding the piles available for the project.

Options to generate and modify the model

Last updated: March 24, 2024
  • In the "Truss parameters" dialog box, there is a new way of dividing the bottom and top chord of the truss taking into account the location of the web. There is also a new parameter: "STC function". This parameter allows you to display the functional purpose of the truss element when the truss is exploded. It will also be displayed in the steel table.

Truss parameters

Truss parameters
  • In the "Retaining wall" element, a new type of alignment for the analytical model (Left) is added. Also the "Arbitrary snap" option is added to the "Level snap" parameter.

Type of alignment for analytics - Left

Type of alignment for analytics - Left
  • Fixed bug: the stairs did not reach the wall horizontally.

  • Fixed bug: in selecting "Other" elements when using the "Select Up" command.

  • Improved "Cancel" tool: fixed bug when properties are assigned to objects.

  • The "Design options" dialog box is enhanced. If several design options with completely identical input data are specified in the dialog box, the program will check and display a warning about it.

  • Enhanced algorithm for assigning more than one type of pilot reinforcement (PR) to columns.

How to assign several PR types to one column

How to assign several PR types to one column
  • Modified and improved algorithms for finding intersections of objects:

  • Corrected function: determining the interposition for a rib of a beam side surface and a rectangle of column surface. In some cases, unnecessary intersections were created.

  • In the functions of intersection between real volumes, the search parameter assigned to elements is used. Until now, in some cases it was taken from the settings for the meshed model and the setting assigned to elements was ignored.

  • Fixed for plates. The "Real volumes" worked only if they were assigned to both elements, otherwise the simplified method "By axial lines and volumes" was applied. Now if a "Real volumes" intersection option is defined for either of the two elements, this option will be applied.

  • Corrected algorithm for intersection of surfaces. Fixed bug: creation of unnecessary PRBs. So, in some cases it was not possible to transfer the model to LIRA-FEM.

  • Fixed bug: visual isolation of Shafts in the analytical presentation of the model. When activating the "Current storey" command, the shafts were displayed on all storeys.

  • New option to define the input data for the dynamics module (32) of SNRA 20.04-2020, Republic of Armenia.

Dynamics module (32) SNRA 20.04-2020, Republic of Armenia

Dynamics module (32) SNRA 20.04-2020, Republic of Armenia
  • Optimised process of load application to the object: fixed bug when the concentrated load applied to the column was not applied to the object in the meshed model.

  • L and R search parameters are added for wall, column, beam and slab objects with the "Load" interpretation.

  • Enhanced mode for visualisation of the current storey for space loads in the physical and analytical presentation of the model.

  • Fixed bug: incorrect designation for direction of the "Soil pressure" in the architectural and meshed models.

  • Clarified option to transfer the uniformly distributed loads on bars when the "By whole finite element" option is selected.

  • Added option: to define multiple special loads for elements rather than one as in previous releases of the program.

  • Enhanced algorithm for distribution of dead weight of elements to different load cases. Unlike previous versions, when the load from dead weight could only be placed into a duplicate dead weight load case, it is now possible to place the load from dead weight into any load case.

How to collect the dead weight into a custom load case

How to collect the dead weight into a custom load case
  • In the "Create new meshed model" dialog box, there is a new command that allows you to customize parameters of a new meshed model. The previously specified data may be saved.

Project settings for generating a meshed model

Project settings for generating a meshed model
  • The transfer of the meshed model from LIRA-CAD module to VISOR module is accelerated. The speed of saving option varies and depends on the content of the model. On average, the meshed model is transferred to VISOR module 3-5 times faster than in previous versions of LIRA-CAD module.

Transfer of the meshed model is accelerated

Transfer of the meshed model is accelerated

IFC improvements

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024 16:28:19

A major improvement that offers more precise and adaptable parameter settings when importing IFC files is included in the latest release. As a result, users now have the ability to establish more detailed relationships between parameters of an IFC object and parameters of objects in the LIRA-CAD module. Each particular kind of object can have this customization applied; it helps with more precise and customized data import.

The following key changes and improvements should be noted:

  • Parameters of IFC objects: Now, when importing an IFC file, users can customize parameters of the IFC objects so that they correspond to parameters of objects in the LIRA-CAD module. This makes it possible for the two systems to match data more precisely and facilitates a quicker import procedure.

  • Matching for materials and cross-sections: A new option to match materials and cross-sections in elements is added for more in-depth modelling and evaluation. When importing data from IFC, this helps the user determine the element properties more precisely.

  • Assign properties to structural elements: Now you can assign properties to structural elements. Then, such elements are imported to LIRA-CAD either with all properties or with selected ones. This makes it possible to fill the model with the necessary information in LIRA-CAD module.

Import IFC with parameter settings
  • Filters for objects: New functionality enables the user to filter objects based on the parameters used in IFC objects. This makes it easier to find objects that have a certain set of parameters.

  • Export of elements with built-up sections: This feature expands the possibilities for platform and system integration by enabling the export of elements with built-up sections to IFC.

Export IFC: built-up sections
  • Check the model after import: When the building information model is imported and the frame structure is created, a check for possible errors is made for the entire model. The inaccuracies are subsequently corrected in an automated procedure.

These updates make working with IFC files much more accurate and flexible. They also make it easier to integrate IFC with the LIRA-CAD module, which in turn helps to design building structures more precisely and efficiently.

Translucent elements

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:17:02
  • For more productive work with the model, there is a visualization mode in which you can assign translucency to selected objects. 

    These parameters can be defined either with the "Apply Translucency" command for selected objects and individually in the "Properties" dialog box.

    The degree of translucency is defined in the "Visualization" dialog box.

How to manage the translucency of elements

How to manage the translucency of elements
  • In the new version of the program, for the "Elements translucency" mode, the way of selecting constructive objects is changed. Now to select them, it is necessary just to click the object's edge. For example, it allows you to select columns that are behind the wall. This option greatly simplifies the process of selecting the necessary objects in the model.

  • In LIRA-CAD module, you can use a visualization filter that allows you to select the currently active storey for better visibility. When the filter is activated, objects that belong to the current storey will automatically become visible, while objects on other storey will be hidden.

    This mode also provides flexible setting of the "Display together with current storey" option that is activated when you hold down the SHIFT key and click the "Current storey only" command. In this mode it is possible to configure which elements of adjacent storeys should be displayed together with the currently active storey, such as load-bearing walls, partitions and columns that belong to adjacent storeys above or below the current storey.

  • The new version of the software has added the ability to display "underlays" on certain storeys; it greatly facilitates the process of generating and analysing the building model.

    Moreover, there is an option to hide the soil model when visualising only the current storey is visualized.

  • The visual isolation of the active storey is improved. The visibility filter can now be applied to: pile arrays, wind loads and soil pressure loads on basement walls. 

Seismic isolators

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:15:20

For friction FEs 263/264, the "Unloading with initial stiffness" option is implemented. With this option, you can apply the hysteresis behaviour of FE in the cyclic loading: the friction load T=N*mf, where mf is the friction coefficient defined in the stiffness parameters, activates when the direction of motion changes (i.e., when the velocity equals 0). In "unloading with initial stiffness", the FE of friction enables you to describe, for example, the behaviour of a friction seismic isolator and, in combined behaviour with the FE of an elastic spring, a friction pendulum seismic isolator.

Friction pendulum seismic isolator

Friction pendulum seismic isolator

Analytical model

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024 16:36:50
  • A new functionality has been introduced that allows you to precisely define the intersection line between the ramp and the curved wall it rests on or intersects with. This solution automatically creates the intersection line along the contour of the interaction between the two elements. In this way, an integrated coordination of the ramp with the curved wall is ensured, which contributes to a more correct connection between the ramp and the wall in both the physical and analytical models. Engineers can build complex curvilinear shapes much more easily thanks to this approach, which also increases modelling accuracy for complex elements.

Ramp cleanup

Ramp cleanup
  • The new command "Do not intersect in the meshed model" allows you to configure (in the physical model) that two selected objects will not work together. The command is universal and may be applied to different types of objects. For example, to remove intersections between objects within the deformation joint. The configured intersection prohibitions can be checked in the "Manage links of object" dialog box.

Do not intersect

Do not intersect
  • The program incorporates a new approach to verify if the ground-floor objects have supports. Links are automatically made for such vertical elements along specific directions in case there are no supports. In the new version of the program a check for the presence of foundation beams under such types of objects is added.
  • A new option is to create a bar analogue for walls not only in a vertical direction (BA pylon) but also in a horizontal direction (BA wall-beam). For the bar analogue, it is possible to specify the number of division zones or the division step for the target bar.
  • Depending on the load-bearing structure of the staircase (stair carriages, stair stringers, or monolithic reinforced concrete), the materials for the design of the stair elements may be defined. For the plates or bars of the stairs, it is possible to specify general parameters, parameters of concrete and reinforcement for analysis or steel class, design parameters, and selection limitations for the steel analysis.
  • Unification of local axes of capital and column base. There are 3 options for the unification of local axes: globally, parallel to the global axes; along the floor slab, parallel to the local axes in the floor slab; and radially, parallel to the column centre.
  • The Special Element tool is enhanced. Now you can manually define the coupled DOF and hinges between any objects.
  • Triangulation points may be defined over columns and triangulation lines over walls in inclined slabs. It is also possible to create arbitrary points and triangulation lines on inclined slabs.
  • New functionality to make it easier to create and edit walls. Additional points at the top of the wall are included in the tool. The new features provide more accurate positioning of walls and more reliable interaction with other elements at the same level.
  • Additional design parameters are introduced to the building model; these parameters are utilised in the finite element analysis (FEA). Rz, the ultimate load on an elastic foundation in the direction of the local Z1-axis of the finite element, is a new parameter introduced to the foundation slab. This enhancement makes it possible for you to perform a nonlinear FEA and more precisely consider the impact of this parameter.
  • The "Align model" tool is enhanced to align the wall's analytical component as well as its physical structure. This enhancement is available in both "Analytics" and "Editable analytics" modes. This option makes it possible to efficiently align the "analytics" of the wall with other objects and, as a result, obtain higher quality analytical model (of the building).
Align the wall analytics
  • The "Align model" functionality in the software is significantly improved not only for walls, but also for slabs. The slabs are aligned for both physical and analytical models. This not only speeds up the process of generating and modifying architectural and analytical building models, but also contributes to improving the accuracy and quality of the design.
Align the slab analytics
  • For stairs where the stair carriages are the load-bearing components, several modifications are made. The ability to define the design material parameters for reinforced concrete and steel is one of the modifications. It is feasible to configure the following settings for steel stair carriages:
    • element type;
    • partial safety factors and load factors;
    • presence of stiffening ribs;
    • deflection value;
    • input data for the stability analysis;
    • in the analysis of the cross-section, you can define the required dimensional limits and the program will carry out an analysis within the range.
  • In LIRA-CAD 2024, it is possible to independently manage the combined behaviour of elements with the perfectly rigid body (PRB). There is a new option to generate PRB as a separate special element. This tool will allow you to create high-quality meshed models as well as more flexible management of the combined behaviour of elements. Generated PRBs can be copied by the element itself or to other elements. It is also possible to add a PRB as a template to the Library and use it in other projects.

PRB special element

PRB special element

New types of perfectly rigid body (PRB)

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:09:16
  • New types of perfectly rigid bodies (PRBs) are added along the directions for degrees of freedom (DOF) in the system: 

    • All degrees of freedom;
    • X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ;
    • Z, UX, UY; 
    • Y, UX, UZ;
    • X, UY, UZ; 
    • X, Y, UZ; 
    • X, Z, UY; 
    • Y, Z, UX; 
    • X, Y, UX, UY, UZ; 
    • X, Z, UX, UY, UZ; 
    • Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ.


Before the LIRA-SAPR 2024 R1 version of the structural analysis program, the PRB was only of type 1, "All degrees of freedom". This indicated that the slave and master nodes were connected by the same warping values (model type 6), with the exception of the kinematic restraints between X, Y, Z, UX, UY, and UZ.

Types of PRB

Types of PRB

Legend of piles and columns

Last updated: Jan 08, 2024 11:16:07
  • In LIRA-CAD module, it is possible to generate a pile schedule and a legend of symbols (sign notation). This information is placed on the drawing sheet in the form of an editable table.

Pile arrangement
  • Reinforcement types (that are templates for arrangement of rebars in the body of the corresponding RC elements of the structure) can be exported to a DXF file or placed on drawing sheets as editable tables. Tables can be arranged on sheets with many columns if the project involves a variety of reinforcement types. Alternatively, continuation sheets with appropriate table heading format can be used. 

Legend for column reinforcement

Options to generate drawings

Last updated: March 24, 2024
  • New option to define the nonuniform load in arbitrary directions on a group of nodes/bars/plates; this option will be useful in specifying load from snow mound, nonuniform load on walls from soil pressure, etc.

How to define the trapezoidal load along the vector on a group of plates

How to define the trapezoidal load along the vector on a group of plates
  • New option to move selected nodes to a specified node, to a specified line or to the axis of a chain of bars. This tool will be useful, for example, when correcting the triangulation of a network with plane FEs. It is also useful when models are imported with some deviation of bars from vertical or horizontal.

How to move the selected nodes to the specified straight line

How to move the selected nodes to the specified straight line
  • New option: offsets for selected bars will be generated in the selected nodes.

  • New options to visualize centres of forces according to calculated coordinates and load vectors according to calculated total loads, loads on fragment, inertial loads and weights of masses.

Visualization of force centres and load vectors

Visualization of force centres and load vectors
  • New mode in which only model elements with assigned stiffness types / materials / types of pilot reinforcement (PR) highlighted in the corresponding lists will be displayed / fragmented. The fragmentation command may be applied to the whole model and to the current model fragment.

Presentation / fragmentation of elements with parameters highlighted in the list
  • For all types of loads (except for loads in time history analysis), it is possible to edit loads in groups. The user could modify the group of loads highlighted in the list. Only load parameters (values, snaps, etc.) may be modified. Load type, coordinate system, direction of load are not modified.

  • New option to edit in groups the nonlinear stiffnesses for standard types of sections, plates, solids and stiffness of joint; option to edit in groups the linear stiffnesses and linear stiffnesses with modified values of stiffness properties (editable stiffnesses).


    If several stiffnesses of the same type are highlighted in the list, you can edit them as a group. In this case, the input fields of the dialog box will contain only values that are the same for all stiffnesses in the group. When values of parameter (visible or hidden) are modified, they will be assigned to each of the stiffnesses in the group. When you modify the linear, editable, nonlinear stiffnesses (in any combination) in groups, it is not possible to modify parameters of editable and nonlinear stiffnesses.

  • In the "Convert results to loads" dialog box, new option "Separate loads on fragment by load cases". When this option is selected, the calculated loads on the fragment (foundation) for each load case are converted into nodal loads and applied to the nodes in the initial load cases. In this case, new load cases are not created.

  • It is allowed to create punching shear contours when the lower node of column (punching node) is below the slab and when the upper node of column (punching node) is above the slab.

DWG export/import improvements

Last updated: November 28, 2023

The tool for import of DWG file is greatly modified in the latest version of LIRA-CAD module, providing a number of new and enhanced features. With the help of this innovative tool, the user can generate new objects unique to LIRA-CAD and more precisely modify settings during the import procedure.

Important aspects in the new version:

  • Import as a block of underlays: Several floor plans can now be included in a single DWG drawing. In order to accomplish this, specify an elevation or list of elevations for each plan and a base point; the plans will be aligned along the height relative to this point. When the data is imported, several floors are generated, and the plans are placed on top of each other.

  • Create new object types: In this version of the program new object types are added, such as main and additional reinforcement in slabs, opening in load, opening in space, thickening in slab and foundation slab, line segment, arc, polyline, and spline. This makes it easy to transform the location of reinforcement in slabs, get drawings in the LIRA-CAD module, and get the reserve factor of a pilot reinforcement (PR).

Import DWG: reinforcement in slabs
  • Use hatching as a basis to generate the building objects: You can now import hatchings from DWG files, it enables you to generate more complex structural objects, loads, spaces, and other elements of the framework.

  • Import 3D polylines: Import of 3D polylines is supported; it enables the user to create objects of complex configuration in the model space.

Import DWG (3D polyline) to LIRA-CAD module
  • Enhanced work with floors: It is now possible to work with each floor independently and define parameters (thickness, section, materials, etc.) for objects on each floor so as to improve flexibility and accuracy of modelling.

  • Save settings to templates: New option to save parameters of objects to templates and save the template to a separate file. This option makes it simpler to share a customised preset data with coworkers, reuse settings, and standardise projects.

  • Model validation: After the import process and when the framework of the structure is generated, the model is validated for possible errors and inaccuracies that may occur during the generation of the building information model.

The LIRA-CAD model is now much more flexible, accurate, and productive thanks to these upgrades, which also greatly enhance the modelling and import procedures. This leads to better and more effective design of engineering structures.

Import DWG

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