Accounting for non-linearity in the slab

Hello, there is a necessity to calculate the plate taking into account nonlinearity. The program says “Stiffness type is not appropriate to FE type”1. which FE is correct in this case?2. on the tab stiffness and materials/stiffness for plate/type of reinforcement there is a button “bar reinforcement (physical equivalent of grid)” it is required to set Hy and Hx. If I have grid with diameter of 12mm and step 200mm along x and y axis. Which values do I need to specify for Hy and Hx?

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Accounting for non-linearity in the slab
Hello, there is a necessity to calculate the plate taking into account nonlinearity.
The program says “Stiffness type is not appropriate to FE type”
1. which FE is correct in this case?
2. on the tab stiffness and materials/stiffness for plate/type of reinforcement there is a button “bar reinforcement (physical equivalent of grid)” it is required to set Hy and Hx. If I have grid with diameter of 12mm and step 200mm along x and y axis. Which values do I need to specify for Hy and Hx?
Hello, zz926!

1) You may use FE 241, 242 and 244 for the calculation. I recommend you to get familiar with the library of finite elements in the reference. There is a lot of useful information.  

2) The calculation is very easy. You have to multiply the area of reinforcement bar (1.131 cm2) by the number of bars that will be placed of one running miter of cross-section. If the step of bars is 200 mm then it will equal to 5 bars. Divide the given value by 100cm, ie “spread” reinforcement on the 1 miter length of the cross-section.  Total we obtain 0.05655 cm.
Thank you!
How to calculate the area of distributed horizontal reinforcement? Cross-section 1000x250(h) (FE210). The diameter of reinforcement equal to 20 mm with the step 150 mm. Is there great difference when calculating a corner reinforcement?
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