Good evening! Help me to understand, please. I want to analyze seismicity in accordance to Eurocode and I have a few questions for which there are no explanatory answers:
Thank you in advance for your help
- It is necessary to set independently a few parameters. It is all clear with “behavior factor” and soils. The last factor probably is betta, that is equal to 0.2 (correct me if I wrong). What is "correction factor for earthquake loads"? Is it building importance factor gamma 1? If no, how to take into account the importance factor of the building? Finally, main question for parameters: what is “regional factor”? Eurocode does not have it. How to set it and what it considers?
- It is possible to choose only type1 or type2 from spectrum; however, there are other for spectrum coefficients for other countries. Is it somehow possible to set coefficients Tb, Tc, Td and S independently for the spectrum?
- It is possible to choose earthquake (5) or special during setting the DCF table. There are only ÑÍèÏ and ÑÏ as normative documents. How it affects the analysis and does it matter?
- Is it necessary to set coefficient 0.9 or 1 at transformation of static loads into masses?
Thank you in advance for your help