Does LIRA 2013 and SAPFIR 2014 work normally together?

Greetings to you, forum users! I have a question. Does LIRA 2013 and SAPFIR 2014 work normally together? It means, weather reinforcement from LIRA properly transferred to SAPFIR or not? Can there be any problems?

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Does LIRA 2013 and SAPFIR 2014 work normally together?
Greetings to you, forum users!

I have a question. Does LIRA 2013 and SAPFIR 2014 work normally together? It means, weather reinforcement from LIRA properly transferred to SAPFIR or not? Can there be any problems?
Edited: chuyits - Oct 22, 2014 14:02:32
The reinforcement from LIRA 2013 to SAPFIR 2013 is transferred, except results for columns. There is a nuance. To get the scheme in LIRA 2013, primarily it is required to import it there. The file s2l, generated by SAPFIR 2014 for calculation in LIRA is not compatible with LIRA 2013.
You can use all the advantages of SAPFIR 2014 to crate model. Then save your model for SAPFIR 2013 (menu command File – Save as, in the file type select SAPFIR 2013). Now open spf file by SAPFIR 2013 (as I suspect that you have it) and create s2l file for LIRA. Next, continue to work as usual.
Thank you very much for your reply!
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