Remote update of hardware key
Detailed description of update procedure. How to work with KeyUserInfo utility to edit configuration of the programs.
To edit configuration of the programs, in the Information about hardware key dialog box (see Fig.1), perform the following steps:
1. Prepare and send an update request;
2. Receive update file and update the key data.
These steps are used for remote update of key memory and end-users are not recommended to perform them without special instructions.
Note. If the hardware protection key is not connected to the computer or more than one key is found, then the key cannot be initialized.
Preparing the hardware key to update procedure
To prepare the hardware key for remote update of the key memory, in the KeyUserInfo.exe utility dialog box, select the Select mode of preparing update request for the key option that is located in the Update request area and then click Save. In the Generate update request file dialog box (see Fig.2), select directory where you want to save the file with update request and click Save. Then send this file with your contact data to our representatives or our company.
The Select mode of updating the key option (located in the Update area in the KeyUserInfo utility box) will automatically become active as soon as update request file is generated.
Important. Only one update file corresponds to a certain file of update request. That’s why, when you save the update request file, it is necessary to wait for the update file itself.
Updating memory of the hardware key
KeyUserInfo.exe utility and the update file that contains all necessary modifications are used to modify configuration of your hardware key. This update file you will obtain from developers by e-mail.
Insert the hardware key to the port and start the KeyUserInfo.exe utility. In the KeyUserInfo.exe utility box (see Fig.1), select the Select mode of updating the key memory option that is located in the Update area, and then click the Select update file button . In the Select update file dialog box (see Fig.3), select the directory where you saved the update file for the key. Then select the received file from the list and click Open.
Then, in the KeyUserInfo.exe utility window (see Fig.1), click Apply button located in the Update area.
When the Select mode of updating the key option is selected, the Select update file button located in the Update area in the KeyUserInfo utility box will be inactive until the request for key update is generated.
If the hardware key is authorized successfully, you will get a message ‘Key memory successfully updated’. Then, click the Read the key button located in the Information area of the KeyUserInfo.exe utility.
If the key memory was not updated or necessary programs do not work properly, contact our Technical Support Team
Note. It is recommended to use automatically generated names for request file and update file because the key ID is mentioned in both these file names. This information helps you quickly identify the pair of necessary files (request and update) and the hardware key connected to the computer.